**Summer Transfer Thread: News, Rumours and Speculation**

Very good signing that, IMO.
Yeah hopefully.

Does that mean Hangeland is on his way?

Nope, that bloke is a striker! Scored 39 goals in 34 apps for his club last season, Hodgson said after the Chelsea game he wants around 2 more players, obviously not including Duff, Dikgacoi etc, so Janko and probably another defender as we only have basically Hughes, Hangeland, and a youth centre back as Baird plays more defensive midfield for us. One more defender would do us good.

Not only that, Hangeland/Hodgson have both said hes staying, and we wouldn't keep playing him now, as he's too important, if he was going. If Hodgson knew he was going now, i'd say he would have got a replacement quite a while ago.

Stoke getting Huth/Tuncay, great deals...wanted them at Fulham.
SSN is breaking quite a lot of NEWS at the moment.

Dunne in talks with Villa. Could understand this as Lescott just joined, but isnt Dunne the club captain at Man City?

M Brown of Wigan heading towards Portsmouth too it seems.
busy weekend of deals coming up I suspect..last minute madness as people frantically scrape round for players!
Good news for Newcastle

Lescott: Everton > City
Dunne: City > Villa
Distin: Pompey > Everton

Then Pompey so sign some rubbish CB = Taylor staying at Newcastle (hopefully).

Edit- Seems like Mike Williamson is gonna sign for Pompey and the merry go round will be complete.
According to Sky, Tuncay and Huth have completed there transfers to Stoke. I must admit to being chuffed to bits with Tuncay coming to Stoke, I did not see this happening.
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