*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

How are the both of you speaking with the person on the other end? Are you being nice and friendly, chatty, and being sincere, or are you talking to them in a way that makes you sound like a self-centred and entitled so-and-so? I've found that what they give you largely depends on how nicely you talk to the person on the other end of the phone. I'd be far less likely to try and get a good deal for someone that's talking to me like I'm a piece of rubbish.
Spoke to them in a very friendly and polite manner as they did to me, but they weren't prepared to offer much at all so I went ahead and cancelled.
All very amicable and over in less than 5 minutes.

Again, this is a mistake and a reason why you're getting nowhere. If the person you're talking to isn't budging, and you are being friendly and nice when you're talking to them, there's no reason at all why you can't call them back and try someone different. I did that a year ago and when I called back I got £10 off my monthly bill for a year and a new 2TB wifi box. All it took was another 10 minutes on the phone. Honestly, how important is your time that you can't call back to save £120 per year and get a new box upgrade?

Not really bothered at the moment as i'm saving a lot more than £120, but if they contact me with an offer to good to refuse then who knows I maybe tempted to go back.
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Well I had a nice online chat with a very friendly and helpful chap on the Sky website. As I have my Fibre and Phoneline via BT (free BT Sport) I was looking into BT Vision as my current deal with was about to expire.

After going through various questions regarding our usage and preffered consumption method he offered us the full package for £36 p/m until next June which I was very happy with and took. :)
Lol you spoke nicely to save £120 per year?

I saved about £800 last year and spoke normally, got nothing to do with how you speak to them. Also I got two brand new boxes not one.

Just tell them the truth, new customer deals are far superior match the new customer deal or I'll leave. But they won't or can't.

Your also forgetting quidco cashback for new customers too on top which can be £150+. The cashback alone is more than what you saved then your forgetting 50% off with f and f codes, etc.
I don't get why you'd pay any more than you had to for a service? More fool the people who have been paying upwards of £50 a month for the last 10 years, IMO. If there is such a difference between standard rates and new customer deals, I'm surprised more people don't do what Psycho Sonny does.
Why am I not surprised that you don't see any value in being pleasant and polite to people?

I spoke normally as I would to anyone else, my point was I didn't bother trying to brown nose them and I saved 7 times more than they did.

No point in brown nosing them as they do not have the power to match new customer deals in 99% of cases. The team that call you after you have cancelled are the ones with real power (the proper retention's department) but even they have not been able to match new customer deals from my experience.

My point is that you don't need to be overly polite, just speak as you normally would, in fact don't even bother, just cancel and sign up as a new customer.
I have found that nothing can beat simply cancelling, its not even worth speaking to retention's ime. The best i have ever been offered was 50% off, and even that isnt as good as a new customer deal.

Speaking of this, i have "new" sky being installed on the 1st of the next month, but still have not got the new card yet. Usually it comes way in advance not long after the welcome letter :(
Thinking of cancelling as its not being used overly at the moment and I can watch most things through on-demand; which is where my question is heading.

If I cancel I know I lose the channels and the record option but do I also lose the access to on-demand for the FTA channels. Using the sky box is slightly easier than using the ipad and then airplay to the apple tv
I have found that nothing can beat simply cancelling, its not even worth speaking to retention's ime. The best i have ever been offered was 50% off, and even that isnt as good as a new customer deal.

Speaking of this, i have "new" sky being installed on the 1st of the next month, but still have not got the new card yet. Usually it comes way in advance not long after the welcome letter :(

Could you point me towards these new customer deals?

I'm looking at getting Sky, as a new customer, and getting 50% off would be great.
Last time I looked I was a guy. There is confusion between myself and Mischief who is female. I have no codes at the moment due to a change in the offer which limits me to 2 codes until the the end of September.
Sky had intentionally kept my phone number off the database when we built the new house ....the new copper line for the phone went in but we kept the same number....I have been trying desperately for the past few months to free myself from sky broadband services....

Every time I entered my postcode and phone number on the likes of talk talk or virgin or BT or plusnet websites to check availability the websites all came back saying I needed a new phone line installed as there was no phone line at my address to supply broadband even though I had broadband active and a phone line active through sky....

Took a letter to OFCOM to threaten sky to enable me to go to another broadband provider....

Today I managed to leave and go with plusnet ....

Sky are corrupt!!!!!!
Other providers systems can't (or couldn't) see the line because Sky use a fully unbundled LLU network. Sky are not corrupt. If other providers don't know how to deal with unbundled lines that's not Sky's fault.
Other providers systems can't (or couldn't) see the line because Sky use a fully unbundled LLU network. Sky are not corrupt. If other providers don't know how to deal with unbundled lines that's not Sky's fault.

That funny as they updated their database once OFCOM had contacted them....I then demanded my line ID off them...

In fact it took about 25 calls to sky in the end as no one on the other end had a clue what I was on about...

Sky are *****:mad:
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