Samsung NC10

You'll certainly notice the difference going from a dual core C2D to a single core. I've gone from an XPS 1530 (2.4ghz C2D) to an NC10. The NC10 handles most of my tasks perfectly fine in Speed mode. No idea about youtube as I find it to be a pos for the most part. I can stream 720p's to mine over wireless with only the odd stutter during seeks, and finally most xvids of tv shows e.g top gear @ 640x352 play flawlessly.

The NC10 is a surprisingly nippy little bugger, but dont expect it to really handle intensive number crunching tasks.
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I would spend the extra 100gbp for the dual core. Any anti-virus, security software immediately reduces the responsiveness of a single core pc whilst barely impacting a dual core machine.
I probably only use it to watch films/music and browsing the net also storing and photo gallery.

I fnd that the NC10 can handle most* things quite well, if it is only running one thing at a time. Sorta reminds me of a Duron system, can do most things quite well, except multitasking.

*web bowsing, word processing - not autocad ot CS4!!!
only having a 1.6Ghz Processor is abit lame, they could have easily made it higher, but its that Atom chip they use which is annoying.

But then that chip is also the reason why you can get 7+ hours of battery life.
only having a 1.6Ghz Processor is abit lame, they could have easily made it higher, but its that Atom chip they use which is annoying.

But then that chip is also the reason why you can get 7+ hours of battery life.

exactly, you're contradicting yourself. They've created an ultra-portable laptop with fantastic battery life (probably the biggest selling point), and not a hugely powerful machine. Therefore it's not really lame! And the Atom is a nippy little thing for what the netbook was designed for
only having a 1.6Ghz Processor is abit lame, they could have easily made it higher, but its that Atom chip they use which is annoying.

But then that chip is also the reason why you can get 7+ hours of battery life.

how could they of made it easily higher? care to clarify? :p

they didnt just choose the atom for their netbook.. the atom was designed specifically for the netbook/small device market... and you even gave the reason why.

Theres already a new atom and hopefully not too long there will be a dualcore atom.
Ok I have a can of matt white spraypaint (well several cans of various colours) and I'm tempted to spray the lid a matt white so I can Sharpie doodle on the lid to customise it to my own style!

I have decided to not get the NC20 and keep the NC10 and run it into the ground!

But should I do it white or keep it plain and another colour?

Basically any colour that doesn't leave finger marks :p

Maybe matt black....and get some nice decals of various gaming nature.

I got a Virus Worm, Win32.Zafi.B Last night on my laptop.

Installed so many antivirus software, and did many scans but i couldnt get rid of it, I had to reformat the C:/ and Loose EVERYTHING ARGH!

Hate putting and installing everything back on.
Would one of these little machines happily run excel and charting software?

Does it have a 3G moden i.e if I have a 3G sim I can slip it in to the laptop?

I wanted one for stock trading whilst I'm at work.
Im pretty sure it will run excel ok, the bigger issue is the limited screen res for apps like that.

Good point, I'll shrink my current screen down and see how it fairs.

It'll be odd going from 2x23" samsungs at 4096px to a 1024x600 screen!

But I also understand the flexibility this offers. Now I need to see how much my streaming platform consumes in MB/GBs a day because the next pain could be the 3G costs! :)
Got one today! Nice little bit of kit!
I got Office 2007 on it with a little help from Demon Tools.
And after some windows updates its running fine.

(Tip) Alt + Enter for Web Browsing to get Full Screen Browsing
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