Stealing drinks out of the works fridge

People are always pinching my milk despite it being in a bag tied up. The company provide uht milk but I buy my own so now i take the label off the bottle and put a note on that it is special hormone milk and shouldn't be consumed by just anyone. So far so good!

I always wonder if people who go to these lengths to mark/protect thier fridge stuff realise this 99% of the reason your stuff gets nicked.

People generally do this to wind you up the more you try to protect it the worse it gets.

I've left half a dozen cans of monster in the fridge for weeks not one touched.

The dude who drilled his milk bottle to put w padlock through it somone spent ages slowly draining it through the leaky hole and put it back empty just to watch him rage

Basically some arseclown at my workplace has been stealing food. It's something which has been intermittently going on for at least a year since we all got the new communal fridge which joins between blocks and picked up more over the last few months. The last straw was when a specially done lunch made by my partner went missing from a sandwich box and after I complained in front of her she said to 'leave it with her'. After a few days I came in with a (unique, so no mistakes can be made) box she'd prepared with cakes, a sandwich etc that she told me to leave in the fridge and within the next day it all went and later someone from the other block went off violently ill.

I've asked her what she put in and she said she put some out of date chicken and chilli powder in the sandwich and mixed the cakes with really powerful laxatives and 'something special' to which she has now told me is chilli essence injected into them. Frankly I'm not bothered about going so far but since then we've had a few of the resource people asking around if any food was intentionally spiked asking us to own up and that the thief (who they wouldn't name but a few have already figured out who) is seriously ill in hospital and that they are cooperating with the authorities for an investigation. I actually noticed a uniformed police constable on site the other day talking with them which has me concerned they're actually spending time looking into it.

At the end of the day they shouldn't have been stealing food and my opinion on the matter is that it's a harsh lesson learned. However I don't want to be dealing with any legal trouble from this - do I stand to face any repercussions? After all I didn't force the food down his throat and he shouldn't have been taking it in the first place.

Christ, OP went and did it! :p
I always wonder if people who go to these lengths to mark/protect thier fridge stuff realise this 99% of the reason your stuff gets nicked.

People generally do this to wind you up the more you try to protect it the worse it gets.

I've left half a dozen cans of monster in the fridge for weeks not one touched.

The dude who drilled his milk bottle to put w padlock through it somone spent ages slowly draining it through the leaky hole and put it back empty just to watch him rage

A good theory, and probably right a lot of the time, but in my case I know its the area managers who do it when in for meetings because they prefer proper milk to uht in their tea and who were just being cheeky. Putting a stupid note on has done the trick so far.
That post reminded me about this time in uni when I was part of a shared kitchen. I'd completely forgotten about this. So, my milk kept on being used by other people, and I was getting sick of it, in the end I bought some food dye and started dying my milk so it was various colours and they stopped using it after that.

I think I also spiked a bottle with a butt load of salt this one time too. I can't remember if it was the salt or food colouring that did the trick in the end, but one of them worked :D
That post reminded me about this time in uni when I was part of a shared kitchen. I'd completely forgotten about this. So, my milk kept on being used by other people, and I was getting sick of it, in the end I bought some food dye and started dying my milk so it was various colours and they stopped using it after that.

I think I also spiked a bottle with a butt load of salt this one time too. I can't remember if it was the salt or food colouring that did the trick in the end, but one of them worked :D

I used to dye my milk with froot loops if that counts. Yummy. :cool:
If you know who it is then why not just call them out on it and get them to buy you some more drinks to compensate?

The laxatives stuff probably won't work and anything beyond that would likely get you into some serious legal trouble.

The mentos trick could be an option I guess:

I had some Lindt chocolates from someone at work that I'd helped out a lot with various things as a thank you. Had them on my desk to have as the odd treat here and there. Come back one day and go to eat one. The who carton is filled with empty wrappers. Never found out who it was sadly.
I had some Lindt chocolates from someone at work that I'd helped out a lot with various things as a thank you. Had them on my desk to have as the odd treat here and there. Come back one day and go to eat one. The who carton is filled with empty wrappers. Never found out who it was sadly.

A whole box of Lindt? I'd quite happily do 25 to life to avenge that kind of slight.
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