Also slayer isnt bad money. you dont make money on the whips and stuff though.
Its the "junk" that makes money. Specifically dragon bones, the top tier ashes, hides etc.
I'd say now days slayer is pretty poor money unless you have a yak. So you can bank all the bones and junk drops. It really quickly adds up!
Farming herbs every 80 minutes from 5 patches soon adds up to. Combined with slayer. doing a herb run every 2 tasks is actually a good little earner.
Throw in a bit of bossing perhaps with a mate or clan. Maybe a bit of trading. Do your ports. Do your DnDs. maybe do a kiln run once a day or every few days. It adds up fast.
Sure it tasks a bit of high level focused grind to afford something like nex gear, 2 drygore weapons and a divine. But doing it casually like i said above would certainly get you a good godsword. Full GWD gear (mage, range, melee) trimmings to go with that (boots etc) and that gear lets you do the big bosses for the big money.