Well, I've managed to play through the prologue and a couple of custom battles (to practice) so I feel I can make a first impression.
It certainly is quite an interesting developement for TW.
The campaign map feels as if it's half Empire and half Shogun 2. With the way the regions work and the army replenishment/recruitment in the field. This along with the mix of 'corridors' and open space in the campaign map should make for a good deal of Field battles rather than all sieges as has often been the case in the past.
The battles themselves feel a little chaotic in my opinion. But then I thought the same of Shogun 2. It certainly has more similarity to that than it has any other game. Not to say that's bad - I like that it makes you think on your commanding general more - and the way you use your armies is tied quite closely to the components you choose and the experience you choose to give it on the campaign map (not in MP obv).
The new Line of Sight mechanic is fantastic! By far my favourite addition to the Real Time battle element
Overall pretty positive so far!
The only 2 things that have frustrated me so far are:
- the slightly fast and chaotic feel of the battles (once they get going) as I feel the troops move to fast and the Missile weapons feel like guns/lasers.
- I had a couple of moments where I thought the game crashed but it picked up again after a minute or two. I'm sure this will be fixed later though.