The Adam bid is supposedly 9 mill + 3 mill if we finish top 4, according to the local Blackpool paper.
Meaning the downing deal is between 12 - 15 mill depending on if they count the 3mill add on on the Adam deal or not in the total 24 mill price.
Not so bad really when you split it down.
Also remember, as i have said on multiple occasions, dont expect these two to be automatic starters every game, we've proven even under Woy that our first 11 can compete with any team in the league, its depth which has hindered us for too long now, and something the management are slowly sorting out.
-edit 2-
I don't rate Downing but can understand us wanting someone to put in crosses for Carroll but Adams? Bar a few assists and goals from set pieces he's absolutely awful and I'll be livid if he comes in to replace the vastly superior Meireles who we're apparently offering to Inter and Juventus.
I like Meireles (liked?) but i cant see him being automatic first choice anywhere next season, even without Adam. And in a game where the team's parking the bus i would rather Adam over Meireles any day.
-edit 3!-
Tony Evans just messaged me to say its 8m for adam, 16 for downing. So about right with my previous conclusion
Also must learn to read back a bit, didnt see Dan already posted it