RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

You have to factor in the human fear of the unknown, if you can't see someone's face or expression you can't be sure of their real intentions. It's human instinct. It's clear what the intentions of this lot were though, to ride out and act like idiots and cause trouble, and they got it.
...but what worries me is that several of you seem to assume that anyone wearing leathers and a helmet is automatically a bad person and likely to harm your family.

I cant speak for anyone else but they could be wearing tooto's and it wouldn't make any odds, surrounded by a crowd of people, regardless of dress who are acting in a threatening and provocative manner, you have the wife and kids in the car, no thanks, I'm leaving.

If anything the assumption in that comment is you, unless of course your slowly now starting to backtrack knowing that you are fighting a losing battle as far as the original point goes...
What, running over other bikes in the process? You would do that?

Jees, I don't want to meet you on the road.

If I thought my family or I were going to be harmed in some way, I'd put my foot down too. Car-jackings are quite frequent over here, if they haven't got a gun pointed at me then they're going under the wheels.
Let's get one thing clear before we continue. I am in no way defending the actions of the bike riders. They were being foolish as I said many times before.

All I am doing is trying to discuss in a calm manner, the reasons why people think that running down another person is an acceptable thing to do. Protection of family seems to be the main one.
My perspective: Having been surrounded and almost run out of the lane I was in on the motorway by a notorious local bike gang (50+ of them), I know exactly what it feels like to suddenly be surrounded by a load of bikers. If something were to happen, then I imagine I would have crapped myself as well. It's certainly not an excuse, but perhaps it's a reason why the guy acted like he did. Fear.

Don't apply the UK road rules to the US either, lane discipline is different, and you can have people passing you on both sides of you at speed.

I've no idea what happened from the video, so unless there is new evidence...
I'm not defending them.
Sheesh, they were acting like idiots.

Indeed they were, the initial issue was probably between one rider and the driver of the car, but given hes got lots of friends that might not have seem/heard whats gone off then its always going to get messy.

For all we know it could be as simple as the RRS has joined the freeway and just happened to find himself in the middle of a bunch of bikes, the way they are riding, taking up all three lanes and weaving about, he might have just done something as simple as beep, one of the riders has taken offence to it and decided to get in the guys way on purpose, then all hell breaks loose...

At the end of the day even the people in the group dont know what happened so we're never likely to find out...
I think it is a shame that we don't have the full video. As its a Biker perspective, it does feel like its been edited to favour their perspective. We don't see the lead up properly, nor do we see the assault where they obviously injure the driver, but even more critically, with a biker smashing in the back window, presumably to reveal the daughter, which makes them look even more like animals.
Let's get one thing clear before we continue. I am in no way defending the actions of the bike riders. They were being foolish as I said many times before.

All I am doing is trying to discuss in a calm manner, the reasons why people think that running down another person is an acceptable thing to do. Protection of family seems to be the main one.

But do tell us what you would have done if you had been the guy in the RRS who apparently had his wife and 5 year old with him and felt threatened for their safety, I think a few of us would like to hear.
Let's get one thing clear before we continue. I am in no way defending the actions of the bike riders. They were being foolish as I said many times before.

All I am doing is trying to discuss in a calm manner, the reasons why people think that running down another person is an acceptable thing to do. Protection of family seems to be the main one.

I think foolish is a bit weak, really. If I was in a car and had like a hundred men surround it when I had my 5yr old and wife in there, I'd scarper sharpish. Risk my kid and wife, or try and get away? I don't know these 100 people or how they will react, only going on their previous actions, which were obviously enough to surround and intimidate them completely. I'd do the same.
No idea what to think of this to be honest, it lacks context.

This really. Its cut at both beginning and end.

I really don't get the whole brake testing thing motor bikers do.. Anyone care to explain why they do this? Why is this acceptable? Its the same as me driving infront of a cyclist then slamming on? Utter madness.

I agree that they had no right of blocking the whole road off. The feeling of being trapped in caused the following to happen.
But do tell us what you would have done if you had been the guy in the RRS who apparently had his wife and 5 year old with him and felt threatened for their safety, I think a few of us would like to hear.

I don't know. It's not a situation I've ever found myself in. It depends on what they were doing after the initial accident.
If they were just approaching the car, I doubt I would have done anything.
If their opening gambit was to start smashing the windows in (which I don't think was the case) then I would probably have attempted to flee.
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