Scottish Elections Result

Thirty years ago, McCrone's conclusions shocked his political masters. An independent Scotland's Budget surpluses, wrote McCrone, would be so large as to be "embarrassing". Scotland's currency "would become the hardest in Europe with the exception of the Norwegian kronor".

This report was made for Westminster, and the chill it ran up their spine meant they hid it for 30 years and continued to lie about the value of North Sea Oil to Scot's and tried their hardest to stamp out the SNP (look at us now ;))
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so what currency are you going to use the euro? if you independant from us why do you think you will be alowed to use the £ ?

Because the removal of Scottish economic activity would also undervalue the now English pound, and that by pegging the currencies together we both maintain economic stability through the BoE machanisms.

I've already said several times I don't want the euro, and I don't want Europe either.
Yes, you are entirely right.

The UK pound isn't floated by England alone as some seem to have mistaken themself...

Indeed. I don't get why there's so much hostility towards Scotland wanting their independence (assuming that they indeed do). They're a country of their own and if it is what they want, then we should respect that.

Well, as long as it doesn't mean I have to pay much more for good Scotch whisky. :p
Indeed. I don't get why there's so much hostility towards Scotland wanting their independence (assuming that they indeed do). They're a country of their own and if it is what they want, then we should respect that.

Well, as long as it doesn't mean I have to pay much more for good Scotch whisky. :p

Both our economic markets would thrive I believe personally. Not sure why such hostility towards each other... Or is it the whole "dey took our land!" still thriving through people's blood?
Indeed. I don't get why there's so much hostility towards Scotland wanting their independence (assuming that they indeed do). They're a country of their own and if it is what they want, then we should respect that.

Well, as long as it doesn't mean I have to pay much more for good Scotch whisky. :p

there is no hostility but you want independance aswell as the benefits that come with beeing part of the uk :rolleyes:

its not independant if your connecting to us with a safety harness....
Good result - it breathes some life into Scottish politics; as far as independance is concerned, I am neither for or against - though we do need greater autonomy!

everyone in england would be better off living in scotland if we get the same deal as you guys have now and you want moar ?
everyone in england would be better off living in scotland if we get the same deal as you guys have now and you want moar ?

More what?


Do you know what that means?

It would fix all this 'you get this and we get that' nonsense.

Full fiscal responsibility please, then people like you can naff off and find something else to get bitter about :p
Indeed. I don't get why there's so much hostility towards Scotland wanting their independence (assuming that they indeed do). They're a country of their own and if it is what they want, then we should respect that.

Well, as long as it doesn't mean I have to pay much more for good Scotch whisky. :p



I honestly don't know.

Perhaps a mix of the above across the spectrum in smaller segments.
I think there are a few posters in this thread who are not entirely familiar with Scottish politics or the arguments under discussion at Holyrood. I don’t necessarily think it reflects badly on them as they raise some serious concerns with their questions. It’s not their fault they are not as informed as they could be since the MSM rarely report on what is actually being discussed at constituent and a national level in Scotland.

One poster talks about GDP which is particularly low. However has not taken into account the active starving of Scottish economy over the last 3 decades by various Westminster governments.

To begin with, the current system is demonstrably not working to grow Scotland’s economy. In the three decades or so before the start of the recent financial crisis, Scotland’s annual average growth in GDP was 1.8 per cent, significantly below the UK average of 2.3 per cent. That’s hardly a good case for maintaining the status quo. Nor is it surprising. Whether you are Chancellor of the Exchequer, or a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, you’ll be setting UK economic policy on the basis of the whole UK economy. And in the data you’ll use to help make your decisions, Greater London alone will carry more weight than the whole of Scotland. Scotland’s economy has far more chance to prosper if we have Scottish economic policy solutions to address Scottish problems. That would be the case whoever is in government in Scotland.

We also have another poster discussing funding for armed services which has been already highlighted as a cause for concern form former leading nationalist in Margo McDonald. The truth of the matter is that should it be passed that Scotland returned a resounding sovereign vote then equally this question would need dialog between both Scotland and the existing UK member states. It would be in no ones interest to see a neighbour unprotected. In this event it could be envisioned that a similar situation to UK/French, carrier proposals would be entirely possible.
biohzard all i can say is LOL.

stop beeing bitter towards the english, there is no reason to hate us most of us couldnt give a crap if you get independance but if you do i hope you dont get the safety net you think you should have...

It would be in no ones interest to see a neighbour unprotected.
you expect us to protect you for free? because its aparently in our best intrest? lol sure well fight for you and put ours lives on the line to save a country that wants nothing to do with us cos were all backwords like....
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biohzard all i can say is LOL.

I'm starting to think the same about you.

stop beeing bitter towards the english


Please highlight where you feel I have been 'bitter towards the English', I would be genuinely interested.

there is no reason to hate us most of us couldnt give a crap if you get independance but if you do i hope you dont get the safety net you think you should have...

Why are you talking about hating England, you are pulling argument from thin air that hasn't happened.

It isn't a safety net, but if you think Sterling is floated singularly by England you are a fool and shouldn't be having discussions with the big boys.
The truth of the matter is that should it be passed that Scotland returned a resounding sovereign vote then equally this question would need dialog between both Scotland and the existing UK member states. It would be in no ones interest to see a neighbour unprotected. In this event it could be envisioned that a similar situation to UK/French, carrier proposals would be entirely possible.

Not really sure if that is a consideration. Scotland would revert to having a purely defensive force with any additional needs it may require for whatever treaties is chooses to honour (i.e. NATO and UN Commitments). The British Armed Forces have not really been defensive in nature for quite some considerable time. An independant Scotland would not need to the ability to project power that the UK requires to keep its roles in NATO and the UNSC and to support and protect it's foreign assets and ventures.

Defence for an Independant Scotland would be "What forces do we need to secure our own borders?" So I would expect a small naval presence and a small homeland defense force with some air assets. Or more likely would be paying some money towards a UK wide defensive force and letting Westminster foot the bill for any offensive hardware and operations.
You say you want to use the British pound after Scotland becomes independent, because all countries made it a strong currency.

Truth is, if not the Union treaty and all countries joining as one, Scotland would be a poor thirld world country with civil wars, corruption, and crap flowing everywhere.

If you want this then go on.
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