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Radeon FURY thread

AMD ceo does not want AMD to be seen as a pound stretcher brand.

If you want to be seen as a premium brand you have to have a premium product though, no?

This whole series from AMD seems to have been a complete mess. The Fury X was a decent product coming in at ~10% cheaper than 980Ti (according to MSRP), but after 980Ti price cut and low availability gouging its position is considerably weakened.

Everything that was popular about AMD has been compromised:

"AMD do the same at a lower price point" - price cuts etc. as above, AMD "not a bargain brand"
"AMD are the best for 4K" - poor output options on Fury/FuryX, the Fury card that has a DVI port isn't even dual-link, so doesn't support 120/144Hz - yes the AMD cards close the gap/pull away at higher resolutions, so why hamstring them with something so simple as supplying appropriate output options?
"AMD are the best for overclockers" - do I really need to explain this one? Overclocking performance on Fury/FuryX has frankly been an embarrassment, doubly so for all the "overclocker's dream" marketing BS they were spouting

Fury should have dropped in to the 390X bracket, then the rebrands should have each stepped down a stage. It wouldn't have solved all of the issues above, but it would make it look marginally less silly.
Yip, AMD seem to be far too late to the party this time round for me. If the Fury came out before the 980Ti the would have got a lot more sales in my opinion. Also if the CEO doesn't want AMD to be seen as a pound stretcher brand and have prices in line with nVidia, they need to start bringing out faster GPU's than the competition.
I think fury should be around 425, fury x around 475 and most 980tis around 550, leaving the 390x/390 to occupy the 400-300 range

I can see a lot of people using these for 2 card Xfire rather than 980Tis
No fan boy here but after playing with an 290x for a week it will be a relief to go back to Nvidia.

AMD should stick to being cheap and cheerful when they are so close in performance to the bigger brand and market leader.

Its being cheap and cheerful that gave them a reputation. They have competive products and are matching price/performance.
Thats a great thing.
Your move Nvidia
Its being cheap and cheerful that gave them a reputation. They have competive products and are matching price/performance.
Thats a great thing.
Your move Nvidia

Being cheap is what in part contributed to their financial situation they fidn themselves in now. Having a lower profit margin sin't a good thing for a company unless they are shifting much more volume, except AMD shift far less than Nvidia. That generates a downward spiral of less profits, less R&D expenditure and less ability to keep yup with the competition. It also instills a psychological bias in people such teat they expect AMD products to be cheaper than rivals, or if the prices hit parity then they have to be much more performance. That is an unfortunate place to be and requires strong products and strong marketing to make the market accept the higher price points.

That is why AMD's CEO wisely announced that they don't want to be perceived as a budget 'cheap and cheerful; compromise solution but a premium brand where they can charge robust profit margins.
I'm actually surprised the the power consumption is that low but looking at their reported temperatures in the bit-tech article the case must have very good cooling or the card cooler must be extremely effective.

Yeah deffo think it's the cooler.

Looks ridiculous and rather tacky but it gets the job done.

Love the pass through cooling to the rear, but that will be rather crappy in crossfire. You'll be pumping heat from the bottom card straight into the cooler of the top card. Normal crossfire it goes out sideways and as long as you can take it away its fine.
AMD would have been better of ditching all the refreshes and launching this Fury in the 390x slot at a better price, they're making their own cards look a bit still born with this move.

Totally this, or they should have released the 390 at £225, 390x at £300, Fury Pro at £400 and Fury X at £500.

That would have really taken the fight to Nvidia. Everything seems about £50 overpriced in the AMD line up at the moment

Fury Pro would have been a real tricky proposition for Nvidia if it was £400 or even a bit less.

The 390x would also be a great buy if it was £300.

AMD's prices are too close to Nvidias at the moment for worse performing, hotter and higher power draw cards.
I do not think that £500 for Fury x or £450 for Fury is too much - I will not be buying at this launch price any more than I bought either 980ti or 980 at there launch prices (which were one hell of a lot higher).
Look to be good competitive products with 'unknown' potential ref HBM.
Dropping prices now would imo be foolish partic. when the people recommending such are it appears , in the main , looking to buy NVidia but hope that driving down the price of Amd will result in NVidia dropping theirs.
n.b. Do agree that the release and pricing of the 380/390 was a 'fail'
I just think £50 is too little a gap. if you are spending that much, you will just go Fury X or 980Ti. It would be silly to skimp on £50 really.
I just think £50 is too little a gap. if you are spending that much, you will just go Fury X or 980Ti. It would be silly to skimp on £50 really.

Yes, No, but - I cannot remember now but was there a lot more than £50 between the 290x and the 290?
For me the price performance comparison made me choose 2 x 290 (£400 including a few games:)).- No regrets:)
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