OK, let's flip this around. Let's replace the motorcycles with bicycles and replay the same accident.
Still seem sane to run them over to try and escape?
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
Based on 'perception', if it's that or being dragged out of the car and kicked to death, not to mention with your family in the car. Then not hard to figure out at all.I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
I'm not trying to defend the bikers. I think they were idiots.
I'm trying to work out why people think it's perfectly fine to run over and potentially kill another human being.
I give up with you, you're either trolling or just defending bikers because you ride a bike yourself
Good for you. And I hope you would enjoy your prison time.
I agree that the bikers were being foolish. Running from the scene of a potentially fatal accident just isn't on though.
As I said before though, this is 'Merica and I think bikes are viewed differently there to here in Blighty.
But it's not 'anyone' with a helmet and leathers, try fifty. And I'm a biker btw. I've seen the pack mentality first hand on ride outs, I'm sure you have as well.
Nothing to do with bikers we aren't a minority that need to victimise ourselves.
Its the feeling of safety and from the video (maybe not the whole store but its the only reliable source we have just now) the bike makes an aggressive maneuver followed by further acts of aggression by others in the group.
just defending bikers because you ride a bike yourself