Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

Not had any range issues - just tried it then by walking out my bedroom, through another room and got halfway down the stairs in my house before it stopped communicating with the phone - about 5m away ~17 feet which IIRC is about average for bluetooth indoors.
Note, Nexus or Xperia Arc. I can't decide. I hardly use my phone for calls, and my phone usually lives in a bag/cubby hole in the car when I'm out. Most of my phone use is gaming, browsing or email. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to go for the Note, even if my mates laugh at the size of the thing.
What's the point, a Korean lad at my nephew's university who's cousin works for Samsung says they're bringing out a mammoth in Q1 2013 Q2 at the latest and it's defo gona have far better tusks.

Pff, wait for quad trunk TBH.
Note, Nexus or Xperia Arc. I can't decide. I hardly use my phone for calls, and my phone usually lives in a bag/cubby hole in the car when I'm out. Most of my phone use is gaming, browsing or email. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to go for the Note, even if my mates laugh at the size of the thing.

Your mate's will laugh, you'll give it to them for a 3min play and then they'll tell you they want one. That's pretty much how it goes
Pff, wait for quad trunk TBH.

Agreed for most users but I'm still using an old rhino harness, I know i know but its what I'm used to and my gf got it blinged, so it's all about tusks for me however if the quad trunk is ace that may be the time to change, damn you I want quad trunk now as well!!
Note, Nexus or Xperia Arc. I can't decide. I hardly use my phone for calls, and my phone usually lives in a bag/cubby hole in the car when I'm out. Most of my phone use is gaming, browsing or email. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes to go for the Note, even if my mates laugh at the size of the thing.

Some of my mates also laughed, 5 of them now own one.
^you can't with normal apps but there is a browser called Overskreen where you can. There is also a sister app by the same devs for windowed videos.
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