Well I craved in. Decided to get an Black NC10 over the EPC901 from a competitor for £300. Hopefully I should have it in a day or two so I'll post my experiences. It'll be replacing my XPS1530, which I'll be passing on to my cousins.
Can someone post the 'perfect' set up guide for the Samsung NC10 please... which includes the configuration of the partitions at the Startup when you received it etc..
Can anyone help regarding the above?
Please pweeeety please!!!
PS Was also thinking about to Ramdiane's post about a perfect guide and wondering what type of info would it contain?
Can anyone help regarding the above?
Please pweeeety please!!!
Nice pics. I like that wallpaper, where did you get it from?
I found it on the internet, i have uploaded 70 wallpapers to rapidshare if you would like them
Here they are.
What main monitor is that?
ok heres a little one i got from our friends at nc10 blog, basicly turn off all scrolling and install this
saved me so much messing around and now i got full use of the track pad, along with this go to settings and turn on momentum and the pointer glides across the screen.
Ok lets have some HD comparisons and feedback on heat /noise
Run this http://www.hdtune.com/hdtune_255.exe with power saving set to performance
Toshiba MK16526S 8MEG
MIN 31.2 MB/S MAX 61.9 MB/S AVERAGE 49.8 MB/S
69.1 BURST
5.8% CPU
Drive is fantastic Ultra quiet smooth and cool running