*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

I think I've decided I'll can then when I hear about my moving date. Will see how I get on with "normal" TV + Netflix
That funny as they updated their database once OFCOM had contacted them....I then demanded my line ID off them...

In fact it took about 25 calls to sky in the end as no one on the other end had a clue what I was on about...

Sky are *****:mad:

Why would Sky need to update their database when they were already supplying you with a service? Sky, along with every other provider use Openreach data to identify lines and availability. If the Openreach data is incorrect then that's not Sky's fault either but don't let that stop your rant.
Why would Sky need to update their database when they were already supplying you with a service? Sky, along with every other provider use Openreach data to identify lines and availability. If the Openreach data is incorrect then that's not Sky's fault either but don't let that stop your rant.

I got the line info from open reach....I then passed this information onto sky via letter and email.

They ignored my letter....

Finally sky updated their database

Timestamp for Last daily Update/Asset update: 16/07/2014

Timestamp for Last monthly Update: 17/07/2014

I finally got them to release me....
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I rang Sky yesterday to reduce the price of our Sky package, remove movies and get a HD+ box for our multiscreen room (which has a standard def, analogue box - now redundant). We have been with Sky for 5 years paying just over £80 a month so I expected them to really help out. After all, new customers get a ton of free installation and boxes on sign up.

No. They offered me 50% discount on the HD package (~£5/month) and the same for Multiscreen. They offered no concession on a new box which was £210 including installation. That seemed steep to me so I said I'd ring back. Anyway, after much deliberation, £63 per month seemed reasonable enough so I rang to 'order' to be told that I couldn't have 50% on two packages. This might seem small but after 5 years of full whack it is ridiculous they don't offer this. I really wish I was in a cable area.

It's starting to really grate on me that they have such a monopoly on TV. I really think the media should be more closely observed by the competition commission. Anyway, this is not a time for a full on rant. I do have something useful to contribute:

If you ring up to cancel a package, such as movies or HD (aim for the highest value one), then they can offer a 50% discount on it (usually around £5 a month) for 12 months without you having to sign or renew any kind of contract.
...or, if you just cancel entirely, you can have 50% off everything for a whole year plus all new equipment? Then you just cancel at month 11 and repeat. There is no point paying any more than 50% for sky.
...or, if you just cancel entirely, you can have 50% off everything for a whole year plus all new equipment? Then you just cancel at month 11 and repeat. There is no point paying any more than 50% for sky.

You forgot to mention quidco cashback too (usually £150+) ;)

People who don't cancel and re-subscribe (for the sake of less than 30 mins work) are literally throwing hundreds of pounds away.

An extra £100-£800 in your pocket for the sake of <30 mins of re-shuffling things once every 12 months.

For some reason people still don't do it., either ignorance or pure laziness, this is why sky love "loyal" customers because they make the most money from them.

I bet you someone posts on here about how sky offered them a small discount and a new box for only £x within the next few pages. Even though it's been mentioned new customers get them for free.
I cancelled my sky subscription on 20/07/14 & stopped receiving programs on 21/08/14.
I have not been contacted by sky as a 'loyal customer’ (been with them for 10 years) & have not been offered any incentives to return (need a new dish as the one on the house is giving problems).
Any suggestions?
I cancelled my sky subscription on 20/07/14 & stopped receiving programs on 21/08/14.
I have not been contacted by sky as a 'loyal customer’ (been with them for 10 years) & have not been offered any incentives to return (need a new dish as the one on the house is giving problems).
Any suggestions?

Sign up as a new customer under someone elses name.
The problem is I am still under contract with them for broadband.
Do you know what checks they do to ensure its been 12 months between contracts
My dad died late last year but my mum kept Sky going partly because she was just used to it, however when they announced the price rises (June/July) she said she wasn't paying however much it's going up to for sport (she watches BBC, ITV, Barca matches and a bit of darts). However, now that the season's starting she's thinking she'll want it back if the price is right...

She obviously never got a call asking her to come back, as it wasn't her contract to come back to.

Is the best way to get it at the moment using Quidco for the ~£45 basic + sport package? How often do 50% codes come up? Or... does anyone reckon it's worth ringing them and explaining the situation and that we can save them a box and engineer visit just by activating the previous one again for a discount?
Pointless you calling them, they don't have the power to beat a new customer deal.

Sign up using quidco and go through their online sub process and sign up to a new customer deal.

Or wait for more F and F codes to come available then sign up
i only have the basic sky no phone or bb so when I phone they keep asking me to buy stuff I don't think they are bothered about me at all.
Cancelled Sky yesterday a year after signing up under the great offer they made to 02 broadband customers, to be fair they did try pretty hard to keep us with an offer of free broadband and 50% off the sky package and after a bit of moaning they offered the discount for paying line rental upfront again. It wasn't enough for me though we watch very little TV and most of it is on the terrestrial channels so all we wanted was the Sky+ functionality, the catchup TV and 12345. After some shopping around we've gone with BT TV they had an offer for broadband (non infinity) and TV for £13 a month plus line rental of £159 a year with a £150 Sainsbury's card and £250 quid from quidco all of which means they are paying me £50 for the year and at the end of it I get a fully working Humax Youview box that offers record and pause without a contract.

Long and short of it Sky to expensive silly BT offer made more sense!
After reading this thread and the logic of the contract being with the person and NOT the house - i am going to be resigning up in the wifes name to take advantage of new customer deal/new box/new dish and TCB too!!... But can i just ask, anyone that has done this - has there ever been any comeback from this??.. and also is there any tips for when i do it.. ie what not to say etc...
My 50% is up next month so will be cancelling, tried cancelling the other day by giving them more than the 31 days notice, but apparently I can't serve notice until I'm within the 31 days. I'm happy for it to run until the end, wasn't trying to end early just give notification now. Seems bizarre as my clients can serve their notice of cancellation on day 1 if they really wish,the sooner the better we know in my industry. Meh. Reminder set.
After reading this thread and the logic of the contract being with the person and NOT the house - i am going to be resigning up in the wifes name to take advantage of new customer deal/new box/new dish and TCB too!!... But can i just ask, anyone that has done this - has there ever been any comeback from this??.. and also is there any tips for when i do it.. ie what not to say etc...

How could there be comeback, there a number of reasons why this re-signing process may happen for example, a breakdown in relationship meaning one partner moves out etc? Its not illegal, nor is it fraudulent, the accounts are against a named person not household.

The system is all automated, but imagine the negative pr from challenging this, to find out the husband really had left the wife and 3 kids for a 21 year old and all she wants it to watch sky. The tabloids would love it.

I left sky after my f&f year deal ended in July. Had a 50% offer up on my accounts page to re-sign and still get regular phone calls even now.
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I totally agree with you Scrutinize.. thats exactly why i am doing it - zero comeback!!...What i meant was - HAD anyone ever been challenged or asked - just in a phonecall or something...more just for curiosity really.
Its weird because up until i read this thread - you do think that you can never possibly re sign up in someone elses name at same address (when it still same people living there i mean) - but when the penny drops that a contract is with a person and NOT a house - it all makes perfect sense!!!!!... MY wife is more than happy about saving money.... she muttered something about "means more shoes" or something...:D:D:D:D
I just cancelled mine and can't get over how I was spoken to. I phoned a few times last week trying to get a HD box for the multiscreen and reduce the cost from £82pm. Was originally quoted £62 a month + £209 for 2TB box and installation. I was going to settle for it but then when I rang back to confirm said they could only go down to £68. Out of principle I refused and asked for a call back which I never got. Another phone call to them yielded nothing.

This afternoon I rang them to cancel. Lo and behold they could immediately offer me the box and installation for free and the £63 a month I was after. The guy pretended to be flabbergasted and whatnot in the worst salemanlike way... anyway, once he made that offer I politely declined on the basis I was very frustrated with the service I'd received up to this point and that it shouldn't take the threat of a cancellation to achieve the above. After all, we've had Sky for 5 years paying top whack.

The second I said I would still like the cancel the representative became really aggressive. He raised his voice, yammered on about how he's annoyed Sky has lost a customer and how we will be losing out on TV. He then immediately read off the cancellation details so quickly and loudly I couldn't keep track, and then hung up. I didn't get a word in from the moment I declined and don't even know if I have definitely cancelled. Absolutely appalling. :mad:
Expecting good service from a large telecoms supplier will only end in frustration.

Accept that the CS is awful, pay as little as possible while dealing with them as little as possible, and you will be much happier :)
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