I think I can sum it up for you:
Jono8 hates the fact Rome 2 runs like crap. Some people are satisfied with its performance, but he thinks they're lying, because satisfaction isn't subjective. Spils knows someone who works for CA and he's grumpy anyway. The two of them are arguing about patches and settings and how many tiny characters can appear on a screen in a video game.
I'm just trying to be really sarcastic but there might be a point somewhere in my ramblings.
We have space for a teenage whiner, a socially-awkward LARP-er and a keyboard warrior.
I don't think they are lying, i know they are lying
Im not saying it is intentionally lying. The phrase "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. " comes to mind.
Anyway, the game is awful. A shallow, soulless shell of previous Total War games.
They got rid of one of the main parts of a Total War game that gave you that immersion, that feeling that you are guiding/leading a faction....yes, the family tree. In a game where they intended for the players to be able to build their own story and get connected to the characters, family members e.t.c they have for some reason removed the family tree...? Also, due to the fact that a generals age is tied to the game years, and there is only 1 turn per year compared with Rome 1's 2 turns per year, your generals die quickly and just get replaced instantly by another forgettable randomer.
This means you don't get attached to any of your generals, you dont build a story, ad you cant see the potential heirs to your leadership.
The GUI is baron and boring and filled with numbers. It completely lacks any sort of immersion or artistry.
The battles are filled with stupid design decisions: Pillum only thrown when charging, capture the flag points in open field battles (though they are fixing this and have removed them from forced march battles), men with torches that can burn down metal gates rendering siege engines pointless, no loose formation option, guard mode on by default.
The game looks and runs like horse manure. They fixed up Shogun 2 with pretty good performance, MSAA, tesselation, HDR, SLI/XFIRE, then they seamingly lost or threw away all of that code and started from scratch : /
The game is in no way finished. There are only 4 historical battles yet many more are listed in the games inner code (but with no AI code set for them...), the encylopedia points to things that arent in the game, preview videos and interviews talk about things that arent in the game e.t.c
I am one of the biggest Total War fans there is and I desperately want to like this game. I have bought and enjoyed every game and expansion since i first started playing Total War with Medieval 1.
Unfortunately, CA have made an absolute mess of Rome 2. It is rushed and filled with utterly dreadful design flaws. They have gutted their masterpiece of a franchise and filled it with dross. To put it frankly, It doesnt feel like a Total War game anymore.