***Quest Pro Owners Club***

The latest PTC of V53 just dropped and it's a huge improvement. Rock solid airlink which looks amazing, the wake up bug is fixed, and no tracking issues though the right index finger detection still seems a bit dodgy.

Overall much better though.
The local dimming is astounding though. Inky blacks and it looks like an OLED display.
I've just bought a Pro for Elite Dangerous based on comments like this and it's terrible. It's the worst black levels I've seen in a VR headset. With local dimming switched on and a pure 100% black screen it does go black. The moment something else appears on the screen a huge blooming light grey blob appears around it. Is my headset broken?
I'd say it's like this, probably worse even
I've just bought a Pro for Elite Dangerous based on comments like this and it's terrible. It's the worst black levels I've seen in a VR headset. With local dimming switched on and a pure 100% black screen it does go black. The moment something else appears on the screen a huge blooming light grey blob appears around it. Is my headset broken?
I'd say it's like this, probably worse even

This is how local dimming works. However try dropping the brightness to 80%, then in the Acessibility settings turn the contrast up a bit. That will improve black levels and reduce the glow, but it won't entirely remove it.

If you don't like the glow you can turn Local Dimming off in the Oculus Debug Tool. The Pro has pretty good black levels compared to other LCD headsets anyway. I played Elite before Local Dimming was available and it looked amazing.
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This is how local dimming works. However try dropping the brightness to 80%, then in the Acessibility settings turn the contrast up a bit. That will improve black levels and reduce the glow, but it won't entirely remove it.
Not really astounding inky blacks just like an OLED is it then?
If you don't like the glow you can turn Local Dimming off in the Oculus Debug Tool. The Pro has pretty good black levels compared to other LCD headsets anyway. I played Elite before Local Dimming was available and it looked amazing.
I'm returning it. It's terrible. Nothing about this headset looks amazing in dark scenes.
Not really astounding inky blacks just like an OLED is it then?

I'm returning it. It's terrible. Nothing about this headset looks amazing in dark scenes.

Did you try the tweaks I suggested?

Of course this isn't going to be OLED quality blacks as it's not an OLED but you also get a larger apparent resolution due to the subpixel arrangement a wider colour gamut than other LCD headsets, and the clearest, sharpest lenses on the market. Plus there's no mura and almost no god-rays which are an issue with OLED headsets.
Take a look at what users are saying about the PSVR2's displays which have high resolution OLED displays with fresnel lenses. It's not all good - mura, smearing and small sweet spot detract from the black levels.

And as I said, if you turn off local dimming the black levels in Elite are pretty good on the Pro and are way better than my Index or Quest 2, with the bonus of it being a far sharper and vibrant image.
For those with a Quest Pro who play DCS. The guy who’s managed to get dynamic foveated rendering running in DCS for the Varjo Aero has stated that he’s nearly got DFR running on the Quest Pro.
Take a look at what users are saying about the PSVR2's displays which have high resolution OLED displays with fresnel lenses. It's not all good - mura, smearing and small sweet spot detract from the black levels.

And as I said, if you turn off local dimming the black levels in Elite are pretty good on the Pro and are way better than my Index or Quest 2, with the bonus of it being a far sharper and vibrant image.

PSVR2 was overhyped

The OLED screen is very bright and hdr colors looks awesome. But the lenses completely ruin the experience- as you said it has lots of smearing in motion and a small sweet spot
Is it clear yet how the two compare, and therefore which is the best bang-for-buck purchase? Or does it depend on the PC that's driving it?

We know some of the specs, but until someone conducts a side by side, we’re not going to know.

My current understanding is:
- Q3 has a slightly higher resolution. However, the QP uses two screens instead of one, and apparently makes more use of its pixels. So it could be that the “effective” resolution of the QP is higher, and having fewer pixels easier to drive
- The Q3 gets a newer processor. Good for both locally installed and also decoding the PCVR stream as it’s supports the new AV1 video codec. It’s worth being aware that the only GPUs that can encode to AV1 are Nvidia 4K units
- The QP “probably” has smarter controllers
- The QP includes eye tracking. This is a big one that I care about, as dynamic foveated rendering is now working with DCS in the QP. So the price difference is a bit like paying for a faster GPU, as that will be the implications
- The Q3 has depth perception, which will make use in rooms safer if you’re moving about

Overall, my opinion is that the QP is better for PCVR, the Q3 for stand-alone
We know some of the specs, but until someone conducts a side by side, we’re not going to know.

My current understanding is:
- Q3 has a slightly higher resolution. However, the QP uses two screens instead of one, and apparently makes more use of its pixels. So it could be that the “effective” resolution of the QP is higher, and having fewer pixels easier to drive
- The Q3 gets a newer processor. Good for both locally installed and also decoding the PCVR stream as it’s supports the new AV1 video codec. It’s worth being aware that the only GPUs that can encode to AV1 are Nvidia 4K units
- The QP “probably” has smarter controllers
- The QP includes eye tracking. This is a big one that I care about, as dynamic foveated rendering is now working with DCS in the QP. So the price difference is a bit like paying for a faster GPU, as that will be the implications
- The Q3 has depth perception, which will make use in rooms safer if you’re moving about

Overall, my opinion is that the QP is better for PCVR, the Q3 for stand-alone

The 7xxx series from AMD has AV1 encoding too, as do the Intel Arc cards.

AV1 encoding vs eye tracking will be interesting. I read somewhere a suggestion that there's still a huge amount to be done with how the data is streamed etc, it may have been in reference to AV1 encoding vs the others though.
or pay £500 for a brand new Quest 3
i wish it was that simple..... whilst the Q3 has a better processor, the quest pro has better FOV (in all likely hood) 2 screens to make better use of resolution, eye tracking and foveated rendering, better controller tracking (and outdoor controller tracking, not sure how that will work with Q3 - may be ok but its unknown) and better ergonomics.

if i was 100% happy buying from ebay for me the pro is worth £200 more than a Q3 assuming all the info so far is accurate.
on Q3 vs QP on what is currently known i'm choosing Q3 for a few reasons : AR/MR will be better on the Q3 due to the improved passthrough cameras and depth sensor, i'm looking forward to trying some AR/MR games/apps. the resolution bump is welcome although i expect won't be really noticeable.

eye tracking/DFR/auto ipd would have been nice but not an essential for me, i experienced these with a varjo aero and the DFR fps gains gains over FFR (which the Q3 will have) are non existent and i don't have a use for eye tracking/face tracking in things like VRChat/Horizon Worlds etc as i don't use them. auto ipd is nice but doing it manually is no problem.

being £200 cheaper is welcome, plus it's from a shop with a proper guarantee and not from ebay "unopened" etc. the faster XR2 chip is good but i don't play much standalone so not really sure if i care, although just read in the above posts it will improve pcvr so that's welcome. plus i think having something new and being the latest is something i like with tech so there's that.
ideally what i would like would be Facebook to release a Quest 3 pro and drop the quest pro (pain for quest pro owners i know)

then there would be 2 headsets at 2 price points but ultimately in the same generation of hardware, that way there would be no downsides to buying the quest pro over the quest 3 (except for price) and the pro and none pro headsets would be released at the same time.

bonus points if the pro actually had a proper AV input from the pc but i know that is not going to happen.

£500 and £1000 prices should give a fair bit of wiggle room to have all the good things in the pro headset whilst still having an affordable and impressive headset for bulk sales. (ie if they can do the quest 3 for £500 then surely the pro at £1000 is not unreasonable esp if the core motherboard and what not are the same)
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