PS3 Impressions and Opinions Thread **Now includes pricing information**

NokkonWud said:
Hate to burst your bubble, realtime does not mean ingame. It's also a promotion for character design, not ingame shots.

Top one is ingame,seen the footage?
You can tell which is ingame from what isn't
To be honest I dont know why everyone is going on about price for - £330 isnt at all bad for what you will get and £400 for the top model (ok so £120 more than premium x360 but remember you are gettig a bigger hdd as well as the highlly expensive blue -ray compared to a noisy dvd drive)

I am the first to agree that its a big jump- but its better than what people where saying a few months ago.

The xbox was easier to program for but seemingly (from an external point of view) it didnt seem to progress in "wow"factor so much over its life time. On the other hand, the PS2 was reasonable (if not very good) on initial release and to my mind the wow factor lasted asround 3 or four years as the dev teams found out new tricks to program with etc

So the X360 has the initial lead in a graphical sense, but long term my bet still goes with the PS3. No real point in slagging any software off now - its 6 months plus before it has to go "gold" - in that time frame a lot can be done to improve the look and feel of a game (imo)

If there is competition in the market place neither side can be "lazy" so we are all winners, so bring on the PS3
Psycho Ned said:
PS3 is always gonna sell loads to Joe Public even if sony **** in a box and called it the playstation poo

First we had the Nintendo Wii, now the Playstation poo... I'd hate to think what MS are bringing to the errrr... toilet...
one thing that a lot of people have forgotten is that because a lot of people/kids own a ps2 already and have games for that then the only logical reason for them is to get a PS3 so they can continue to play their PS2 game on it, even more so for little Timmy as Mummy Timmy won't want to be buying £50 games
Interesting news - Microsoft and XBOX 360 have secured initial release rights for... wait for it... Grand Theft Auto IV. However it is also worth note that Rockstar is to release it for PS3 also. EDIT: See Below - again I have been misled by the reporting of the people at The Inquirer - you'd think I'd learn!!! :p


EDIT: Game is to be release on both platforms at the same time - scratch comment on MS/X360 pressure on SONY :)
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SteveOBHave said:
Interesting news - Microsoft and XBOX 360 have secured initial release rights for... wait for it... Grand Theft Auto IV.

I'd suggest that it is as close to a killer game as Halo was to the XBOX and as such MS have really put the pressure on SONY to release something really spectacular on launch day.

Its not exclusive though, and when it comes out the PS3 will have been out a year the xbox360 nearly 2, it wont swing people as much either way now.
If it had been coming out in the next few months, then that would have been itneresting
Its not exclusive though, and when it comes out the PS3 will have been out a year the xbox360 nearly 2, it wont swing people as much either way now.
If it had been coming out in the next few months, then that would have been itneresting

You are dead right - actually I have done some more investigation and the game will be release simultaneously on both consoles... scratch comment on Killer App for X360 :)
Im hope im wrong

But.............I heard on the news this morning that UK prices for PS3 and all related accessories/games will be approx 26% higher in price than anywhere else

Did someone say Rip off britian?

Im no fanboy but i really hope the masses show $ony where to stick there precious "next gen"
The pricing is quite high which is the problem(£340-£399). On value it beats the 360 handily. Even the value PS3 pack is much better than the premium xbox 360.

The reason the US game sites are mad over the price is that they went from from $299 consoles to $599 consoles. A doubling in price. In the UK i would say the game prices are the real culprit. Going from £40 to £50 is a bit much.

Dom- said:
Top one is ingame,seen the footage?
You can tell which is ingame from what isn't

All are ingame graphics. Infact Sont had more ingame graphics showing than anyone this e3.
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fdxd said:
The pricing is quite high which is the problem(£340-£399). On value it beats the 360 handily. Even the value PS3 pack is much better than the premium xbox 360.

How have you worked that out?

From what I can tell the value PS3 pack (£340 I take it) is pretty much the same component wise as the 360 premium (20gb HD etc) yet costs £60 more.

Bit stumped here?! :confused:
£399 for the basic pack and £479 would be my guess. Those are figures based upon the 499 Euro and 599 Euro expected price points in Europe, with 17.5% VAT added on. :/
Even with WiFi built-in, you're going to be looking at about £600 for the premium console, an extra pad and a couple of games. And that's assuming that online gaming will be free! :(

I always say myself getting a PS3, but I doubt I will now. I'll at the very least wait until the price of the premium console falls to £300 or less.
SteveOBHave said:
Interesting news - Microsoft and XBOX 360 have secured initial release rights for... wait for it... Grand Theft Auto IV. However it is also worth note that Rockstar is to release it for PS3 also. EDIT: See Below - again I have been misled by the reporting of the people at The Inquirer - you'd think I'd learn!!! :p


EDIT: Game is to be release on both platforms at the same time - scratch comment on MS/X360 pressure on SONY :)

Of course it's pressure for goodness sake, one of the key franchise's for playstation ( look at the sales figures it sold more than any other PS2 game), will be available at the same time ( no longer PS exclusive, not even for 6 months ) for a cheaper competitor with no difference in graphics, and xbox owners will get new content for the game. The main thing about this announcement is that rockstar are giving both platforms equal support where as in the xbox/ps2 era sony got preferrential treatment due to their dominance, rockstar have seen that this time sony might not be market leader as they have seen that ms have given sony the most trouble they have yet encountered in the games console market
fdxd said:
The pricing is quite high which is the problem(£340-£399). On value it beats the 360 handily. Even the value PS3 pack is much better than the premium xbox 360.

The reason the US game sites are mad over the price is that they went from from $299 consoles to $599 consoles. A doubling in price. In the UK i would say the game prices are the real culprit. Going from £40 to £50 is a bit much.

All are ingame graphics. Infact Sont had more ingame graphics showing than anyone this e3.

Hello sony output more pre-rendered footage than most hollywood special effects studios, nintendo and ms shows alone had far more games on show and only a handful of them were pre-rendered
Needles said:
Of course it's pressure for goodness sake, one of the key franchise's for playstation ( look at the sales figures it sold more than any other PS2 game), will be available at the same time ( no longer PS exclusive, not even for 6 months ) for a cheaper competitor with no difference in graphics, and xbox owners will get new content for the game. The main thing about this announcement is that rockstar are giving both platforms equal support where as in the xbox/ps2 era sony got preferrential treatment due to their dominance, rockstar have seen that this time sony might not be market leader as they have seen that ms have given sony the most trouble they have yet encountered in the games console market

Fair call. I won't argue with that, didn't think of that angle...

We always new that the PS3 would have an uphill battle. I wonder if this will be a half reasonable benchmark between the PS3 and 360? It may show up which of the consoles are causing the developers more headaches...
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I definately think that the good times are over for Sony and the huge lead they are used to isnt going to get any bigger and is most likely going to shrink.

The PSP has been a bit of a failure as it hasnt rolled Nintendo over as im sure they expected to do when announcing it due to a few factors imo (loading times, PS2 games on a handheld isnt what handheld gamings about, battery life, trying to shove UMD down peoples throats) and the PS3's opening pricing structure and packages seem wrong as well, it just seems Sonys lost the plot and are making it up as they go along.

Blatently the main cost issue of the PS3 is the Blu Ray drive which isnt going to be worth the sales cost of having it in imo as unlike DVD not everyone can currently use the features of HD (doubt more than 5-10% of the country has a HD TV atm).

M$ has made a huge effort this gen I feel with the 360, it's a great console with some great features (and a not so great reliability record :p) and has got a lot coming up in the coming year by which time Sony wont even be out the starting gate.
oweneades said:
How have you worked that out?

From what I can tell the value PS3 pack (£340 I take it) is pretty much the same component wise as the 360 premium (20gb HD etc) yet costs £60 more.

Bit stumped here?! :confused:

No they arent the same. Have a look. The PS3 value pack is much better than the Premium xbox 360 pack. Value wise they win hands down.

nintendo and ms shows alone had far more games on show and only a handful of them were pre-rendered

Sony had hardly any prerendered/CG games this time. Not even a handful. They ha dmore playable games than both companies too! Which is a first :p
Indeed Mr OBhave, this will be a good indicator of how well rockstar have got to grips with developing for each platform, but with rockstar already begun to develop for 360 ( tabletennis ) and that fact that developer kits for PS3 are not out until june/july they will have an uphill struggle to get to grips with PS3. I think in terms of the constant bickering between 360/ps3 fans then I think it has to do with all the falsehoods put out against 360 aswell as against ps3, i.e. 360 can't do real hi-def ( wrong ), releasing two different models is stupid ( correct when it means you lose out one of sony's key battle grounds, blu-ray hi-def playback ) and PS3 graphics will own 360's ( can't happen, although each might be better at certain techniques ther will be no discernable difference ). I think each will have it's own market and support but as for an out and out winner, well let's just say it has become a whole different battleground since xbox/ps2.
Needles said:
Hello sony output more pre-rendered footage than most hollywood special effects studios, nintendo and ms shows alone had far more games on show and only a handful of them were pre-rendered

*cough* LOL nothing like a small sweeping statement to make a point :p
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