Summer Transfer Window 2017/18 - Rumours & Signings

I go out for an hour and come back to see Coutinho may or may not have handed a transfer request in. Ultimately it's neither here nor there, I don't think anybody thought he wouldn't want to join Barca and knowing this both Klopp and the owners have made it clear that they won't sell him for any price. Now obviously that could just be a bargaining position but I strongly suspect it isn't.

As would I, but the LFC journalists are only repeating what the club have told them.

It will be interesting to see what happens now.
And surely Liverpool have a better idea whether a transfer request has gone in than SSN? Liverpool would look even more stupid than Sky if they're claiming he hasn't if it turns out he has.
Perfect opportunity for sensationalist stories, they will be loving the publicity. I don't believe a word Sky say, haven't done for years look at how excited they get for transfer deadline day, they love the rumours.
It's possible that somebody has told Sky that he will hand a transfer request in but Sky have jumped the gun and that he hasn't actually done so yet.
i admire your stance, BaZ87. i for one didn't see this happening. not little pip!
What's my stance? All I've ever said is that I don't believe there's any possibility of Coutinho leaving unless a mega offer comes in. I've never said Coutinho wouldn't want to join Barca, I've said the opposite in fact but that I don't think it will change anything from Liverpool's point of view.
Your deluded

Hes as good as gone to barca :D
Only time will tell. For Klopp and our owners to rule out any deal it would be quite a turn around.

If a players wishes are the only things to go by then Sanchez would be a City player now and half the Spurs squad would be gone.
Owners are covering there arse saying hes going nowhere

That then forces coutinos hand to hand in a request

Coutinho is then made the bad guy and the liverpool owners are in the clear
They didn't simply say he wasn't for sale. They said definitively that no offers would be considered and that he will be a Liverpool player when the transfer window closes.
Just like torres and suerez were never for sale eh
I don't believe FSG ever said Torres wasn't and certainly didn't the summer Suarez left. They said he wasn't going to Arsenal the summer before though, how did that turn out? Do you believe Wenger when he says he won't sell Sanchez? We've actually had quotes from Sanchez where he says he wants to play for a CL team. I assume he's definitely going?

Again, the club's position couldn't have been made any clearer and they made it knowing exactly what Coutinho felt. For them to back down and sell him now would be far more damaging than selling him without all the fuss you mention.
100% This.Karma for the way Liverpool went about trying to sign VvD.All the Fans and ex players in the media and twitter saying Saints should bend over and get shafted when a big club comes calling for your star player who is under contract for 5 more years now let see what happens when it's happening to them.
Did anybody say Southampton should bend over and accept their fate? A lot of people expected and still expect Southampton will eventually agree to sell but because it's in their interests. VvD staying or going isn't likely to make a huge tangible difference to the outcome of Southampton's season and Southampton have proven over the last few seasons that they accept their role of signing young promising players, getting the best out of them and selling them on for big money. They've never shown an appetite to keep their best players and look to build and compete with the sides above them.

At this stage in the day, unless Barca come up with an offer that's too good to refuse, I'm not sure how it would be in Liverpool's interest to sell and why I suspect they won't.

I'm not convinced Southampton will either btw.
It Was Stated before the End of last season by our DoF and Chairman that Southampton had paid back the funds katharina liebherr had loaned the club and did not need to sell this summer and were looking to fine tune the squad to challenge for european football every season. The selling the club has done previously has been to fund the development of our Training ground and youth academy which went over budget in the cortese era.

Since the Van Dijk story first broke it seems the media has had every living Ex Liverpool player make some comment either on talksport twitter or print stating that they will get him and saints have no say in the matter so I think Southampton will not sell him to liverpool as the fan base backlash would not be good for the club.

As I said, a lot of people expected and still expect Southampton to sell because that's what the club have done for years. I don't think anybody said Southampton have to though.

If Southampton as a club have taken a change of stance and are now looking to build then fair enough but no club announces that they have to sell and as I mentioned earlier today, a Southampton based journalist has began hinting that Southampton might sell if the price is right.
Yeah they would sell for £70 Million + and would have at the start of the transfer window but due to Liverpool meeting with the player before asking for permission to do so. Then the club finding out due to some one at Liverpool Texting the club with some info rather than Van Dijk's agent making Southampton then report liverpool to the FA changed everything.

Now to apease southampton Liverpool made a public apology and they stated they had no further intrest in VvD. VvD has stated he wants to join Liverpool so Chelsea, City etc have now looked elsewhere. So now you have the mess we have now as Liverpool as a Club has acted very badly.

You don't actually believe that, do you? Maybe it doesn't get much publicity because Southampton aren't as big as Liverpool but earlier this summer Caen threatened to report a number of clubs, reportedly including Southampton to FIFA for tapping one of their players up and Southampton actually signed Mane from Salzburg under very similar circumstances to the VvD situation - he too went on strike to force the move.

If Southampton genuinely are upset about the tapping up then they're massive hypocrites. I strongly suspect they're not though and their statement was tactical - either because they genuinely don't want to sell and wanted to scare people off or to improve their bargaining position in any possible negotiation. The only reason Liverpool apologised was because it was only a couple of months ago that they got done for illegally approaching a youth team player from Stoke - it seems the FA are clamping down on this at youth levels. The FA/PL looked at Southampton's complaint and took no action anyway.
With Caen we were one of three clubs showing interest in a player and They didn't threaten to report anyone specifically so Im sure if they had evidence it was southampton they would have stated that it was us. Mane we made an offer and it was refused he wanted a move and striked we did not tap him up before making the offer.

got done for illegally approaching a youth team player from Stoke says it all really.
You actually believe that Southampton haven't spoke to a player prior to making a bid? Keep kidding yourself.

Mane went on strike without speaking to Southampton, knowing what their plans were or how much they were going to pay him. You sure?
All clubs enquire with agents about a players availability but thats different to having players travel up to blackpool and meet with klopp in a hotel.
Assuming that's true, in reality what's the difference between a club talking to the agent and to the player directly? The exact same conversations are taking place - discussions about contracts, game time, role within the squad etc. If anything it's better to talk to a player than their agent, at least that way the player is making his decision himself rather than a buying club telling their agent that they'll pay him x amount to persuade his player to join them.
This. These Players and the Agents they employ are happy to sign improved long term contracts and expect the clubs to honour them to the letter but behind the scenes ignore the rules when a richer club comes calling. Then these richer clubs think its ok when they do it but when the next tier richer club comes calling its not ok.

The Whole football industry really needs to be looked at.

This works both ways though. When a club want to sell a player that's not performing they want that player to leave straight away when they too agreed to that 5 year contract a year ago too.

Maybe a discussion for another day but I wouldn't be surprised if we're seeing the beginning of the end of transfers as we know it and in 10 years there no longer are transfer fees.
No he's said Liverpool never let people amicably, Brazilians can never say no to Barca, agent has agreed personal terms. Basically everything people in here said he wouldn't do:p

That quote is from an unnamed Coutinho relative (aka his agent) I thought? And has anybody said Coutinho wouldn't want to join Barca? I honestly can't recall anybody saying that. I've said all along that I'm sure he does want to join them and I believe I was arguing with a non Liverpool supporter that didn't believe Barca had agreed personal terms (I said they probably had) but that Liverpool won't just back down and sell him just because he wants to.

I'm slightly surprised a formal transfer request has gone in but as I said earlier in the day, ultimately that's no different from him privately telling the club he wants to join Barca (which I never disputed he had done). Will he go as far as Suarez when he wanted to join Arsenal, where he gave interviews with all the major rags, claiming the club lied to him and betrayed him and be forced to train by himself? I hope not and don't think he'd go that far. Ultimately I don't think it will make a great deal of difference to Liverpool unless Barca come in with major money which the talk coming out of Spain is they won't do.
i thought you did. i'm sure someone with more time on their hands could search the thread and find where you pretty much did say that
Find where I said Coutinho didn't or wouldn't want to join Barca and I'll quit the forum however if you can't by midnight I'll permaban you. Deal?
I've asked if you wanted to take the deal as you were sure I've said that Coutinho wouldn't want to join Barca. I know I haven't which is why I've made you the offer.
What happens now? Turning down £100m~ and having an unhappy, potentially sulking player is a risky move (but you'd hope he remains professional). I think if Liverpool got VVD and a very good attacker it would be a worthy trade off for them, just.

How many times has any player ever just sulked and down tools when they haven't got the move they wanted? Ronaldo didn't when Utd didn't allow him to join Real the first year they came in for him, Mascherano didn't when Liverpool blocked his move to Barca when they first came in, Modric didn't when Spurs blocked his move to Chelsea and most recently Suarez didn't when he was denied a move to Arsenal.

Very very rarely does it happen and with a World Cup coming it's almost certain that it won't happen here. Even his agitating now, it's half arsed. There's been no statement from himself there's just been a couple of quotes from a relative which are so obviously not true (re his relationship with Klopp) that you can't take them seriously.
It's not getting to me at all. I just know you like making deals with your forum life, even if you never pay up when you lose. As I knew I couldn't lose I wondered whether you wanted to make another deal.

The only thing I've said was that I didn't think Coutinho would kick up a fuss. As yet he's not really kicked up much of a fuss, relatively speaking but yes, I was surprised he handed a transfer request in. I still maintain that I can't see us selling him unless Barca come up with a huge offer though. You and others have said for certain he will go and some people (possibly you) had said the amount Barca last offered would have been enough to force us to sell.

It seems you're enjoying the Coutinho saga because, as Liverpool are a far bigger side than Spurs :)p), nobody is talking about the fact Spurs haven't signed anybody and half their side wants to leave.
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