PS4 and Xbox Rumours

im not sure how to take this line to be honest

An unnamed developer talking to Edge magazine said that stock issues meant the launch would have to be staggered across the regions

as sony still haven't started to produce the machines so im not sure how a dev would know what the possible stock levels could be, but like i said a good educated guess would be march next year.

if it did end up september time and xbox 720 has shipped then sony have dropped the ball again, hopefully it wont be a total shambles and we'l get our grubby mitts on one before next summer.
if it doesnt ship with a bluray drive i can see a lot of people being a tad ticked off at having to download 50gigs a game.
I can't imagine it not having a blu-ray drive, especially if they're pushing the whole 'media hub' thing. This gen has already proved DVD isn't big enough, it has to have a large disc based storage medium.
yeah i hope its wrong i really do hope it as blu-ray otherwise there gose my next xbox preorder out the window i may just go for ps4 as i was planning on geting them both o well lets hope its wrong and i can see your point gac :)
It might not have a Blu-ray drive for playing Blu-ray movie discs but it will have an optical drive capable of handling 50GB discs. They're probably just going for a proprietary format like Nintendo have with the Wii U.
It might not have a Blu-ray drive for playing Blu-ray movie discs but it will have an optical drive capable of handling 50GB discs. They're probably just going for a proprietary format like Nintendo have with the Wii U.

i didnt think it was posible to 50 gigs on a normal cd sorry if i miss understood you :)

They could go for the old HD-DVD format. The one that lost out to the BluRay war.

No drives produced for it anymore, would make disc duplication in the pirate market extremely difficult.
They could go for the old HD-DVD format. The one that lost out to the BluRay war.

No drives produced for it anymore, would make disc duplication in the pirate market extremely difficult.
I thought they might do this a while back for the same reasoning as you, though I cant see them not backing BD as a game format, especially as they just cant really ignore it for media playback. That article seems to imply it will support BD but as an additional peripheral like the old HD-DVD drive for the 360 - that doesnt sound good at all...

Got to be wrong...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Could it just be that it is not a Blu-Ray movie player but does support Blu-Ray discs for games? A way to save money on licensing patents/technology or something?

I seem to recall Wii did the same. DVD drive, but no movie playback. Didn't really affect its sales, although I think they may have later added DVD playback via the store or on special edition hardware?

I don't think Blu-Ray movie players are as common place yet as DVD players were when Nintendo pulled that move, but I think a lot of people are just going to skip Blu-ray tbh. I don't think it will ever have the same penetration in the home as DVD enjoyed/enjoys.

I got a ps3 the other week and bought bf3 2nd hand just to play with some friends, even though i have it on the pc. I was kinda shocked that you also have to pay an extra £8 just to play it online, same goes for bulletstorm. Obviously i wasn't bothered about bulletstorm, but i've got a rough idea we'll be seeing a lot more of that in the next consoles. They most likely wont kill off 2nd hand games, but they'll sure as hell make sure you want to buy new most of the time.
Could it just be that it is not a Blu-Ray movie player but does support Blu-Ray discs for games? A way to save money on licensing patents/technology or something?

I seem to recall Wii did the same. DVD drive, but no movie playback. Didn't really affect its sales, although I think they may have later added DVD playback via the store or on special edition hardware?

I don't think Blu-Ray movie players are as common place yet as DVD players were when Nintendo pulled that move, but I think a lot of people are just going to skip Blu-ray tbh. I don't think it will ever have the same penetration in the home as DVD enjoyed/enjoys.

I just thought to have a BD drive full stop requires paying the BDA license let alone if it plays media files or not. Im not at all clued up on how the licensing works, but Id expect it to be not as expensive as putting the physical BD drive in in the first place.

BD long term will be fine, especially with 4K et al, its not like those kinda of super-high quality films will be streamable anytime soon. BD has its place, more likely next to inferior downloadable digital formats - just like CD has right now...

ps3ud0 :cool:
If it doesn't come with Bluray, then its doomed. PS4 will easily be the choice for the masses.

No doubt whatsoever!
I just thought to have a BD drive full stop requires paying the BDA license let alone if it plays media files or not. Im not at all clued up on how the licensing works, but Id expect it to be not as expensive as putting the physical BD drive in in the first place.

As far as I'm aware, that's correct. The Wii and WiiU, for example, don't use DVDs but their own format. Avoids paying the licensing fees etc.
From what Ive quickly googled you need to have at least a FLLA license to manufacturer anything BD related

ps3ud0 :cool:
I may get one as long as they don't rip us off with pricing (though Australia always cops it worse) by doing something like US$1=£1, I'd be happy with a price of around £270 (fair amount given the US estimate), much more than that and it's only more likely I won't be getting one, it does also depend on receiving more information about the system though.

Obviously, but how do you suggest people use these while sitting on a sofa?

I've gamed plenty of times on couch with keyboard in lap and using mouse on arm rest, also use laptops this way (absolutely hate the little touch pad) it's not uncomfortable at all. In fact I'd personally say it's more comfortable playing this way than it is to use a controller for FPS.

I do really hope keyboard and mouse support is used this time around, only something like 3 games took advantage of the PS3's native support for them (and I believe none of them were first party titles). It would be immense if we got a decent RTS on console too with normal controls.

I got a ps3 the other week and bought bf3 2nd hand just to play with some friends, even though i have it on the pc. I was kinda shocked that you also have to pay an extra £8 just to play it online, same goes for bulletstorm. Obviously i wasn't bothered about bulletstorm, but i've got a rough idea we'll be seeing a lot more of that in the next consoles. They most likely wont kill off 2nd hand games, but they'll sure as hell make sure you want to buy new most of the time.

You can blame EA for that. I don't buy anything from EA or companies that use an online pass system(only exception being Sony hardware and PS+), I think it's wrong so I won't justify it. It's for this reason I actually stopped buying so many games new and turned to used/renting instead.
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