Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Yes. Creatine isn't like a pre-workout, it's stored in the body like a reservoir (that's always emptying) and once this has filled up further use just keeps it topped up at peak levels. It doesn't matter if you miss the odd day, but there's no real reason not to take it daily given both how cheap it is, and how well-researched it is.
Anyone ever try any pre-workouts? A friend recommends APS Mesomorph that can be had from the bay but I just want to take others opinion on here
You're just paying a lot of money for a strong kick of caffeine in 99% of cases. The other 1% they're putting amphetamine derivatives in but haven't been caught yet. Far cheaper just to cycle your caffeine intake (since you built up a tolerance to it) via coffee/powder if you have micro-scales.
You're just paying a lot of money for a strong kick of caffeine in 99% of cases. The other 1% they're putting amphetamine derivatives in but haven't been caught yet. Far cheaper just to cycle your caffeine intake (since you built up a tolerance to it) via coffee/powder if you have micro-scales.

A while ago it used to be a Caffeine and Chromium stacked. Side effect was that your body pumped out shed loads of heat, even just sitting still.
Sorry been trying to trawl through the thread to see if this has been answered but its 600 pages :/

Assuming most supplements are a waste of time - I should still be looking at some kind of fish oil and a multivitamin correct? Anybody have a particular brand they recommend?

This stuff is a minefield.
Anyone got any experience with probiotic tablet from Bulkpowders, or probiotic tabs in general? My girlfriend suffers from quite bad IBS, and was wondering if something like this would help:

I keep telling her to go to the doctor, but she doesn't :(

I have Inflammatory bowel disease( Ulcerative colitis) and IBS and an overactive gut. The Mrs has the odd bout of IBS. Shes been researching and came across Symprove Its not cheap but apparently its one of the only ones proven to get into your gut.

Not very nice taste but its down in 2 swallows so easy to cope with.

Its only been 3 days so I can't really comment but. I think their has been a reduction in the amount of gas I have. (I suffer so much gas in the morning you can see my guts shrink when I open my bowels) But probably too early to tell.
Hmm, thanks for the info. She isn't too bad, mainly cheese and milk causing problems. She has moved to rice milk and that seems to help a bit there. But she's quite burpy sometimes.
Anyone got any experience with probiotic tablet from Bulkpowders, or probiotic tabs in general? My girlfriend suffers from quite bad IBS, and was wondering if something like this would help:

I keep telling her to go to the doctor, but she doesn't :(
I've tried quite a few and they're a waste of money. Sorting out the diet is the best way to go about it but it's not easy, as you need to identfy and avoid foods that don't agree with you.

Easiest example's are avoiding alcohol, red wine is about the best if you have to but only in small doses.
Eat gut friendly foods like banana's
Organic Bio Live Yoghurt like Yeo Valley - I've found you need to eat quite a lot to feel the benefits, half a large pot (250g) the small one's aren't big enough. (maybe an issue if allrgic to dairy)
Kefir - many different varieties. Expensive to buy so need to grow your own, which means an investment of your time to learn and grow it.
Saurkraut is amazing stuff, try and eat this as often as possible
Regarding Omega 3 supplements, is it more beneficial to take just Omega 3 such as these: -

Or Super Omega 3: -

Avoid the cheap fish oils, they're low quality. Even the expensive one's give no gurantee's as there's no way of knowing if they're rancid. In my experience most of them are.

Far better to get it from fish such as mackerel and sardines. Avoid fish higher up the food chain like Tuna, which contains very little Omega-3 as there's hardly any fat in it and higher chaince of containing unwanted heavy metals, like mercury.

If you absolutely cannot stand fish then look at something like Krill Oil, more expensive but you don't need to take as much and not too bad if you can buy it on offer. Such as MP sales, etc.
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