RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

Sounds like a thread full of drivers who blame their lack of observational skill on the road on bikers who obviously don't come out of no where and therefore brand bikers bad

are you trolling? can you keep observation on 50+ bikers surrounding your car, frequently changing position and weaving dangerously close from most sides, while their buddies are using their horns sporadically around you causing an additional distraction/cause for concern?
I wonder what the video either end of this clip shows...

Here's my interpretation: the RR had a minor touch with a bike/ refused to 'back down' to their lawless pack riding or whatever, something that could have either been brushed off or dealt with simply at the roadside.
The bravado took over and the bikers got all in your face yo, surfing the feeling of invincibliity they evidently had. This escalated to the brake test just caught on video, 3T of RR > 250kg of bike/rider, and the rest is history.

If I were surrounded by a mob of bikers banging on my windows and genuinely feared for my safety I would have done exactly as that driver did.
If I were surrounded by a mob of bikers banging on my windows and genuinely feared for my safety I would have done exactly as that driver did.

But would you have acted like a tool in the first place to get them that upset or just driven sensibly along with the pack? Theyre bikers, its not likely that they were going to be going slow
But would you have acted like a tool in the first place to get them that upset or just driven sensibly along with the pack? They're bikers, its not likely that they were going to be going slow

Dude give it up. Watch the video, look how they are acting around the driver, if they had any sense they would give the driver a wide berth as even if he had be instigating, the range rover weighs the best part of 3ton and as you see in the video has no trouble driving straight over them.

The bikers behavior is appalling, from what I see the bikers all chase after the driver without regard to their fallen comrades. Instead of trying to stop him fleeing at the end they drag him from his car (going of news reports) seriously beat him and I believe also slash his face.
Would do the same as the Range rover driver in that scenario. I certainly would not pull off the freeway though, I would try and out last them though, surely a RR can beat them in terms of gas mileage? Probably a stupid idea.

I did think the Drivers actions were a little strange afterwards.

Firstly he speeds up massively to escape, but then quickly drops his speed back to the limit. Of course the bikers would easily be able to catch up, but if you are going to make a getaway, you should really do it. If you got pulled over, you have Police protection and a pretty good excuse in "That mob of Bikers behind is chasing me!".

After the attempt to stop them and open the door, it must have been clear they weren't going to leave it, so I do wonder whether they phoned the Police or not. I also thought Land Rovers autolocked the doors? I know the Discovery my Father has does. He was actually in a road rage incident once where some nutter got out of his car and tried to open the door, but it was only because of the autolock that it stopped him.
I showed this video to my friend who rides a bike, he replied "Some people are idiots and deserve to die".

I see a stupid biker practically stopping in the road, leading the RRS to run him over. The car should have stopped, but still.
He continued, someone ran to his car and tried to open a door... your instinct is to drive off... but another bike was in his way.

I would have done the same.
I've not read the whole thread....But, both parties look at fault to me. But we don't know the full story, regardless of what happened the RR driver shouldn't have hit that first biker which caused the others to intimidate him.

And from the OP it looks like he killed one of the bikers, so in my eyes he deserves everthing he got.
But would you have acted like a tool in the first place to get them that upset or just driven sensibly along with the pack? Theyre bikers, its not likely that they were going to be going slow

I think the point is, even if the RRS driver did do something stupid to provoke them does that then justify being brake tested, brought to a stop, surrounded and then have someone pull your door open and try to drag you out?

I think the mob mentality was strong with this group and it's very easy for things to get out of hand in that situation. I too would have been intimidated and would likely have done the same, anyone forcibly pulling your door open isn't trying to have a nice friendly chat. And furthermore with your wife and kid in the car you're going to do whatever you can to ensure both your and their safety. As the video shows getting out would have invited a beating, so the bikers only gave him one option and unfortunately they were right in the way.
Guy in the white T-Shirt is at fault (the one that got hit first). He gives it the big 'un all up in the driver's face, intimidating him I assume, probably impairing his judgement, then T-Shirt guy tests RRS man's brakes.
Let's get one thing clear before we continue. I am in no way defending the actions of the bike riders. They were being foolish as I said many times before.

All I am doing is trying to discuss in a calm manner, the reasons why people think that running down another person is an acceptable thing to do. Protection of family seems to be the main one.

Well thats your answer then, i cant think of another one where i would find this acceptable.
This is america we are talking about, who knows what was going through the guy in the RR mind, they do have plenty of guns in america.
Well thats your answer then, i cant think of another one where i would find this acceptable.
This is america we are talking about, who knows what was going through the guy in the RR mind, they do have plenty of guns in america.

And plenty of crazy too from what I saw in that video.
Just think what the RR driver must have done to upset that many bikers? Driving over 4-5 bikes would be a good place to start looking. RR driver is clearly a psycho who needed to be brought down a peg or two.

If a car driver drove over me or my own in the same way he did then id beleive he deserved anything the pack dished out

Yes cutting his face and trying to beat the car windows in where his child is, its always easy to spot people that don't have kids or low observational skills..
Is that a thing now? It's not annoying enough to have pelotons of middle age men is skin tight pants clogging up the roads, now motorbikes get to make convoys?

erm excuse me

im a cyclist , some of us obey the law, don't think we all are idiots, coz we are not
So bikers surround a car and 1 biker tried brake testing the RRS and the RRS knocks him off. All the bikers go bat**** crazy at the RRS driver. So the RRS, to protect his family he drives off and the bikers go on pursuit.

They catch up with him and smash in the windows when they should clearly see that there is a women and child in the car.

Not sure on what to think about this video....

Hopefully plod have got the bikers plates?
It's obvious them bikers were looking for trouble - the RR was driving on its own merry way when they surrounded it! - Watch the first 30 seconds!
They were trying to act like they owned the road - and one of them plonks decided to brake test the RR.

I woulda done the same as the guy in the RR but I wouldn't have stopped nor come off the motorway - hit 130mph+ and kept it there for the next 100 miles until a copper caught up with us all or left them behind.

Feel sorry for his wife and kid more so, an experience I doubt they will ever forget :'(

Lucky only one biker got his leg broken tbh - Driver was set on like a pack of wolves in the wild- I would have treated them like a pack of wolves if I had my family with me and given them all something to remember. grrrrr
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