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RTX 4070 12GB, is it Worth it?

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I hope Nvidia adds some more VRAM to the RTX4060TI! It most likely have a similar speed core to an RTX3070!
Good video esp about how nvidia gate their pro cards vs their mainstream and whilst I agree they should be adding more VRAM to these cards with some of the games at the settings they benchmarked the extra 8GB the A4000 has still cant maintain 60fps.

If games are going to get more demanding on hardware (throwing the whole game dev thing aside for a sec) then not only does VRAM need to increase but also the cards at the very bottom and the cards above it need to increase performance wise also. It seems like it did its just nvidia decided to shuffle them up the stack and rename/brand them.
Good video esp about how nvidia gate their pro cards vs their mainstream and whilst I agree they should be adding more VRAM to these cards with some of the games at the settings they benchmarked the extra 8GB the A4000 has still cant maintain 60fps.

If games are going to get more demanding on hardware (throwing the whole game dev thing aside for a sec) then not only does VRAM need to increase but also the cards at the very bottom and the cards above it need to increase performance wise also. It seems like it did its just nvidia decided to shuffle them up the stack and rename/brand them.
They obviously also want to push non-gamers towards the RTX series pro cards too.
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Do we actually think Nvidia will take any learnings from this generation into the 5000 series? Or will they see sales still happening at these prices and decide they're going to keep going at it?
so far they have learned that some people will indeed pay over the odds for rebadged lower tier under performing cards but most will not.

Next gen they will either have to lower prices or if they intend to keep prices where they are actually deliver cards with strong performance to justify the prices.
so far they have learned that some people will indeed pay over the odds for rebadged lower tier under performing cards but most will not.

Next gen they will either have to lower prices or if they intend to keep prices where they are actually deliver cards with strong performance to justify the prices.
Even with strong performance you can have prices only so high until people will not buy or buy less than they would normally.
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My Asus Dual RTX 4070 arrived today, go on lads, have a free run at me.

Enjoy your card, its much better than those who bought a 2060 12Gb for not much cheaper during the mining boom and will not have made their money back on it. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-12-gb/

As much as people are raising legitimate concerns about how well the 12GB of vram will hold up in years to come and the lack of performance increase from gen to gen in my book its people who paid over £1000 for 3080/ti, and over £900 for 3070/ti that encouraged Nvidia to release a card like the 4070 at its price point
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Enjoy your card, its much better than those who bought a 2060 12Gb for not much cheaper during the mining boom and will not have made their money back on it. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-12-gb/

As much as people are raising legitimate concerns about how well the 12GB of vram will hold up in years to come and the lack of performance increase from gen to gen in my book its people who paid over £1000 for 3080/ti, and over £900 for 3070/ti that encouraged Nvidia to release a card like the 4070 at its price point
I'm happy with it, got it running undervolted to 1.0v, 2950mhz on the core, 23000 on the memory. Highest temp reached 58C. The card is whisper silent, draws next to no power (relatively speaking) and no coil whine.

Coming from a 2080 that was 4 years old and running quite hot, this is a nice step up. I'll be replacing it in a year or two anyway, it'll do until then.
I'm happy with it, got it running undervolted to 1.0v, 2950mhz on the core, 23000 on the memory. Highest temp reached 58C. The card is whisper silent, draws next to no power (relatively speaking) and no coil whine.

Coming from a 2080 that was 4 years old and running quite hot, this is a nice step up. I'll be replacing it in a year or two anyway, it'll do until then.
Thanks for the Info, thinking of the 4070 as stop gap card, until RTX 5000 and RX 8000 released, in couple of years, as well.

On a 1070 so any recent card release is an upgrade but want to wait on the 7800XT first just to see if get better price to performance, or any further price drops on the 4070.
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Even with strong performance you can have prices only so high until people will not buy or buy less than they would normally.

Exactly. Say they provide a 5070 that beats a 4090 but price it £1200 then they can stick it where the sun don't shine as far as I am concerned.

They need to bring a card that does that (say a 5070 Ti) and price it £600 or there abouts.
I do understand the negativity towards this card and Nvidia in general but I'm still quite tempted to buy it.

The negativity seems to stem from the fact that the increase in performance from the previous gen isn't as large as usual and the increase in price is greater than what we're used to (especially when the narrative I'd heard seemed to have been that prices are getting back towards "normal" following the pandemic). These are good reasons to provide negative reviews but for myself, if I've decided I want to spend about £1000-1200 on a solid upgrade (everything bar case and PSU really), is there a more appropriate card right now? Current build: i5-4690K + GTX 970

I'm asking here as everything I've read makes me want to find the better option but I'm not finding it. The 6950 XT is the obvious comparison but despite many articles saying it's the same price as a 4070, I haven't seen it any cheaper than £650 so it's a considerably larger chunk of my budget than £550 for the 4070 and quite comparable in gaming performance. The 7900 XT has the 4070 handily beaten but it's £200 more. Then as far as I can tell from benchmarks, the 4070 seems to beat the 3080, has slightly more VRAM and is available cheaper than the 3080 still.

So basically, I'm trying to separate the issue of whether Nvidia has done a poor job (I would agree that they have) and whether for someone in my situation, there is anything better? The 12GB VRAM does seem low considering how quickly VRAM requirements have increased in the last 10 years but again, I feel like I'd have to spend quite a bit more to fully alleviate this issue. Thoughts?
It's perfectly fine as an upgrade from several generations ago and there's not enormous amounts of alternatives to be sure. I think people are disappointed it's no step forward from prev generation for what was on release the same price more or less as the 3080 which it is basically the same as 2 years on. And there's a suspicion nvidia has somewhat chopped down the expensive bits and used clever jiggery-pokery to make it perform in terms of frames/tests etc. However that said if I was looking to upgrade from a GTX 970 it will be a fantastic improvement and is probably the best 'new' card price/perf out there at around that level at £550.
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I do understand the negativity towards this card and Nvidia in general but I'm still quite tempted to buy it.

The negativity seems to stem from the fact that the increase in performance from the previous gen isn't as large as usual and the increase in price is greater than what we're used to (especially when the narrative I'd heard seemed to have been that prices are getting back towards "normal" following the pandemic). These are good reasons to provide negative reviews but for myself, if I've decided I want to spend about £1000-1200 on a solid upgrade (everything bar case and PSU really), is there a more appropriate card right now? Current build: i5-4690K + GTX 970

I'm asking here as everything I've read makes me want to find the better option but I'm not finding it. The 6950 XT is the obvious comparison but despite many articles saying it's the same price as a 4070, I haven't seen it any cheaper than £650 so it's a considerably larger chunk of my budget than £550 for the 4070 and quite comparable in gaming performance. The 7900 XT has the 4070 handily beaten but it's £200 more. Then as far as I can tell from benchmarks, the 4070 seems to beat the 3080, has slightly more VRAM and is available cheaper than the 3080 still.

So basically, I'm trying to separate the issue of whether Nvidia has done a poor job (I would agree that they have) and whether for someone in my situation, there is anything better? The 12GB VRAM does seem low considering how quickly VRAM requirements have increased in the last 10 years but again, I feel like I'd have to spend quite a bit more to fully alleviate this issue. Thoughts?

It is currently the best card in that price point, no doubt. It is just that we all know it should have been the 4060 or at least the 4060ti.

If you dont want to spend more than £600, and you really want a card now then it is the best option.

Or up the budget ~£150 - 200 and get a 7900XT which is much faster and has more vram.
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To put simply, below is the reality of how Nvidia overpriced their cards this gen:
Step 1: Release 4090 at £1600
Step 2: At £1200 for which the price for 4080ti/4090 SE should be at, a "genius" at Nvidia suggested to bait and switch and sell a true 4070 16GB as "4080 16GB" at that price, with the true 4080 16GB gone MIA.
Step 3: At £850+ instead of a selling a true 4080 16GB, sell a true 4060Ti 12GB as "4070ti 12GB"
Step 4: At £599+ instead of selling a true 4070 16GB, sell a 4060 12GB as "4070 12GB".

So in essence all the lower tier cards got pushed up by at least 1-2 tiers and people are getting far less for what they are paying for is due to the MIA of the 4080ti/4090SE and the true 4080 16GB, and anyone not buying 4090 are getting ripped off by Nvidia (4090 is still a rip-off, but in a difference sense as it is aim toward those that will always pay for the best).
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