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So whos gone and got a 680 gtx then?

Cheers I was thinking that cant be right.....I take it one of these bad boys runs it fine if it never goes below 60....

I run between about 65-130 while multiplayering... 65 is the worst I've observed (unscientifically) but it's nowhere near my average frame rate by any means.

I average around 80-90 I'd say while overclocked.
Here was my last bench from BF3 in a full 48 player server. 21 minutes of data.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Average
105388, 1307453, 42, 188, 80.606

Min is 42 but only 61 of 1308 FPS recordings (1 recording per second) were below 60FPS. That is less than 5% time in sub 60 FPS conditions, or from a time perspective ~1 minute for the whole map.


I monitor My FPS on graph plots in realtime and it sticks to a solid 60 when I run Adaptive V-Sync and not benching.
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Here was my last bench from BF3 in a full 48 player server. 21 minutes of data.

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Average
105388, 1307453, 42, 188, 80.606

Min is 42 but only 61 of 1308 FPS recordings (1 recording per second) were below 60FPS. That is less than 5% time in sub 60 FPS conditions, or from a time perspective ~1 minute for the whole map.


I monitor My FPS on graph plots in realtime and it sticks to a solid 60 when I run Adaptive V-Sync and not benching.

That's impressive. What I like about Kepler is that it seems to be optimized around experience. If you look at FPS curves across games, and also within games, the 680's performance seems less spiky. i.e. there is less peaky performance and more good overall performance. The variance in FPS across all games is much lower than previous GPUs including the 7970. And it seems to also be optimized around raising minimum framerate -- which is really what's important for a high-end card, because you'll always have decent max frame rate. And if your max frame rate isn't enough that just means you need more GPU power. but having lower minimums on a card that usually has high FPS is more important and something that had to be addressed for PC gaming.

While I don't plan on getting one, this sort of tihng will carry over, no doubt, to higher end Kepler which I'm planning to get. And that is just brilliant.
That's impressive. What I like about Kepler is that it seems to be optimized around experience. If you look at FPS curves across games, and also within games, the 680's performance seems less spiky. i.e. there is less peaky performance and more good overall performance. The variance in FPS across all games is much lower than previous GPUs including the 7970. And it seems to also be optimized around raising minimum framerate -- which is really what's important for a high-end card, because you'll always have decent max frame rate. And if your max frame rate isn't enough that just means you need more GPU power. but having lower minimums on a card that usually has high FPS is more important and something that had to be addressed for PC gaming.

While I don't plan on getting one, this sort of tihng will carry over, no doubt, to higher end Kepler which I'm planning to get. And that is just brilliant.

Its really no better at holding an fps than the 7970. Have a look at some real time frame graphs, in reviews its up and down just as much. You know your stuff but what you are saying is pretty biased. Check out the hardocp review for evidence at apples to apples. Ovbiously the gtx680 shows better performance at stock but the fps is just as much up and down as the 7970/gtx580.

Thats some really nice performance in bf3 sin chase.
apparently the 680 as shown on other websites is a midranged card factory overclocked from a starting 700 mhz to 1000 mhz and around autumn the high end card chipset will be released sporting 50% increase over the 580gtx card ...just have to look and youll find the info.

amd card wasnt upto speed so they just used the mid range to compete with it

evga sc 4gb is out in next couple of months maybe May/June followed by 4gb *** and Classifieds

zotac is releasing an overclocked varient at 2000mhz with custom cooler around may

im just debating whether to get 2x 3gb evga classified ultras since the prices will drop to below £350 currently around £420 as im comming from 285 gtx :)
Well after tonight's testing.

I can safely say I'm glad I dropped my unlocked 6950's xfire for a single 680.

I spent only a hour messing with the overclock and managed to get very nice results and was already gaming :)

and on top of that I have buyers for my 6950's :D

Hey, I just did the exact same thing. Except I sold my two 6950's yesterday. So I am using the onboard graphics of the i2500k at the moment and suffering a bit of buyers remorse lol. My 680 doesn't arrive until Tuesday(maybe tomorrow if I am lucky!!)

And you sound pretty happy with the change. That's great news for me because I was kinda wondering why did I do that? Anything in particular makes the 680 stand out over the 6950's?
Hey, I just did the exact same thing. Except I sold my two 6950's yesterday. So I am using the onboard graphics of the i2500k at the moment and suffering a bit of buyers remorse lol. My 680 doesn't arrive until Tuesday(maybe tomorrow if I am lucky!!)

And you sound pretty happy with the change. That's great news for me because I was kinda wondering why did I do that? Anything in particular makes the 680 stand out over the 6950's?

Hopefully without causing a red v green fight... I just liked the driver quality of Nvidia over AMD.

I am not in anyway saying AMD drivers are terrible in comparison to Nvidia.

But I was having more gaming time than setting up time with the 680GTX.

This is not say once I go SLI with the 680GTX, it will all require more setup time to get it running correctly :)

The EVGA Precision tool is brilliant. In terms of frame rates My single 680GTX was getting better heaven scores over my xfire setup.
Hopefully without causing a red v green fight... I just liked the driver quality of Nvidia over AMD.

I am not in anyway saying AMD drivers are terrible in comparison to Nvidia.

But I was having more gaming time than setting up time with the 680GTX.

This is not say once I go SLI with the 680GTX, it will all require more setup time to get it running correctly :)

The EVGA Precision tool is brilliant. In terms of frame rates My single 680GTX was getting better heaven scores over my xfire setup.

Ah cool, I was just curious. I never had problems with any games on any amd/ati card that I have owned. But this round I just fancied a change :-)

Just glad to hear that somebody who made the same change as me is enjoying that change :)

It will be a while before I even think about going SLI. LOL these new cards are very expensive!!

Here is my heaven benchmark I took just before I sold the cards yesterday. Everything on max at 1920*1080. I just did the one run, that's why the min frames are so bad. What's your 680 doing? lol sorry, cant wait until my card comes to see myself :D

I'll get some benchies up soon. :)

Was your setup heavily overclocked or water setup? pretty sure mine didnt get that high in score :O
I'll get some benchies up soon. :)

Was your setup heavily overclocked or water setup? pretty sure mine didnt get that high in score :O

Thanks!! Looking forward to them :-)

No, not overclocked at all. Just the shaders unlocked in the bios. And the following hardware:-

Asrock Z68 extreme 4 gen 3 motherboard,
i2500k @ 4.3ghz,
8gb ram.

The 6950's in crossfire were great and were more than powerful enough for me without overclocking them. I just got the upgrade itch and wanted a change. :-)
Chomping at the bit for one of these, would it be a worthy upgrade from a single 5870? I game at 1080 on a single 24" monitor so im sure it will handle most games at high?

Chomping at the bit for one of these, would it be a worthy upgrade from a single 5870? I game at 1080 on a single 24" monitor so im sure it will handle most games at high?


It is down to you bud. Is there any game you can't play at full spec and you want to? If so then this card can breeze through any of them at 1080P.
It is down to you bud. Is there any game you can't play at full spec and you want to? If so then this card can breeze through any of them at 1080P.

I'm pretty commited, my only choice now is which one to get (evga seems to be popular) and is there much merit in waiting for a 4gb model?
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