Usually people keep them in a very secure storage facility, as they get stolen a lot. Quite a few of my friends have got motorhomes (presumably blowing their 25% tax free pension amount on them ) but I've never seen the point really.
The money spent on something like that would pay for an awful lot of nice holidays and hotel rooms.
You could literally live the winter months in Spain in one of these. I know someone's retired parents do exactly that. Spending 3-4 months in Spain will soon add up. 15-20k in hotel bills. Over a 5 year period you are close to 100k. AirBnB your house during the winter months as already mentioned.
Also with todays rates you save about 1.5k a year on utilities during the winter so that is 7 and half grand over 5 years in itself.
If I was ever going to do it I would convert a Rigid truck (DAF/SCANIA/VOLVO) with a box on the back then maybe add a couple of motorbikes for local transport.