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Only reason im sending mine back is (as my ports still work) is for when i come to upgrade no one will likely want to buy a B2 over a B3 either that or there will be a huge price difference on that and remember your warranty will restart from when you get the new board which is worth while for me, msi's advanced replacement should only mean a few hours disruption anyway, ill take mine apart the night before im due the delivery, go to bed, wake up goto work swap the boards, come home put it back to gether in about 10 or 15 mins and jobs a good un :D

LOL. That's only because you are octopus like in your rebuilding skillz. :p
Quick question, I ordered my Dad one of the asus P8H67-M EVO i emailed him (he doesnt live local) to get the serial number and sent it to me, i went to the asus site http://vip.asus.com/eservice/changeSandybridge_MB.aspx?slanguage=en-us to put the serial number in and it says my product isnt affected??? The board was bought before the intel announcement. Can any give me an idea what format the serial number is in, for this board, so i can check my Dad has sent me the right number? Cheers
Quick question, I ordered my Dad one of the asus P8H67-M EVO i emailed him (he doesnt live local) to get the serial number and sent it to me, i went to the asus site http://vip.asus.com/eservice/changeSandybridge_MB.aspx?slanguage=en-us to put the serial number in and it says my product isnt affected??? The board was bought before the intel announcement. Can any give me an idea what format the serial number is in, for this board, so i can check my Dad has sent me the right number? Cheers

Still got the box? It should be on there too, i believe they put the s/n on one of the pci slots?
Still got the box? It should be on there too, i believe they put the s/n on one of the pci slots?

I gave my Dad all the boxes and he took them with him after i built it but as i said he emailed the number but when i tried it on that site it didnt work. I don't want anyone to give me their S/N i just wanna know the format cause he sent me two numbers neither of which worked. The one i think is correct is in the format 6 letters and 6 numbers so


Does that seem about right?

I gave my Dad all the boxes and he took them with him after i built it but as i said he emailed the number but when i tried it on that site it didnt work. I don't want anyone to give me their S/N i just wanna know the format cause he sent me two numbers neither of which worked. The one i think is correct is in the format 6 letters and 6 numbers so


Does that seem about right?


Ive got one from my p55 board was 6 letters and 6 numbers which were mixed up however like below (not a serial number ;) )

So It looks like its fairly random then....Next question is there a way to find the serial number of a motherboard in windows? i tried systeminfo command and cpu-z and neither gives the mobo serial number :( I've got team viewer installed on the machine so i can remote in....
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Something people have mentioned before, is that one of the characters (about the 4th if I remember right) is quite ofternly a zero, rather than the letter "O", or the other way around (I can't remember for sure, as I don't have my box to hand). Would probably be easiest for you both if you got your Dad to take a picture of the label with the serial number on it, and send it to you via email.
just remoted to his machine and installed sis sandra and looked at the hard ware section and its given me a third totally different number which also doesnt work :( I'll try changing that number from an O to a 0 see if that works cheers
nah it was defo not a B3 i ordered it on 19th of jan and intel didnt even mention it until the start of Feb about the issue and i just checked cpu-z on the machine and its a Rev. B2.
Guess I must be unlucky, the SATA port on my P8P67 pro has just failed!
Windows did not see my disc drive, even a search for new hardware failed.
So I swapped from the original SATA port to one of the 6gb/s (intel) and everything is fine now.
Must admit that I thought it was a storm in a tea-cup and with the stated small percentage of faulty mobo's it wouldn't affect me.
Looks like I was wrong! Now for the dreaded Asus swap program. :(
unlucky, yeah im not really looking forward to the whole swap out thing gonna have to get my dad to bring his pc 60 miles, ill have to strip it down and organise sending all back :(
I decided in the end that i couldnt be bothered with asus (atleat for one of my boards) so im sending it back to a distributor (bought through my work) should be fairly pain free, no postage costs and should have it replaced with 2 or 3 days. Bad side is that because the other board was a mis ship, il have to send it to Asus directly but atleast il have a B3 to use while its being sent.
Whats going on with OCUK and Asus replacements?

I purchased M4E in Jan, have sent 2 RMA requests, both have been ignored - no RMA number given and now I see they are selling M4E RevB3 in store
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