Robocop Rogue City

Upscalers comparison, XeSS Ultra Quality is the closest to TSR 100%, just some minor reflections detail loss (lower left) vs TSR.

Interestingly this has an arcade in it, which reminded me of the arcades in Cyberpunk, so naturally the question is "who wore it better" :cry:


Had a quick play of the demo, it's pretty much in line with the expectations I had. It's very much like the Terminator game they made a few years back, there's obviously people on the project that love the franchise and have really tried to do it justice, which I can applaud, but they just don't have the budget/experience to really make something that lives up to today's standards. The Terminator one got away with it a little more, here though the dated design really sticks out, if somebody had said this was a 360/Ps3 era game that had been remastered I would probably believe them.

It's a shame, it almost lands in in places, like the theme kicking in only to realise it's a weak version, not the bombastic orchestral one we're used to. Hearing Peter Weller reprising the role, but the effect on his voice isn't right and the performance feeling phoned in.

Performance is pretty bad all things considered too, the stutter is very prominent from all the shader compilation and it just doesn't feel smooth to play. It seemed for me that the particle effects from gun impacts & blood sprites/decals were some of the main culprits, shooting a body on the floor could make my FPS drop by 20-40, feels bad when you land a hits on a moving target and can feel changes in performance.

Maybe one to consider only when it's been heavily discounted in a sale.
It's a little longer as usual when you factor in Steam decompressing and processing. Also it's not always full speed download anyway because of Steam bandwidth, so 20 mins is about a reliable estimate which was fractured into the maths
It's a little longer as usual when you factor in Steam decompressing and processing. Also it's not always full speed download anyway because of Steam bandwidth, so 20 mins is about a reliable estimate which was fractured into the maths

I will time it soon and get back to you ;)
Not all of us live in the privileged south with super fast broadband. Still a 50gb demo is stupid.

They could have not offered a demo at all.

Are you sure you don't just live in a super rural area? I'm pretty far north (30-40 minutes from the Scottish border) and I have high speed broadband. I'm not exactly in the middle of a town or city either, it's farms and fields as far as the eye can see when I look out of the window.

Anyway, I'm downloading this. Their Terminator game was brilliant, a little short in some respects but it essentially felt like Fallout: The Terminator to me and was an overall surprisingly great experience.
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Looks quite pretty, but my good god the stuttering is terrible, like really really bad.
I managed 10 minutes before quitting.
If they fix that and I can get it on a keys site for £20, then I'd buy it just because RoboCop.
Yeah I'd definitely play it as a ROBERT COP fan, but the stutters need sorting....
Cyberpunk will never get uninstalled, also have over 1TB free so why would I anyway :p
What are games doing that is ***** with performance so much? They literally look no better (or in many cases worse) than what we have had before, yet perform terribly.

I feel like we are regressing a lot recently.
I wish there was more consistency, the arcade image @mrk posted looks pretty decent, then you see some of the character / NPC textures and it looks 10 years old :p
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