South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Except they're not crimes and SYP have stated that. Part of me thinks this is an attempt to get people to come forward and report incidents that they don't think are hate crimes but actually are. Casting a wide net as it were.

I can only assume this is the motivation. Recording non-crime incidents unless they're domestic related isn't that useful if it's only for one force.
17 Jan 2016
I think these are the reasons these non-crimes are being taken seriously.

1. Because they want them to become crimes.

2. If they do become crimes then it'll be easier to investigate these crimes rather than solving real crimes.

I noticed when I was looking in to the crime figures for one of the debate threads, it said how Computer Misuse crimes, which I assume all these online hate crimes come under, had fallen by 33%. Meanwhile the real crimes had all increased across the board in both police crime statistics and the crime survery study.

It is actually insulting to the victims of real hate crime when someone gets beaten up because they are of a different race, gender or have a disability, for that to be put on the same level as someone writing a racist, sexist, disabled joke/insult.

It feels like I would imagine how things went when the fall of the Roman empire started to happen. The masses suffering from high crime and disorder, while the elite of society sits creating reports that only focus on a specific view that can be massaged to say anything they like. We're seeing the bourgeoisie class of people in this country acting like that. If you challenge their insular view you get called racist, sexist, hater, bigot etc.
17 Jun 2012
South Wales
I do find GD hilarious now. It's a bunch of older gentleman struggling to make sense of a world that's changing way too much them and instead of trying to understand what and why it is happening they just shout angry things. :p
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Some people understand tiny portions of the world and they rebel at what they see. What manifests is variable. Some people scream at the sky, others actively try and fight it. Most despair.
9 Jun 2005
[QUOTE="Johno please?, post: 32108825, member: 38270"

Surely you are missing the point? The tweets in the OP clearly state that they are non-crimes.

Unless you condone racism how can trying to reduce racist comments be a bad thing?

I might not like fat people but why can't someone (be it police or a friend) ask me to stop calling fat people 'fat ****s' to their face, online or by mail?

So if its a "non crime" then why are the police asking for these to be reported, its absurd.
3 Feb 2006
Blackburn - Glastonbury - Portsmouth
All you lefties pushing for more censorship imagine in the future Israel rounds up Palestinians in concentration camps and expands Israel's borders into Palestine, would you be happy that you can't critcise Israeli policies because it's deemed to be 'hate speech'? you'd be offended millions of Jews afterall. Enjoy your mental prison.

its already like that over there, boxed in with huge walls, food and aid all controlled by israel who have indeed already pushed into the areas that were meant to be Palestine.
5 Dec 2006
Ah man just another example of utter propaganda designed to implement police state and deeper mind controlled state.

Society is being played like a game. We are being played against each other to divide and conquer us.

All the media ever does is give everybody reasons to hate, to hate black people, to hate muslims, to hate immigrants, to hate the EU, to hate absolutely everything, we are being bombarded with so much hate promoting propaganda than at any point in human history. And, then what happens, they make it a crime to hate. :D

We are being trolled into a police state. I mean I have witnessed first hand how much hate gets flung around, I think we all have, but to make it a ****ing crime? Just what? I despair.

And, we have a guy here saying 1984 is "literally trash", people like this suffering from severe denial are one of the reasons this charade has gotten this far. The first step is to stop denial of what is happening and where we are heading.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Ah man just another example of utter propaganda designed to implement police state and deeper mind controlled state.

Society is being played like a game. We are being played against each other to divide and conquer us.

All the media ever does is give everybody reasons to hate, to hate black people, to hate muslims, to hate immigrants, to hate the EU, to hate absolutely everything, we are being bombarded with so much hate promoting propaganda than at any point in human history. And, then what happens, they make it a crime to hate. :D

We are being trolled into a police state. I mean I have witnessed first hand how much hate gets flung around, I think we all have, but to make it a ****ing crime? Just what? I despair.

And, we have a guy here saying 1984 is "literally trash", people like this suffering from severe denial are one of the reasons this charade has gotten this far. The first step is to stop denial of what is happening and where we are heading.

If it makes you feel better Asim, here's some love for you man! <3
8 Jan 2009
Excellent initiative. With one single tweet they've identified over 6000 instances of insulting comments, the ROI on this is impressive. Granted all of those insults are directed at South Yorkshire Police but that's hardly relevant.

Well...They had to put the image in the tweets together and that didn't exactly do itself, did it?

Someone has had to come up with the campaign.

It will have gone through approval.

Someone has put together the tweets and posted them.

All time and resource that should have been spent on crimes. It doesn't matter how long it took, it took too long.

Already 9200 messages and least 99% of them would be classed as "non-crime hate incidents".

How much time does it take for an officer to exam 9200~ comments, research and make a judgement and then file the paperwork to push it forward to make it official and file for criminal proceedings.

It's a huge snowball, it just gets bigger and bigger, taking up more resources and money, it will go on forever if it's allowed.

That said, this isn't my issue, it's the retarded public correctness and making it criminal that is corrupting our society.

By their own definition, there is least a dozen or so posts in this topic alone that could be reported to the Police and most of them by the left who are defending this post by the South Yorkshire Police.
30 Jul 2006
All you lefties pushing for more censorship imagine in the future Israel rounds up Palestinians in concentration camps and expands Israel's borders into Palestine . . .
If you spent less time bleating about free speech and wicked "Lefties" and more time keeping up with the news you might know that Israel has already rounded Palestinians up in Gaza and the West Bank and is busily stealing Palestinian land.

You sound like the sort of chap who misses your hero Senator Joe McCarthy.

ps - you do check under the bed after saying your prayers and before turning in for the night, don't you?
10 Mar 2012
Good to know South Yorkshire's police force has such vast resources that it can spend time investigating casual insults.

They have all the money from the time not spent on investigating 1400+ cases of CSE & not attending 999 calls including silent alarms, which happened with an old employer back in 2006. One of the panic buttons failed and triggered the silent alarm. We didn't notice for 11 hours (till lock up and the alarm panel refused to set). Boss complained and all we got was "well there wasn't a real emergency". Granted there wasn't but how were they to know this without attending. No apology or investigation into why a unit wasn't sent.

South Yorkshire are truly the worst force in the country and I'm including the London Met in that. Just full of incompetents and power-trippers (Yes, i'm referring to you Scothern!).
6 Apr 2011
Yeah SY are terrible, horrible priorities.

Just this week theyve asked boy racers not to race up and down a local dual carriageway. Been going on for weeks. Hundreds of kids watching. Ridiculous.

Get down there in numbers impound the racers cars.
10 Mar 2012
Yeah SY are terrible, horrible priorities.

Just this week theyve asked boy racers not to race up and down a local dual carriageway. Been going on for weeks. Hundreds of kids watching. Ridiculous.

Get down there in numbers impound the racers cars.

If you're referring to Cortonwood, then yes that's one time they have their priority straight. But what of the legal and static car club meets they've shut down by blocking the entrance to private land preventing innocent car owners from parking up and showing off their cars? The ones not causing any trouble and then claiming in press releases that they have no problem with that.

That's the two-faced nature of SYP. Tell everyone what they want to hear and making promises when they have no such intent. I bet they told all the CSE victims that they'd be safe too.....
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