Tabletop Warhammer?

In terms of complexity, it can be quite simple once you've got used to the rolling tables, and start off with a basic squad.
But as you get more into it, playing with more units who have special rules, and more weapons it scales up :) (until you've got hundreds of dice being rolled, and every other unit has a special rule or 3*).

I think they reckon you can learn to play a combat patrol (400 points) in a couple of hours, but that'll be getting you used to the real basics such as moving/firing/making saves.

If you've got any wargames shops or clubs near you, most that do any sci-fi/fantasy probably play Warhammer/40k from time to time as it's the most popular one.
Failing that if any of your friends in RL like DOW and are interested you can play on a dining room table and muddle through reasonably well :)

*Big Mek's with Shokk Attack Gunz are fun...if they're in a building with other "friendly" unit's, they can be as much of a threat to their friends as the enemies outside the building.
*Big Mek's with Shokk Attack Gunz are fun...if they're in a building with other "friendly" unit's, they can be as much of a threat to their friends as the enemies outside the building.
I've just started painting my Big Mek Shokk Attak Gun model. I used him for the first time last week, first shot i rolled a double one! Took himself and four of my Lootas out lol, that's why i love Orks the comedy race in Warhammer. Can't play them competitively but you'll have so much fun with them. :D

Eames said:
Sorry I meant warhammer 40k.

I play DOW 2 and love the sci fi setting.
Well have a look at what race you'd like to play first, have a good read of the Lexicanum, lots of great info there. I went with Orks which are great, but as they're a horde army it costs more ££'s just to get similar value points to other armies.

Ork, Imperial Guard, and Tyranid are all horde armies and so you will need more models. From what I've read Necrons are known as a great starter army since they don't need many models, but there's also a smaller selection to chose from.
If it's a Space Marine army your thinking of i would go with Grey Knights, they've just had a new codex and have some really great models (have a look at Dreadknights and Paladins).
I've just started painting my Big Mek Shokk Attak Gun model. I used him for the first time last week, first shot i rolled a double one! Took himself and four of my Lootas out lol, that's why i love Orks the comedy race in Warhammer..

This is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to my first Skaven battle. Their rules are hillarious. Losing control of a doomwheel and running down your own troops. Ratling guns spinnign around firing in reandom directions. They seem awesome fun.

Sure thing Raziel! I'm looking forward to it. What do you use for your table? I remember using an old "pasting table" from £-stretcher years ago to play on. It wasn't very stable, but we learned to be careful.

My mum has an awesome metal pasting table atm, that I'm going to ninja on her soon for "redecorating" :p
I'm unsing 2 pasting tables side by side. They were quite expensive when I bought them a few years ago, so are quite sturdy. On top goes either a green static grass board, a desert board & a plain black board. Black board is used for BFG, WH quest, Space hulk & 40k/epic city fights
Pic of the built & now based Manor house


Waiting for the PVA to dry so I can get the excess sand off the pathway & get some of the detail pieces stuck on the walls, roof etc.
Smart, didn't realise there was a Warhammer thread amongst all the equipment talk. Need something for when power gets too expensive.

Old timer here, sat in a drawer is a copy of 2nd edition Warhammer bought from GW Sheffield back when there was just 5 stores. Skipped 3rd, had 4th and 5th then the internet and Quake etc took over for 12+ years. Missed 6th and 7th in the digital wilderness before one day deciding to return to the hobby via the Mines of Moria LOTR set(plan was to keep it simple and cheap). 8th edition soon tempted, and now I am hundreds of pounds lighter refitting my 4th edition High Elves. I suspect its a mid life crisis after reaching 40. Most men buy fast cars or motorbikes, I bought D6's and miniature plastic wizards.

Like the scenery work Raziel1, more pics as it progresses! Just finished the Dreadstone one myself and definitely paint in bits although it was a bugger to glue in the end. Very sturdy plastic and none of it wanted to submit to my will when it was discovered too late that it wasnt going to make nice circles.

Tend to be a very uninspired painter, just borrow someones scheme, usually GW's and make minor tweaks. And i REALLY need to work on getting rid of mould lines/joins etc.


Nice. My painting has ground to a halt due to hot weather making my paint dry out too quickly.

Will be having my first full on game of WHFB at the weekend, not sure if I'll be using my bretonnians or my tomb kings. Up against lizard men & will in no way be a serious game. Need to learn the rules more tbh, so its just a lets see how things work game. Will get some pics of game in progress, but they won't be too impressive, not a lot of either army is painted.
I have decided that my next army will be purchased 1 unit at a time, must have painted current unit before allowed to purchase the next one.....of course I have said this about the last 4 armies I've bought :p

I actually completely missed 7th ed. tbh magic being a bit pants doesn't fuss me with the bretonnians, although does kind of worry me with the tomb kings. I shall play & see, pics & my thoughts of the game on sunday or monday.
tomb kings are pretty tough to play with. You really need to play out your magic phases to ensure you can keep your troops mobile.
I think it was 6th I played with them, and they were very tricky to use. A lot more difficult than VC's skeleton hordes :P
Out of all editions Ive played, id say 8th is the best. However I dislike the Magic Phase too. It just feels too stressful and random. Rather than Storm of Magic, I wish wed had a Battle Magic expansion(of yore for the oldies) rewriting every armies spells/magic to fit 8th.
Just treated myself to some Forge World stuff, the Carmine Dragon and Mannan's Blades for the Empire.

Going to wait patiently for them :D

P.S. Anyone on here had Forge World stuff before?
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