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So whos gone and got a 680 gtx then?

No thanks, sticking with my GTX 580.. Same old story as the 7970 really.

This part on this review says it all for me "16% performance increase over GTX 580"


I want to go 2560 x 1600 from my 1920 x 1200 and this card also is not powerful enough yet for a single card configuration, I will wait for Nvidia to stop messing about and release the REAL GTX 680 which will be named GTX 780 or GTX 785 by end of this year hopefully. I'm tired of being milked like a sucker for real world game play that you don't notice the benefits of with such a small increase in speed. They can stick as many artifical bechmarks as they want like Heaven etc .. I don't play benchmarks and pay to watch pretty graphics that can't be played and worse they develope drivers and cards recently that only show massive gains in these silly benchmarks.

This is all AMDs fault for releasing the 7970 and it is very under powered for a next generation card in my opinion and so Nvidia renamed clearly a mid range GPU (that is very fast for a mid range gpu but not really highend) to fill the highend range for now and they clearly don't have to panic over AMDs next GPUs with the real GTX 680 that will come out in the near future. It is AMD vs Intel all over again here, Nvidia clearly have some good tech in their bag and keeping it for another day to milk us again as Intel has done with Ivy bridge but the funny thing with Ivy is it is showing to be a bad overclocker and the Sandy chips will overclock better and run faster. Ohh well waits for Haswell (hoping Intel stick more than 4 cores in for me to buy it or it is a super fast 4 core to make it worth buying) and Nvidia with their real kepler highend card.

To all that said I bashed AMD over the 7970, there you go I bashed Nvidia now too, as you now see I'm not a fanboy, i'm a fan of new technology that is all.

I hear ya - I also spoke up about how AMDs offering (and at the time was the 7970 and 7950) was underwhelming and that I wasnt that excited about it - seems all the fanboys came out and were calling us a heritic.

actually more of a AMD fanboy myself but I just didnt see it with their new line. Too expensive and not enough difference in benches.

I do like the new nvda card but IMO something with more memory would be desired; so atm Im waiting to see what the aftermarket coolers and mods will be like. Might end up waiting till what is is the 110 coming out later in the year thou - just upgraded myself to a 6950 and its fine. But also looking to upgrade to a 27 or 30 inch monitor.
life is hard ...
@1900 x 1200

Strange, I could max both of those titles on my old U2410 with smooth game play. And when I switched up to 1440p just before xmas I didn't need to touch Skyrim at all, it still runs smooth maxed. BF3 I have to run on medium settings at 1440p though.
I am sticking with 580GTX, and wait for 780GTX next year.

Tell me, which games can't be run smoothly on 580GTX at 1080p with all settings at highest ? I can't think of any games.... then I don't see any reason to click the order button.

waiting for 780GTX.

Witcher 2 with uber sampling? :p







Got a poster also and the usual wine voucher (:D)

Time for less posting and more installing.
got my "cheap" EVGA model sitting on my desk here at work. Might not be able to install it till Sunday due to having to remove the "old" watercooled GTX 480's and I don't think i have the spare tubing to re-jig it all.
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