Summer Transfer Window 2017/18 - Rumours & Signings

He'll still get sold, it'll just further weaken Everton's bargaining position. You were reportedly demanding £50m for him at the start of the summer and that's already come down to £30m according to a few stories last week.
I think the point omnomnom was making is that we wouldn't need to sell Coutinho to buy Mahrez. With £60-70m earmarked for Keita not being spent we could afford to sign Marhez right now, if we wanted him anyway. VvD's possible transfer is completely independent of Coutinho too. If Southampton are willing to sell him then we'll buy him regardless of Coutinho staying or going. What you're suggesting is effectively swapping Coutinho for Mahrez which makes no sense whatsoever.

The signing of Mahrez would give us the cover/competition for Mane and Salah in the wide areas (which we'd lose if Coutinho left) but that's it. Coutinho is also an option and will start many games in our midfield 3 too. We'd be losing a first 11 player that can and will play 2 different positions and be replacing him with a squad player for 1 of those 2 positions.

The only way it makes sense for us to sell Coutinho would be if it allowed us to sign Keita (or similar) and another attacking midfielder/winger/forward of at least Mahrez's quality.
A lot of talk of PSG willing to let Draxler go...I would absolutely be in for him if I was Klopp. We were interested in January so I don't see why we wouldn't be sniffing around that one.

I can't see us being in the market for a forward of that level unless Coutinho goes. We could do with another player that can play wide in our front 3 but I think it's a bit unrealistic to have Mane, Salah, Coutinho and Draxler. I suppose you could always move Coutinho back into a midfield role more permanently but that wouldn't solve our midfield issues and wouldn't leave much money to sign somebody that would.
Doesn't Draxler move clubs constantly? I'd be questioning why no club seems to want him.
PSG are only his 3rd club but then again he's only 23.
Evans obviously won't be signing as a starter for them. He'd be a steady 4th or 5th choice and given the money City have spent already and if they do plan on making a bid for Sanchez, they probably can't afford to buy anybody better than him.

Evans won't give a **** about his history with Utd. He'd get far more money and play at a bigger club rather than stay at West Brom and equally West Brom would have a price.
I'd love Draxler. For a player of his quality he's worth a bit of a risk.

Not that there's anything remotely reliable linking us with him, a transfer would rely on other deals imo. Even the possible deals for Keita and VvD were probably on the basis that we sold Sakho, Markovic etc which as yet hasn't happened. If we're still trying to sign a CB and CM, I can't see how we could afford to sign Draxler too.

That said, it's looking increasingly unlikely that we will sign a CB at all and even if we do, with VvD looking like staying, any CB we sign won't be costing £50-60m. Same story with Keita - although Klopps admitted that we're actively looking to sign a CM, I can't imagine we'll spend the £60m we had set aside for Keita.

To play where? I'd probably try Firmino as a number 10 if Coutinho does leave but Mane, Salah nor Draxler suit the number 9 role and for the price he'd need to be starting most games. If we're dumb enough to go for another attacker, rather than a midfielder or a defender, I'd rather it was an out and out striker rather than a winger tbh.

Agree that we shouldn't go for another forward if it prevents us signing a defender or midfielder but if we could make it work then I'd 100% be signing somebody like Draxler rather than a centre forward. Firmino's first choice there and we're never affording somebody good enough to take his place and even signing somebody as cover would prove far more complicated. It's far easier to rotate and switch systems to create opportunities for somebody like Draxler than it would be a centre forward - even in our regular 4-3-3 system he's competing for 2 spots rather than 1, we could switch to a 4-2-3-1 and fit all 3 of him, Salah & Mane in the side and although he doesn't cover the centre forward position himself, if Firmino was ever out Mane can play there (and has at times) if we have another wide option.

Even with Coutinho staying, we're still left with just 3 options for the 2 wide roles in our front 3 - there's room for 1 more, especially if Coutinho plays more in midfield. If you include Ings we've got 5 players that can play centrally and we only play 1.

Given the way we play, I really don't think we can ask for much more in regards to centre forward options. Firmino is clearly key part to the system we play and I can't see Klopp changing that for anything less than a truly world class striker - somebody of Suarez's level, for example. Given that Firmino as a number 9 is going to be the first name on the team sheet, we're left in a position where young promising strikers like Origi and Solanke are the best cover we can expect. No established top class centre forward is going to join as a bit part player.
The money isnt going to make a significant difference, given what he has already earned (and the liklihood it would be a relatively short deal)

and yes the fact that he is likely to not be 2nd or even 3rd choice is a signiifant difference to whether he ****** off his existing fan base or not - whats the point of losing fans only to sit on the bench and be paid more when he doesnt NEED the money!!

He doesn't need it but that doesn't mean it's not attractive to him. And what fan base are you talking about? Utd fans don't really care about him - it's not as if he'll be remembered by many Utd fans in years to come. He has a choice of playing regularly for West Brom or being part of a City squad, get paid double and possibly win things.
lol good one

Id take him over Lollana tbh

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not.
If anybody believes that Boateng is even a tenth of the player that Lallana is then their only experience of football is through Football Manager or Fifa and isn't worth concerning yourself with.

I'm convinced Stig is on the wind up, not sure what grimm's excuse is.
The whole world could see that Lovren was going to improve our defence too. He was equally as impressive at Southampton as VvD has been and we still have the same defensive issues. As I've kept saying and Jamie Carragher said on Sky the other day (presumably he reads my posts) - our defensive problems are more to do with the way we play than our actual defenders. It does not matter who you have playing CB, if you keep leaving your CB's totally exposed on their own, you're going to struggle. Klopp isn't stupid and we're not defending like that for no reason. We set up in a way where we want to dominate possession and press teams and defend higher up the pitch - a consequence of that is that when teams beat the press or we lose possession, we're always going to be open at the back. Klopp's decided that the benefits of playing this way outweigh the risks.

Of course there are CB's that can come into our side and improve us but it's not as straight forward as some like to think though. There would be no point signing a 27 year old John Terry for example - Terry was as good a CB as there's been in the past 20 years but he's not remotely suited to playing in our system nor are a lot of other CB's. We need a CB with very specific qualities - we don't defend on the edge of our 18 yard box, our CB's defend on the half way line.

Danny is right when he says you can't blame our owners if we don't sign a CB. All they can do is provide the funds to make signings and they've done that.
Whilst I agree with some of the above, the team have consistent struggled to protect a 1 or 2 goal advantage for 3-4 seasons now. When we take a lead, the pressure drops off and you always get the distinct impression we will concede. This can't simply be down to the tactics or system.

A top team needs to able to sit back and soak up pressure. It's not possible to attack for 90 minutes. Especially in the CL.

You saw this last season. After christmas when the legs are starting to tire, and the attack isn't as sharp, we dropped a lot of points conceding stupid goals.
I agree with what you're saying but it is linked to our system imo. In those situations we're neither smart enough nor horrible enough and that's a result of who we're playing and where we're playing them. Look at Bournemouth away last season - how many sides get caught on the counter attack when leading by 2 goals and there being just 15 minutes to go? I don't believe for a moment that Klopp wanted us to be over committing in those positions and I can recall several occasions over the last 2 years where Klopp's been screaming at the likes of Moreno or Can for being caught up field at stupid times. But Henderson isn't going to suddenly become Mascherano with 15 minutes to go and neither is Milner going to become Arbeloa - there's going to be times where their natural instinct to get forward will override their brains.

I say this more in hope than expectation but after a season of playing in new positions, hopefully players like Henderson, Wijnaldum and Lallana might be able to play with more discipline more often. If you look back to the games vs the biggest sides we often defended better than against the lesser sides so they are capable of doing it. It's just those dips in concentration and discipline maybe when they're not 100% focused.

I know Klopp hates it but I really wish we were more cynical at times too. How many times on Tuesday was Mane or Firmino hacked down when we were threatening to break? In years gone by we'd have had Arbeloa, Carra or Masch doing the same, taking players out on the half way line. Now we almost wave them through on goal.

Klopp and our style of play ultimately got us into the top 4 last season but it's a really high risk way of playing and addressing the weaknesses of the system isn't easy - we require a very specific type of player and there aren't many that fit the bill. In normal circumstances I'd have been against paying over £50m on a CB that's been injured for 5 months but VvD ticked all the boxes for us. Same story with Keita, at least in theory as I can't pretend to have seen him play week in week out.
If Liverpool can't line up a very good replacement for Coutinho they shouldn't let him leave. They were not good against Hoffenheim without him and the defence was a massive liability as always. Against a better attacking side Liverpool would have been taken apart. The problem for Coutinho is that this is realistically a now or never move. He is a very good player but his value is entirely based on Liverpool not wanting to sell and Barca having a huge amount to spend. I think they will sign someone else this summer or just move onto a different target next summer if he doesn't come so from Coutinhos point of view if he wants to go he needs to try and force the move.

Klopp doesn't strike me as the sort of manager to keep a player when they want to go so I don't know whether Coutinho has spoken to him. I don't believe Barca when they say any deal is close and the selling club is denying it. They have just had their pants pulled down over Neymar and their team is in serious need of an overhaul in light of RMs current dominance. The management structure at Barca has always been "interesting" so god knows whats actually happening there at the moment.

As much as I agree that our general performance wasn't great vs Hoffenheim (or Watford for that matter) we still went away to a side that's been unbeaten at home for 15 months and won and created enough chances to have score 4 or 5 goals that day too. Missing Coutinho wasn't our issue in either match we've played this season - it's been our lack of control in midfield.

As for his value - isn't that how every value is reached? The willingness of the seller to sell and how badly the buyer wants to buy? :confused: Pogba was only worth £90m because Utd were desperate to sign him, no other side were willing to pay that much. VvD is only worth £50-60m this summer because Liverpool are desperate to sign, despite some weak links to Chelsea & City it appears nobody else is willing to pay that much.

And it's not now or never for Coutinho - there's always a market for players with his ability and profile. I've actually said previous to this summer that Coutinho to Barca was only ever going to be as a replacement for Iniesta and even the reports this summer are stating that Barca hadn't planned on bidding for Coutinho until next summer for that very reason. It was only after losing Neymar, getting bags of money and being under pressure to buy now that they're doing so. You're right if they can't sign him they'll sign somebody else because clubs like Barca make decisions to appease fans so that the president gets elected again. If they miss out on Coutinho they'll go out and spend a stupid fee signing somebody far inferior like a Gomes or Paulinho and in 12 months they'll still be looking for an Iniesta replacement.
Right, so personnel is at least part of the problem. I don't see us making up the 17 point deficit last season without scope for tactical tightening at the back within the squad.

There's nothing I've seen which suggests this season will any different to every other season season since we lost Suarez. Lots of goals conceded, lots of points dropped from being ahead, and a demoralised defence and goal keeper.

I do feel we're missing an authoritative CB from the Hyypia ilk, and a holding midfielder as minimum if we're going to progress as a team.

I agree there's a need to sign another CB and CM but unless we're going to completely change the way we play (which we won't) then we need very specific types of CB & CM for it to make a noticeable difference. I know exactly what you mean when you say Hyypia but we're coming back to what I was getting at in my last post. Even at his absolute best Hyypia couldn't play in this side and would struggle just as much as any CB we have. When we're looking for a CB the first thing we need to look at is how suited they are to playing in a side the defends high up the pitch - how capable are they defending large spaces when getting broke on and how well they defend one on one situations. That has to be the priority given the way we play - if you have defenders that can cope in those situations better then you're not going to end up on the back foot and having to defend set plays as much. If it so happens that you can get a CB that combines that ability with the strengths of a 25 year old Hyypia then great - that person is VvD btw.

It's the same story with our midfield. There would be no point signing Didi Hamann. We're a high energy, pressing team that looks to dominate possession - Didi wouldn't even break into a jog most games and never left the centre circle. The priority for any midfielder we sign is their ability to play our pressing game and can play when they get on the ball because again, if you're doing that part of the job right, there's less emphasis on the defensive side of the role. Like with the CB, if we can sign a midfielder that has pressing & passing game along with that horrible, cynical side to his game then great.

If we can't get those very specific types of players then it will make things harder but just being a little bit more smarter and street wise at times would go a long way to improving our defensive problems.
Hoffenheim could have had 4-5 goals as well if they could attack or finish. They caught Liverpool out a lot over the course of the game but made stupid mistakes when it came to the final shot or ball. I watched the whole game and the scoreline flattered Liverpool against a side that ultimately didn't look very good. Liverpool never look good at the back but Coutinho at least means that going forwards you look much more dangerous.

Not that I agree that the scoreline flattered us (we had more and better chances than they did) but the point I was making was that we didn't miss Coutinho that day. We had no problems creating chances our problems were at the other end of the pitch. Using the Hoffenheim game as a reason why we need to keep Coutinho seemed strange.
Pogba is a very very good player, very marketable, still young and will keep getting better. Based on his form at Juventus he might not have been worth quite 90m but he was certainly worth around that figure. Barcelona are used to paying under a players value if anything usually. When they come calling, players want to go. I'm sure Barca did want him (and yes, perhaps next year) but they are in a position now where they either buy him for silly money now or they have to come back with the same offer next summer. They will have been hoping to get him for about half what is being suggested now before the loss of Neymar and that would have been seen as a lot I am sure. Yes transfers have gone a bit nuts but Coutinho isn't anywhere near being one of the best players in the world.

I think it probably is. Liverpool won't want to sell him for less next summer and either Barca will sign a different player this summer/january or they will have had another year to find a suitable replacement. Coutinho at the moment is a really expensive panic buy. That won't be necessary next summer.

I would be willing to put a substantial amount of money (£20) on the idea that if Coutinho doesn't leave Liverpool for Barca this summer he will not end up there next summer unless Liverpool accept far far less than they are currently being offered.

Again not that I agree (this marketable stuff always does my head in) but the point I was making is that a transfer fee is always dictated by how desperate a side is to keep a player and how desperate a side is to buy a player. Pogba was worth £90m because that was the balancing point between Utd and Juve's desperations. To say Coutinho is only worth x because Barca desperately want him is stating the obvious and applies to most expensive signings. Kyle Walker was only worth £50m because City were desperate, Matic was only worth £40m because Utd were desperate - to no other clubs were these players worth these fees just like Pogba wasn't worth £90m to Real or VvD isn't worth £50m to Utd.

And I'm hoping to win the lottery. Anybody with a brain cell knows that Coutinho wouldn't have been available for £45m (half of what they've offered) no matter what Barca hoped. Teams no longer are forced to sell players, especially if those players have long contracts and for every time Barca have been able to negotiate a decent fee, there's 3 times where they've spent huge fees on absolutely average players. They've just spent nearly £40m on Paulinho for crying out loud. As I said, they make decisions purely to appease fans and they'll carry on doing it - if and when they can't sign Coutinho or Dembele they'll end up spending just as much on somebody because their fans will turn on them if they don't.

Coutinho may not be one of the best players in the world but he's better than Pogba is/was or Lukaku is/was and they've been sold for similar amounts to what Barca have offered - there is no reason why Liverpool would ever sell him for less than that sort of fee because it will cost them stupid money to replace him. I can't see into the future so I wouldn't say for certain whether Barca will be in for him again next summer but it's very possible that they or a Real, PSG or Bayern will be. You're right when you say we won't sell him for much less than what's been offered though which is why I can't see how we can lose out by not accepting Barca's £90m offer. If that offer doesn't materialise next summer we keep the player - I'd rather keep the player. The decision for Liverpool comes if and when Barca make a really big offer - if they offer (as some say they might) £120m+ then Liverpool have to think because that sort of offer probably won't come around again. But who knows - if we revisited the summer 2013 thread I'm sure there were lots of people saying that Liverpool were mad to have rejected Arsenal's £35m offer for Suarez and they'd never get more than the £40m offer that followed.
Talk to most fans outside of the Liverpool bubble and they will tell you he is a good player but nothing like as good as Liverpool fans suggest. Top players are universally appreciated and praised, Coutinho just isn't on that level.
Replace Coutinho and Liverpool with Pogba and Utd and supporters of other teams don't say good, they say average :p I have no desire to get into a who's better debate but I think it's very fair to say Coutinho is worth similar money to either of those players at the very least.

And £45m or £55m was never going to be enough to sign Coutinho, everybody knows that. Even if Liverpool were open to selling because of the fees that other sides have paid and how much it would cost for them to sign a replacement, they were never going to accept much less than £90m odd.
All the Liverpool press pack are reporting that Barca have made a new €125m (£114m) offer for Coutinho which has been instantly rejected. It's looking increasingly likely that we really won't sell at any price.
Supposedly the offer was £114m possibly rising to £118m. I love that in a £118m deal they make £4m of it add-ons - if you're going to bid that much then just make it a straight £118m.
It's not just every club knowing Barca have money, it's the fact that as soon as anybody sells to Barca, they're suddenly in Barca's position. Rory Smith said something on 5Live the other day - if Liverpool sell Coutinho for £120m, we'll then go for somebody like Pulisic and his price goes from £50m to £100m. We'd be signing an inferior/unproven player for almost as much as we'd get for Coutinho.
Be interesting to see how Coutinho reacts and performs considering he wants to leave.

In one way I think it's good that clubs are standing up to other clubs/players, but on the other hand i'm not sure it's the wisest move.
This always gets said but how often do we see players not perform when they don't get their move? I can think of far more players that have been kept against their wishes that have continued to play at a high level than those that haven't. Players will want to leave and might kick up a fuss to force a move but as soon as it's no longer possible for them to do so, what reason do they have for not performing and how will it benefit them.

In recent years I can only think of Berahino that's just down tools and look how that worked out for him.

The risk to Liverpool (or any other club in this situation) isn't really whether the player will perform but whether they'll ever get the chance to sell for that price again.
Always found it annoying that player contracts were essentially worthless. Signed a 5 year contract 6 months ago? Player stamps foot demanding a move and club have to capitulate.

*Please note I would be fine with VVD doing this.
It works both ways though. How many times do clubs sign a player and 6 months or a year later they're trying to sell them?
A few more details of the bid are coming out. It turns out it wasn't £114m rising to £118m. It was £82m rising to £114m, possibly rising further to £118m - no idea what the difference is between the add-ons that take it to £114m and the extra £4m.
How often do players who have openly expressed a desire to leave, putting in a transfer request not got their move?

It can go one of two ways, he will either not perform or he will knuckle down and be a professional.
Plenty of players have wanted to leave, not got their way and eventually accepted the decision. Ronaldo a year before he joined Real, Modric (to Chelsea) the year before he signed for Real, Mascherano to Barca the year before he left, Fabregas to Barca the season before he left, Suarez the year before he moved, Schneiderlin the year before he left Southampton.

I honestly can't think of any other (relatively) high profile examples other than Berahino that have not just got on with things.
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