Scariest ''level'' in a video game

it sfunny how vampire mas can be scary as the game is somewaht comicy/funny/cartoony and unrealsitic yet still spooky.

its like a horror version of the just doensnt sound scary
All this talk of Ravenholm made me remember this comic :p


All the silent hills were damn scary.

Playing Silent Hill 4 (I was in my mid-late teens) scared the crap out of me. I pretty much had to play that with my friend round. Those floating ghosts/people that didn't really attack you were creepy as hell.

I never got round to completing that game, really hope they do some HD remakes.
Playing through Bioshock again in the wee small hours, when you look down to search a dead splicer and the ****** jumps up with a scream and attacks you. Been caught out a few times with that one. Also that room full of corpses where the lights suddenly flick out and then back on as all the bodies stand up.
First level of Alien vs Predator (the first game). I owned one of the first surround sound setups, parents had gone out and was playing in the dark. For the whole first level, nothing actually happens, but the atmosphere of that game was one of the most engaging that I have ever come across. Lots of other scary levels around, but I remember this one most of all. Cracking game too.

I have to agree. Rewind to back in the day, I was over at a buddy's and he had this installed. 5.1 surround speakers and playing in the dark! When you hear the beeping your heart rate is accelerating to match it, lol!

that level with the baby in it in.... is it max payne or thief?


I remember that level - would not say it was "scary", but definitely one of the most disturbing moments I have experienced in gaming...really messes with you.
I agree, Silent Hill (1&2) were damned scary! It's all about atmoshpere rather than jumps with me.

Not sure if anyone knows it, but Pathalogic had a pretty eerie atmos... and it's not even a 'horror' game as such :S

What amazed me is that Silent Hill is very spooky and freaky, yet turn the sound off and it isn't at all.

I find it averagely spooky, but seriously creapy when the walks start to bleed and it goes into the wierd Silent Hill world from the normal world (the sirens sound).
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