Tabletop Warhammer?

Yeah sounds good.

Let me know when's best for you mate. I'm free both this evening from 7 and tomorrow from 8. Or any week night after 8. :)
Tonight from Seven is good :) Trust me your email address and I'll invite you to the dropbox folder (good for sharing army lists) What army are you going to play? I'll play Space Wolves
Tonight from Seven is good :) Trust me your email address and I'll invite you to the dropbox folder (good for sharing army lists) What army are you going to play? I'll play Space Wolves

I can't decide :p

I'll give Orks a try and just have a straight up stand and bang fight?

Will trust you now.
Strangely enough when I used to play back in the day I only ever faced elder/dark elder.

I don't think I ever won a battle as I tend toward the unsubtle :D

Always a first time though! :p
I think this one could have a very bloody first couple of turns!

I must admit, I saw how many vehicles you had and added a few more Missile Launchers :D

We'll make sure there's plenty of cover.
Hehe I'm already looking forward to this one, if I get in early I might make one minor change but I doubt I will. :p

Looking forward to this one now! Should make an interesting battle report at least.
Can't find the ocuk mumble channel, my army list has disapeared (though I can still find it in dropbox but that wont open in BS for me to amend and my Vassal list has disapeared.

Nightmare but I'm about :p
Great battle with Shami :) cheers mate.

Space Wolves vs Orks in a capture base battle. Started with my orks being suicidal and when I realised how outgunned I was ended with me cowering behind a building to hang on for a draw :p Highlight for me was about 20 Orks vs Shami's poor Grey Hunter squad :D

Great fun and Shami's battle report to follow.

If anyone else fancies it you should get involved guys, really good little program.
Shamikebab's Space Wolves vs No1newts' Ork Horde - 1000 pt battle

Army Lists:

Space Wolves:

HQ (100pts)
Kar Einarson - Rune Priest (100pts)
Bolt Pistol, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Power Armour, Runic Weapon

Troops (355pts)
Squad Thorgrim - Grey Hunters Pack (175pts)
Flamer, Flamer, 10x Grey Hunter (150pts), Mark of the Wulfen (15pts), Wolf Standard (10pts)

Squad Jorundr - Grey Hunters Pack (180pts)
10x Grey Hunter (150pts), Mark of the Wulfen (15pts), Meltagun (5pts), Meltagun, Wolf Standard (10pts)

Fast Attack (180pts)
Land Speeder Squadron (90pts)
Geri's Fang - Land Speeder (90pts)
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher (40pts)

Land Speeder Squadron (90pts)
Freki's Claw - Land Speeder (90pts)
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher (40pts)

Heavy Support (365pts)
Squad Solvarr - Long Fangs Pack (140pts)
5x Long Fang (125pts), 5x Missile Launcher (50pts)
Squad Leader (15pts) Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

Squad Brandr - Long Fangs Pack (140pts)
5x Long Fang (125pts), 5x Missile Launcher (50pts)
Squad Leader (15pts) Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon

Fist of Russ - Predator (85pts)
Autocannon, Heavy Bolters (25pts)


HQ (100pts)
Warboss (100pts)
Mega-armour, Power klaw, Twin-linked shoota, Stikkbombs

Elites (155pts)
Meganobz (155pts)
3x Meganob (120pts) Mega-armour, Power klaw, Twin-linked shoota, Stikkbombs
Trukk (35pts) Big shoota

Troops (515pts)
Ork Boyz (123pts)
12x Boy (72pts), 12x Slugga & choppa
Nob (16pts) Choppa
Trukk (35pts) Big shoota

Ork Boyz (128pts)
12x Boy (72pts), 12x Slugga & choppa (Choppa)
Nob (21pts) 'Eavy armour (5pts) ('Eavy Armour), Choppa
Trukk (35pts) Big shoota

Ork Boyz (188pts)
12x Boy (132pts) 12x 'Ard Boyz (60pts) ('Eavy Armour), 12x Slugga & choppa
Nob (21pts) 'Eavy armour (5pts) ('Eavy Armour), Choppa
Trukk (35pts) Big shoota

Ork Boyz (76pts)
10x Boy (60pts) 10x Shoota
Boy with special weapon (16pts) Rokkit launcha (10pts)

Fast Attack (118pts)
Stormboyz (118pts)
8x Stormboy (96pts) 8x Choppa, 8x Rokkit pack (Rokkit Pack), 8x Slugga, 8x Stikkbombs
Stormboy Nob (22pts) Choppa, Rokkit pack (Rokkit Pack), Slugga, Stikkbombs

Heavy Support (110pts)
Killa Kans (110pts)
Killa Kan (60pts) Armour plates (10pts) (Armour Plates), Dreadnought close combat weapon, Rokkit launcha (15pts)

Killa Kan (50pts) Armour plates (10pts) (Armour Plates), Big shoota (5pts), Dreadnought close combat weapon

The mission was Capture and Control with a standard pitched battle deployment. Each army has one base in it's deployment zone, the objective is to hold the most objectives by the end of the game. The Orks would be defending a Mek factory producing vehicles for the hordes while the Space Wolves were protecting a vital generator providing the power for a nearby AA tower.

I won the roll and chose to let Newts deploy first and take first turn. We each deployed with a split force, the battlefield neatly divided by the large administratum building in the centre.

Turn 1:

The silence was broken by the sound of Ork drivers gunning their engines, the Kult of Speed moving 3 Trukks down the Space Wolves right flank, heading for the Generator. The fourth trukk moved into the cover of the Administratum, the Stormboys fired their rokkit packs and followed the trukks towards the objective. Orks fired their guns into the air indiscriminately but nothing found it's mark.

On the left flank the Land Speeder Typhoons and Squad Thorgrim ascended to the top of the hill to survey the Ork forces guarding the factory. The Space Wolves shooting was lethal, a combination of bolters, heavy bolters and Typhoon frag missiles leaving only four orks left standing, the stubborn beasts refused to flee though (cough, we forgot to take the morale test!) Long Fang pack Solvarr supporting the predator, Fist of Russ near the wrecked vehicles in the centre of the Space Wolf battle line turned their missile launchers on the Kill Kans patrolling near the Mek factory. Four missiles found their targets, blowing both walkers up! The predator tank could just about draw a bead on the Stormboys squad and killed two with it's Autocannon and Heavy Bolter. Kar Einarson advanced forwards into the tree cover with his Grey Hunter squad.


Turn 2:

The four remaining orks near the factory contained a single Rokkit Launcher, the crude missile flew towards the fast-moving skimmer and managed to knock out the Missile Launcher pods. On the right flank the Trukks flew forwards and unleashed their cargo, a boyz squad, an 'ard boyz squad and the Warboss with his Mega-armoured Nobz bodyguard. The boyz in the trukk nearest the factory disembarked and stayed in cover. With a roar the Stormboys and the 'Ard Boyz threw themselves into the rune priest and his brother marines. Fortunately the Wolves training served them well and they slew the stormboys, leaving the leader to flee for his life! Kar, wielding his runic weapon ended the lives of 2 'ard boyz. In return the orks failed to kill a single marine! (this was the last time I was lucky with my armour saves...)

Long Fang pack Brandr obliterated the trukk recently evacuated by the Warboss and his retinue, a few missiles found their mark amongst the heavily armoured orks but they merely shrugged off the firepower. On the left flank the landspeeders and the Grey Hunters finished off the rest of the orks guarding the factory, however a second mob was reinforcing from the Administorum. The predator opened fire on the boyz squad looking to support the 'ard boyz killing 5 of them. Squad Solvarr moved forwards looking for more targets. In the combat near the generator the tides were turning. The 'Ard boyz killing two of the Imperium's finest while losing none in return.


Turn 3:

Two trukks, no longer required for transport gunned their engines and opened fire on the Wolves, killing a Long Fang from Squad Brandr and a Grey Hunter from Squad Thorgrim. The heavily armoured Warboss somehow sped across the hill and into combat with the increasingly outnumbered Space Wolves (Newts had somehow rolled two sixes and a five for his 3 rolls to find out how far the Nobz could move over the last two turns!), closely followed by the boyz squad weakened by firepower from the Fist of Russ. The Space Wolves struck first, killing three of the newly arrived Boyz squad while Eir himself wounded two of the Mega-armoured Nobz with his Runic blade. In return the Warboss and his retinue left no wolves standing, Eir's runes having failed to show him this fate. This slaughter left the Long Fangs of squad Brandr as the lone guardians of the Generator, facing down a horde of Orks driven by bloodlust!


The veteran Fangs opened fire with their frag missiles, a cloud of shrapnel leaving 5 orks dead but miraculously the Nobz strode out of the smoke without a scratch on them! On the left flank the remaining Grey Hunter squad maglocked their bolters to their armour and sprinted for the undefended Factory. The undamaged landspeeder launched it's missile salvo at the Trukk in the open but only managed to immobilize the ramshackle vehicle. The other Land Speeder with it's damaged Missile Pods moved round to spray the arriving Ork Mob with Heavy bolter fire, killing two.


Turn 4:

The five Long Fangs huddled behind their meagre cover faced the full fire of the Trukk and Boyz. Three of the mighty warriors fell, the two remaining brothers standing their ground and preparing to die with honour. The ;ard boyz charged forwards and slew them both without loss. The Orks roared as they claimed the Generator and the Mek Boy began placing the charges on the structure.

The two Land Speeders unleashed a hail of fire on the unprotected Boyz squad to the north of the Administorum, leaving just 3 alive! The Long Fangs of Squad Solvarr sent five missiles into the immobilized trukk, when the smoke cleared there was nothing but twisted metal to suggest their had ever been a vehicle there. The disciplined Marines charged forwards and finished off the boyz, leaving the Factory in the claws of the Wolves. On the right flank the Predator moved to try and find a target amidst the cover around the generator.

Turn 5

The orks consolidated their position behind the generator (This is the best way I could think of describing it. Newts basically realised at this point there was no way he could reach the Factory to either contest or destroy the Grey Hunters holding he elected to hide his orks behind the generator and play for a draw...he has much to learn about being an Ork!!)

The Grey Hunters moved to place the Demo Charges on the Mek Factory while the Land Speeders raced across the battlefield seeking new targets. The Long Fangs of squad Solvarr and the predator both moved forwards cautiously towards the generator. (I mucked this up badly. I thought the only way to contest an objective was with a scoring unit (of which only my Grey Hunters counted) when in fact ANY unit can contest an objective! As such I thought my only shot was to destroy the 'ard boyz and Nob cowering behind the generator. In fact all I had to do was move a Land Speeder within 3”....oh well lesson learned, always thoroughly read the mission rules!)

Turn 6

Orks still be hiding. The last trukk moved round the sandbags and opened fire on the Long Fangs, the thick armour protected the veterans though.

One Land Speeder spotted the sole Nob near the generator and opened fire with two Krak missiles, the deadly salvo only managed to wound the Nob though.


(At this point Newts rolled a 3 and the game ended)

The battle ended with both sides holding each other's base, a draw!

My Post Mortem

I could have secured a 1-0 win at the death if I'd read the rules properly. Ignoring that though a draw was a fair result, things went so well initially but as the orks reached combat range my armour saves became worse and worse and Wolves were slaughtered! In retrospect I spread my force too thinly, leaving my Rune Priest and Grey Hunters woefully unsupported, leading to the whole squad being wiped out (my Rune Priest didn't even get to use a single Psychic Power!) In terms of Army list, while the Predator and Land Speeders did well for me (partly due to Newt's lack of anti tank weaponry) I should have got more troops on the ground. Going for two objectives with only one Squad each was very risky and it's fortunate I managed to take one and get the draw. I hadn't faced Orks before, they're far more squishy from gunfire and far more lethal in combat than I expected, I should have deployed far more conservatively.

Still, a very exciting game and great to get someone else playing Vassal :)
Nice report bud.

You did a good job disguising my cowardly actions near the end :D

Shame about the rule misread, could have made for an interesting ending.

From my part I relied too heavily on pure numbers to overwhelm Shami and whilst in combat this worked magnificently but anything at range with BS of 2 left me in trouble. I would have been better getting more heavy units or more units in general to hold objectives.

Great fun and looking forward to the next game :)
Anyone have some tips/products that are good at removing excess glue from models (plastic) before spraying??

I went a tad OTT on some of the areas on this Valk. :rolleyes::p
WIP shot of the base

What have you made it out of?

I would have done the stone in possiblly 2 layers, one rough stone bottom and a flat top layer with decoration./

Kinda like this (SFW)

Either that or make the stone look slightly more angluar give it one or two harder edges or perhaps add some texture to the sides.

The texture will give you something to drybrush onto unelss your going for something really smooth.
It's Sculpey. I'm undecided whether to have the edge round or rough, not sure whether to extend the slab to the ground as well (so it completely covers the base)
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