I played this many years ago, sunk a lot of hours into it! I remember saving cash for ages to get an Abysall whip which was about 30 million. I made a new account as a pure with 0 defence and 85 magic and ranged, used to go pk'ing with a clan
Good times. I imagine its changed a lot since then.
So how does everyone feel about the 2007 Servers back online?
Haven't played for over 5 years but the nostalgia of 2007 servers is interesting!
Just logged into RS for the first time in 1281Days according to the menu
A lot seems to have changed, You can dual wield?
Paid for 1 month as my gear is full dragon and a whip / dragon defender.
Anyone else playing this at the moment? would be nice to get some guidence on whats the things to do at the moment.
I am lvl 141. currently lvling up defense and attack to use barrows and a god sword.
No one tried World Wakes?
i lost a lot of interest around the time that squeal of fortune thing came in, but the nail in the coffin was changing the combat system, absolutely cant stand it.
Think i've grown out of it now, 'cause the 07 servers dont even tempt me. shame really, had a lot of fun on it back in the day.
The combat thing is bugging me tbh... I want to stick with Melee but according to people in game you have to use all three... which i don't want to do.
Whats Drygores?