RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.

So if you thought your 5 year old child is in danger, and the only way to get away involved taking out a biker, you'd just sit there and see if anything happened?

I think you're the worst of all of us if you'd happily let your family be put into a dangerous situation
You probably could given a full tank of petrol and a long enough strip of road without other vehicles :)

I don't think we've got the full story on this one to make an informed conclusion. If I was in the same situation, family or not, I would do my utter best to avoid any further collisions after the first guy slowed down into my bonnet, but I'd certainly not be allowing them to all circle me if I've got the slightest hint the crowd could turn.
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
Based on 'perception', if it's that or being dragged out of the car and kicked to death, not to mention with your family in the car. Then not hard to figure out at all.
They could be on space hoppers, if a large group of what you assume to be angry people try to get into your car with your family you are going to get out of that area. If it involves running some over that are trying to block you then so be it.

He clearly made every attempt not to hit/aim for the bikers but they were trying to block him in.
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.

I doubt the driver of the RR thought it was perfectly fine, I expect he thought he needed to get out of there now, the US isn't like here it wouldn't be long before a gun would appear.

He also doesn't look like he's trying to harm anyone, he's not brake testing the bikes or swerving around he just looks like he's trying to get away.

I'd have done the same thing especially with my family in the car.
Why was it a dangerous situation? All I see at the start is the bikes stop (after the accident). Then the RRS ploughs through them.

Admittedly, I can't see what's going on exactly but what worries me is that several of you seem to assume that anyone wearing leathers and a helmet is automatically a bad person and likely to harm your family.
Seeing as you've just said it yourself, that you can't see what's going on, and the rest of us are assuming that the situation must have felt serious enough to warrant his actions, then I'm really not sure why you can't see everyone else's point of view.

And once again, having been on the receiving end of biker rage on more than one occasion, I'm going to continue to assume that most bikers are indeed idiots, as it's safer to assume that IMO. There is NEVER any need to form a group large enough to take over a three lane highway for hundreds of yards, I'd feel intimidated even if they had done nothing wrong.
Nothing to do with bikers we aren't a minority that need to victimise ourselves.

Its the feeling of safety and from the video (maybe not the whole store but its the only reliable source we have just now) the bike makes an aggressive maneuver followed by further acts of aggression by others in the group.
What you do see is them sitting between the lanes and all over the place, if there's a big vehicle coming behind you in one lane, why not move over in the first place, give it a wide berth and let it past?
Good for you. And I hope you would enjoy your prison time.

I agree that the bikers were being foolish. Running from the scene of a potentially fatal accident just isn't on though.

As I said before though, this is 'Merica and I think bikes are viewed differently there to here in Blighty.

Not sure if serious.

If I had any incline that my family were in danger I'd have done the exact same thing. Lucky he didn't take more with him.

At the end I would've barged my way out of there too.

Whole thing looks idiotic.
There arnt enough face palms in the world for this thread.

So the majority of you have come to the conclusion that the biker decides to brake test the RR for fun?
Nothing to do with bikers we aren't a minority that need to victimise ourselves.

Its the feeling of safety and from the video (maybe not the whole store but its the only reliable source we have just now) the bike makes an aggressive maneuver followed by further acts of aggression by others in the group.

I wonder if there are other videos of this on the net.
It would be interesting to get the perspective of one of the bikes further back. TBH, I bet they were being aggressive to the RRS based on their reaction later in the video.
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