***Quest Pro Owners Club***

The Pro's audio is actually pretty good - way better than Quest 2 so most of the time I don't use headphones. I have both KSC75s and the Meta specific earbuds and they both work well though the Meta earbuds are easier to manage due to them being separate. I also have some Koss PortaPros which give equivalent sound to the original CV1, but they don't fit well over the headset arms due to the metal headband.

I've been thinking of repurposing my Rift CV1 headphones by getting some 3D printed adaptors as this would give the best balance of sound quality and convenience.
just tried the wireless using my pc in rift mode. after the initial failure of forgetting to knock back the settings i put in for the wired connection (it was terrible then) but once that was reset it was flawless in a couple of rooms in my house (i have a mesh system which is using my wired network to link the 2 boxes together so have decent coverage for the most part - its not the latest and greatest however just bog standard 5ghz.

i guess maybe there is a slight drop in quality and for seated games i will keep it wired.... but for the rest, well lets just say with robo recall it was the best of both worlds, the glorious freedom of being wireless but without the cut down muddy textures of the quest port.

oh and the deep water pitch black scene in into the blue.............. that really tested the lcd panels.... and considering they are lcd they past with flying colours.

i also had an unexpected (and most unwelcome) test....... the toughness test. my lad knocked the quest off the kitchen work surface and onto our rock hard floor. it was a horrible sound and i fully expected damage......... but (touch wood) it seems to have survived.

my final test wont be for some time as i am away for a few days. if i take the quest it will be standalone but I may just take the steamdeck.

but my final test is to try to get wireless pcvr working in the garden - or at least the patio right outside and only a few feet from one of my mesh boxes.

failing that i may "borrow" a 10m network cable from work and take my mesh box into the garden.

the more i use it the more i think this genuinely is a £1000 headset.

so far my only gripe is a software one not a hardware one...... some of my rift tiles are no longer supported, or work. This is unfortunate.#

some i knew about (Eve Valkyrie and Echo arena) but some not so much....... the sound is broken on shufflepuck cantina deluxe.

i have steam games 15 years old which still work so i am dissapointed that some of my oculus titles are broke, meta say the developers need to patch it to fit with their new rules................ but personally i think that is off, and its more than just online being broken, it has no sound. meta need to do better to not break old games after they update, or at least offer a compatibility mode.
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so far my only gripe is a software one not a hardware one...... some of my rift tiles are no longer supported, or work. This is unfortunate.#

some i knew about (Eve Valkyrie and Echo arena) but some not so much....... the sound is broken on shufflepuck cantina deluxe.

i have steam games 15 years old which still work so i am dissapointed that some of my oculus titles are broke, meta say the developers need to patch it to fit with their new rules................ but personally i think that is off, and its more than just online being broken, it has no sound. meta need to do better to not break old games after they update, or at least offer a compatibility mode.

Unfortunately, it's an inevitability that VR software, hardware and OS's will cease to work as time progresses. If there are games/experiences that you are going to want to play indefinitely, then the only option is to back up a drive with OS, steam/oculus software, graphics drivers and installed games. And then keep it offline.
If you have a really decent Wifi system, then try changing airlink to H264 in the Oculus debug tool, and set the encode bitrate between 300 and 500. You will get far better quality than H265 at 200.

On my 6E router I'm getting wired quality, but wireless.
On the case of old Oculus games the far majority still work for me, and it's been a revelation going back and revisiting older games and seeing them with the enhanced clarity and colour of the Pro. Arktika.1 in particular looks amazing with local dimming. Almost OLED like in quality.

However I guess it's a matter of time before quite a few of these stop working as they're no longer supported.
My overheating controllers and controller drop outs no longer seem to be an issue on V57. Played the entire 2 hour Walkabout minigolf session with no overheating and no controller glitching.

Not sure if that is entirely due to that as I also dropped my 5ghz network down to 80 rather than 160, which avoids using DFS channels that can interfere with the controllers. I may well even turn off the 5Ghz band and just use 6E. The 2.4 band is plenty good enough for my other devices.
Just been experimenting with Airlink settings using Wifi 6E.
Tried increasing the encode rate > 200 for the default (H265) codec and it was unplayably laggy.
Then switched to H264 codec (which is the same as Wired Link I believe) and upped it to 500.

WOW! Wired link visuals but completely wireless! Incredibly smooth, and there's very little compression. It does look a little softer though. There was the odd pause, but that seemed to be my PC processor getting hammered by some processes on my PC and not the link. The link itself was very stable.

Skyrim looks incredible. None of the muddyness you normally get on wireless.

^^^ was an earlier post..
@Ravenger will be along shortly to tell you it's brilliant.. :) (and apparently it really is :) )

Yep it's very good. Can change to h264 encoding and go up to 500mb/s to match wired link quality.

Meta have been regularly breaking Airlink for me recently but going over to 6E and turning off the 5ghz band has massively helped. The Pro controllers use WiFi and some 5ghz channels can interfere., so just using 6E works great.
Yep it's very good. Can change to h264 encoding and go up to 500mb/s to match wired link quality.

Meta have been regularly breaking Airlink for me recently but going over to 6E and turning off the 5ghz band has massively helped. The Pro controllers use WiFi and some 5ghz channels can interfere., so just using 6E works great.

So do you have a 6E router i.e. computer > router > quest pro or do you have a Wi-Fi card in your pc i.e. pc > quest?

I've been holding off getting a headset for years but I'm tempted by a Q3 and Wi-Fi 6E router combo...only thorn I imagine is I'll immediately want to update my 3080FE
So do you have a 6E router i.e. computer > router > quest pro or do you have a Wi-Fi card in your pc i.e. pc > quest?

I've been holding off getting a headset for years but I'm tempted by a Q3 and Wi-Fi 6E router combo...only thorn I imagine is I'll immediately want to update my 3080FE

6E router wired directly to my cable modem and PC.

Apparently the most stable Airlink connection is through the dedicated Airbridge USB dongle but that's not available in the UK.

Also I am playing right next to the router. 6E doesn't go as far as 5g. In fact I have never been able to get a strong enough WiFi signal from a router in my attic (where my PC is) to anywhere else in the house that's good enough for Airlink. Line of sight is the only thing that's worked for me.
it is probably early days for confirmation of such a feature and it's probably long odds anyway... but with lower resolution, the option of a 72hz refresh rate and foveated rendering.... has there been any chat about whether the quest pro will be able to run any of the upgraded quest 3 titles?
it is probably early days for confirmation of such a feature and it's probably long odds anyway... but with lower resolution, the option of a 72hz refresh rate and foveated rendering.... has there been any chat about whether the quest pro will be able to run any of the upgraded quest 3 titles?

I doubt it
The pro has last gen chips
The quest 3 has gen 2
I doubt it
The pro has last gen chips
The quest 3 has gen 2
maybe .... I suspect it will be more of a marketing decision / lack of a will to do it rather than a technical one . as far as I know the new chip does not have any new inherent features (like ray tracing or what ever) it's just a lot faster

if that is the case then the lower frame rate needed for the pro, combined with resolution and foveated rendering.... put it this way I would be interested to see how it coped with the increased visuals even if only as an unsupported perpetual beta mode.
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I suspect we're too far away to know. If lots of people request their q2s with q3s, and no one is using q2, maybe it comes about. However, if a significant amount still use the q2, I don't see the market closing any time soon. As long as the q2 is maybe 1/2 the market, I suspect developers will simply supply models etc with different quality levels etc or 72hz vs 90. Can't see them wanting to miss out on the market basically. Not until it doesn't make much difference.

Obviously, those focusing on MR games probably won't bother with the q2 at all, and maybe not with the pro either, since it doesn't have the depth sensor.
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I don't think foveated rendering and a slower refresh rate will make much difference given how powerful the Q3 is by comparison. It might be possible but given the low number of Pro sales I doubt many developers will take the trouble to add specific Pro improvements.

However it seems that meta is using the Pro to pioneer their new Codec avatars, and I think it's likely we'll get a Quest Pro 2 based on Q3 with facial tracking.

rather than a technical one . as far as I know the new chip does not have any new inherent features (like ray tracing or what ever) it's just a lot faster

Been a lot faster is a technical reason on it's own. The GPU is around 2 times faster than the one on the Quest Pro, that's a lot. I doubt the Quest pro would be able to run any game designed for the Quest 3 using the same visuals as the Quest 3.
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