I rang Sky yesterday to reduce the price of our Sky package, remove movies and get a HD+ box for our multiscreen room (which has a standard def, analogue box - now redundant). We have been with Sky for 5 years paying just over £80 a month so I expected them to really help out. After all, new customers get a ton of free installation and boxes on sign up.
No. They offered me 50% discount on the HD package (~£5/month) and the same for Multiscreen. They offered no concession on a new box which was £210 including installation. That seemed steep to me so I said I'd ring back. Anyway, after much deliberation, £63 per month seemed reasonable enough so I rang to 'order' to be told that I couldn't have 50% on two packages. This might seem small but after 5 years of full whack it is ridiculous they don't offer this. I really wish I was in a cable area.
It's starting to really grate on me that they have such a monopoly on TV. I really think the media should be more closely observed by the competition commission. Anyway, this is not a time for a full on rant. I do have something useful to contribute:
If you ring up to cancel a package, such as movies or HD (aim for the highest value one), then they can offer a 50% discount on it (usually around £5 a month) for 12 months without you having to sign or renew any kind of contract.