*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

I got 50% offer for any bundle at the moment if I decide to stay.

Is this the best offer I can expect?

How can you quibble with that? 50% is surely very good value?

My other half phoned up last month, and unbeknownst to me (& seemingly her) signed up to the 15-18% off she was offered. When I contacted Sky about cancelling last week, transpires it was a day after the cool-off period, so we're now locked into that deal for 12 months... Grrr...
How can you quibble with that? 50% is surely very good value?

My other half phoned up last month, and unbeknownst to me (& seemingly her) signed up to the 15-18% off she was offered. When I contacted Sky about cancelling last week, transpires it was a day after the cool-off period, so we're now locked into that deal for 12 months... Grrr...

Either your wife is lying to you or they are.

If they are, then why are you happy to let them pull your pants down? Call them up and ask for a recording of the call and state you never accepted anything. Also why did she phone them? Is it in her name? If so just cancel and sign up as a new customer in your own name.

Call centre staff I've found lie through their teeth, I've had issues with Virgin Media telling me one thing and doing another. Car insurance company stating I should have checked every detail with a fine tooth comb (I did) and somehow even with my right regy plate they had insured a car which did not exist and was never manufactured and not the one that showed on screen when I did my quote and went with it.
Either your wife is lying to you or they are.

If they are, then why are you happy to let them pull your pants down? Call them up and ask for a recording of the call and state you never accepted anything. Also why did she phone them? Is it in her name? If so just cancel and sign up as a new customer in your own name.

Call centre staff I've found lie through their teeth, I've had issues with Virgin Media telling me one thing and doing another. Car insurance company stating I should have checked every detail with a fine tooth comb (I did) and somehow even with my right regy plate they had insured a car which did not exist and was never manufactured and not the one that showed on screen when I did my quote and went with it.

I think it was a mis-understanding personally/ignorance...

When she was on the phone, she was told something along the lines of these deals come and go, so she should go for it while it was available and then phone back in X months to see if there was another offer. Which she (seemingly) did...

This has then signed us into that 12 month deal... So we can't cancel (or so I was told).

She may well of course now phone up in a few months, but I don't know if they would offer her another deal if we're part way through a 12 month contract?

I'm putting this one down to experience... and in 11 months time, we'll not do the same :)
Only offered 20% off TV and HD, half price Fibre. 12 month contract.

That's with a full contract at £125 to go down to £87.

I wonder what the chances are of getting better?

Cancel, and you'll easily get 35% straight away, leading up to 50% if you hang in there. If you then chat to someone about staying, you can also perhaps get some credit on the account.
I got 50% offer for any bundle at the moment if I decide to stay.

Is this the best offer I can expect?

You'd probably easily also get credit added, at the very least £50. I got 50% off and £100 after speaking with someone about staying, and took that along with no contract. I am now, however, going to be cancelling because aside from Sport, we can barely ever find something to watch in the evening. They have a big selection but none of it really interests us.
I was paying £38, I'm now paying £19 and I still have HD. Looks like I just got a different offer then.

Yeah My HD pack somehow ended up tied into the rest of the package aswell, I never used to get discount on it. 60% off shows like this on mine

27 Aug - 26 Sep (a month)
Family with Cinema - including discounts
Family with Cinema£56.00
Viewing Subscription Discounted- £33.60
Well i had a letter through offering 30% off.
I gave them a call as no cancellation date showing on my sky account and they offered me 50% off the TV but nothing on internet or broadband .
Spoke to the broadband department who offered my it free for a year so just line rental to pay which doesnt seem to bad.
She checked my account and last year i had half price multi room and half price HD pack so it was coming in around £57 .Also she said i had 60% off although all my emails at the time showed 50% .
Best they could do is £72.
I hadnt cancelled my line rental and broadband so i put that in as well to cancel.
Yeah not sure I can handle it lol . Hopefully they will have some offers for skyQ for existing customers in the next week or so.
The 50% off deal is now showing on my account but still wait and see .
Might take them up on the unlimited broadband and line rental for £17.50 or whatever there line rental is.
Just checked and I seem to have a Sky Q offer on my account, 2TB Silver box for £12 P/M more and £30 Installation fee.

Currently got the Family pack + Fibre Unlimited at £36, so new bill is £48 if I take up the offer.

Shame they're charging an extra £18 for Sky Cinema though.
You'd probably easily also get credit added, at the very least £50. I got 50% off and £100 after speaking with someone about staying, and took that along with no contract. I am now, however, going to be cancelling because aside from Sport, we can barely ever find something to watch in the evening. They have a big selection but none of it really interests us.

So I got on the online chat and got it renewed with 50% off and £50 credit.

Much better !
Well they have offered me the full sky with hd , multiroom ,line rental and broadband for £60.40 with a rolling contract which doesnt seem to bad.
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