Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

Whats the music play back like through some good earphones? I'm a bit of an audiophile so I'm not talking about your £50 kak earphones.
Played with Flac files on Poweramp?

Any opinion's?
Looking to upgrade to this, I have the Dell Streak at the moment which is a bigger phone and I can say that it's fine for fitting in pockets.. You get used to the size of it in a couple of weeks and then it just becomes "normal"...
Galaxy S2 - Which is awful
Galaxy Nexus - Sounds OK, mp3 yuk. But cannot get enough Flac on it, no sd card ****.

I have the feeling that since the Note is Galaxy S2 with a bigger screen that they will share the same audio hardware.

They share pretty much everything bar the screen, so it wont be an upgrade. What you want is something that has a Wolfson chip in it. Either the Iphones or the original Galaxy S or a standalone mp3 player like a Cowon.

My advice: Get a 2nd hand Galaxy S, and flash CM9 with Voodoo Sound. Job done.

I have the Galaxy Tab, flashed with CM9 and flac sound fuller on it than on my Note.
Any news on an upgrade to the Note to sit alongside the release of the S3? With similar screen size. Can't check as at work. Cheers.
Does anyone use skype on thier note? I have tried with Orange and it seems hopeless, massive delay and video is awful - even with a strong 3g signal.
Installed Stunner Beta 4.3 ICS ROM last night, the general consensus on xda is that this is the best ICS ROM so far. It's my first look at ICS on the note and I have to say I was very impressed by the look and feel. Very swish. You can change many things in the settings too, including DPI and you can enable ICS tablet mode. Pretty much all features work including camera, video recording, market etc.

Installation was relatively painless once I'd spent an hour or so reading. You need to revert to a stock (rooted) ROM, flash a Chinese leaked Samsung ICS upgrade and then flash the ROM.

Didn't keep it for long though because many Apps (with data) don't restore correctly with Titanium. Would have meant going through manually setting up everything, I'd really need to set aside a day to do this.

Trying to revert back to Gingerbread was a total disaster though. I figured I could just flash my Nandroid backup but noooooo... it doesn't quite work like that. I managed to balls things up pretty well trying that. Couldn't boot into the ROM, couldn't reflash the ICS rom, couldn't really do anything in recovery. In the end I had to use PC ODIN to flash a stock GB ROM, reinstall Clockworkmod and then restore my nandroid. Including reading and stressing this is took about 4 hours in total!

So all in all, if you're desperate for ICS the ROM looked great, just make sure you have the time to install and setup all your essentials. And absolutely, definitely, read up beforehand how to revert back to GB just in case you don't like it.
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HEAP size increase is about the only thing I'm really looking to ICS for (means applications that emulate other OS's like QEMU, etc. can allocate more RAM to the virtualised OS - currently they are mostly stuck at 16MB which is rather limiting).
Anyone else got a small bump on the bezel just above the Samsung logo? Looks like there's a microphone under there or something, but can't see anything similar on any online images.

Scratch that, bezel just need a bit of pressure :(
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Has anyone noticed lots of black spots/dots and lines on the screen when looking at a blank screen in the dark? I know its a weird scenario but when the backlight goes off, it looks like an etch-e-sketch!

Try this... turn of all the lights in your room, so its pitch black, and go to a completely black screen, or the sample video that came with the phone, go to 00:56 and wait till the backlight turns off and look to see what you see on the screen please.

This was taken with an SLR camera at 13 seconds exposure f10 and at iso 800
Has anyone noticed lots of black spots/dots and lines on the screen when looking at a blank screen in the dark? I know its a weird scenario but when the backlight goes off, it looks like an etch-e-sketch!

Try this... turn of all the lights in your room, so its pitch black, and go to a completely black screen, or the sample video that came with the phone, go to 00:56 and wait till the backlight turns off and look to see what you see on the screen please.

I have a couple of splotches visible in very dark conditions on pitch black screen, noticed it from when I got the phone.
I only got my phone about 2 weeks ago :/

Em3bbs, how close is your screen to mine then?

tbh I only notice it when I'm watching it in complete darkness so its not a problem but if its worse than other peoples phones I might try and get a replacement.
wow BigT that is bad! I only have a couple of marks like that. Mine is a refurb that I've had for a couple of months so not sure how old it is.
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