SETI@home News Vol. 115 (12/09/2010)

All my remaining SETI WUs have just been sent :D

Edge, I detached and reattached einstein and thankfully my lost WUs were resent, so no harm done. Might give it a miss for now trying to build an app_info to get more than one GPU WU running, though it'd still be interesting to see a) if it's possible and b) if there is anything to be gained.
Im uploading - slowly, but about 20 wu's have gone through :p
About time as I have too amny uploads to get any downloads, so hopefully I can get some once they turn things back on..


Shhhh - dont tell anyone!

Roger that Mr Edge....doh too late:)

I'm off for the night, as I finally have my first wc loop on test (borrowed some power from another PC). A couple of minor leaks during the painful and back breaking filling exercise (so I'm leaving the rig switched off overnight to ensure it is fully dry), but coolant is finally flowing (in the pipes) :cool:!

Pity I'll have to partially drain the system again to connect the waterblock :(

Mr Toxic, I faithfully predict you'll have an absolute hoot doing this wc stuff!!!

A hoot indeed lol :D all my parts are here but am not ready mentally for the assault, need a few days of no nonsense with my machines behaving as they should while i keep pencillling in plans, and changeing them 5 minutes later.
I have to be 100% sure of myself before i tackle it and right now there's some pressing issues at The Towers to contend with first.

'Ere...who slammed there foot on the go slow pedal...darn it was doing ok there for a while :D

**Edit** you really cannot consider going to bed and leave the pc to thoroughly dry out, whats wrong with you peep....turn the hair dryer on it and throw the power switch:D
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Mmmm green with envy i am :)

I bid you all a safe, successfull and peacefull nights sleep i need to go dream a while :)
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Welcome to the team :D

No, it's normally quick 'n' easy to download tasks but they've had recent issues with the air conditioning so they had to shut down their systems whilst it was sorted. All this means that there's a backlog of results to upload and people in their droves wanting to download new tasks, which obviously leads to slow-downs.

Bear with it, you will get work :)
Ahhh yeah it's because I had my preferences set strangely it's now working away.

But only with CUDA tasks no CPU tasks as of yet :(

Another question how do I get a sig like yours?
Halz - one of the members around here - sorted those sigs out for us but I've not seen him around for a little while. There is another site that I think Biffa hosts, but I can't remember what the URL is for that :(
Ah well, is it me or do you get more CUDA tasks than CPU tasks.

I think this is pointless as the majority of people have more CPU cores/threads than GPUs.
Thanks but how do I get it to work?

Look below that's all I get. What do you put for SETI handle?


Your stats will come to life in a few hours after server updates :)
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