Scariest ''level'' in a video game

I agree, Silent Hill (1&2) were damned scary! It's all about atmoshpere rather than jumps with me.

Not sure if anyone knows it, but Pathalogic had a pretty eerie atmos... and it's not even a 'horror' game as such :S
The demo of silent hill that I played, well.. because of the demo. There is one bit in the school where a filecabinet/locker thing is rattling.. I know whats gunna happen, so I go over to it and it opens and a thing jumps out at me and I **** myself even though I knew it was gunna happen.

So I finally get to play the original and get to the same point, the locker is going nuts like last time and I'm ready.. I'm ready to punch this thing in the face for making me change my underwear the first time round.... and... OPEN.. *fist to the what the hell, its empty!? now I'm looking everywhere for this thing and can't find it..* I dunno if it was a bug or meant to happen but the next 20+ corners I'm expecting to be raped.

AvP the original first level you find the xenomorphs, well actually it was the demo for me.. never got the original till years after was way too poor and young.. took me quite a bit of courage to complete it and get round the first few corners having killed a few aliens.. then I realised if you moved forward enough it'd trigger them to come at you.. so I waited for the first few to come at me and then I moved on. Oh the glorious success when that demo was completed.

AvP 2: I think you're walking under some pipes or something, pretty sure its early on.. and this pipe hisses and you get near it and bursts and falls down hanging.. looks like a the typical smooth alien banana head. That sucker got a face full of metal. May actually be further on when you're trying to turn the power back on I cant remember now.

Not much else has scared me and nothing has scared me since those games at all.. quite immune to it all now. I think I have a personal timer between scares where I go numb just expecting it.. which is cool, **** gets popped in the face quite rapidly. Sure my hearts going but never jump anymore
And another vote for the Library level in metro. *sprinted the whole god damn thing* >.<

Recently got Metro and I'm nearing that level now. Nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be so far considering how pathetic I am when it comes to scary games :p

Parts of Bioshock made me jump (stuff like, same with Dead Space and watching my mate play Amnesia was also pretty bad. Haven't seen anyone in this thread mention Call of Cthulu or Penumbra which are apparently pretty scary, though I haven't played either.
I've only played a little of Cthulu so far, (one of those I've shelved for now to be modded in the future), but yes, I certainly found it very creepy. Actually I found it about as scary in parts as Amnesia is, just not quite as consistently I guess.
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Dead Space 2 scares me, gave up playing it lol

lol im easily scared but i just never found DS1 or DS2 that scary....had moments.

Scariest one I recall. Is in DS1 when you encounter that huge monster that doesn't die but keeps regenerating, it chases you down a hall and it a room and you get locked in the room with it and have to wait for the doors to unlock, whsilt loads of other small monsters start coming in the vents also....or something like that. I Remember I was stuck on that for ages and stopped playing for a few days as it scared the crap out of me.

But this monster then kept reoccurring for the rest of the game. I cant remember how you kill him eventually. But it was quite cool.

I found condemned more scary I stopped playing that game
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