1. Can you have an entire carnifex army?
2. Could you have an Ork army with a radio controlled Carnifex hostage?
Where is the best place to order some brushes from? Having a real hard time finding somewhere (That and I haven't a clue what I'm looking for)
Here are some terrible pictures, the lighting in this house is rubbish (silly energy saving rubbish), as well as my rubbish phone camera.
The Rosemary & Co brushes get a pretty good rep
Might want to look at this thread http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=89516
I ordered the ones in the OP on that thread
Ordered couldnt find the 92 series ones and dint need the flats as of yet so just got the 401s
Pfft and why would I look there for Acrlyic brushes.... sigh... lol Better not order them, just got shouted at for spending more money when we are trying to save for a house lol.
Of course there isn't a search box on the page is there
You're right, those are terrible pictures But the paintjob is good!