Tabletop Warhammer?

You know, if it wasn't for your post I wouldn't have known about them. Therefore, anything I buy is entirely your fault. :p

Edit: Wait, they're not selling that Chaplain model separately? :confused:
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Did a quick WIP test model for a Nid scheme I am thinking of with a friend. Going for a combined swarm.

Still a few tubes and details to do but main colours are on.
So just looked up the new models on element games. Prices are pretty decent actually certainly better than I had hoped will order from there along with weathering powders unless anyone has any bad experiences with them?

Also while per ordering the iPad codex it seems to have a built in list builder called force requisition. The blurb speaks about using it to get your army ready for war so I assume that's what it is. It also has narrated sections apparently.
So just looked up the new models on element games. Prices are pretty decent actually certainly better than I had hoped will order from there along with weathering powders unless anyone has any bad experiences with them?

My experience has been nothing but good with them. They ship promptly (I had Eldar stuff on release day) and the owner is very helpful.

Staring at the Space Marine stuff with longing. A long term project I have in mind is modelling and painting up a marine from as many chapters as I can....I really should paint more stuff I have first though.
My experience has been nothing but good with them. They ship promptly (I had Eldar stuff on release day) and the owner is very helpful.

Staring at the Space Marine stuff with longing. A long term project I have in mind is modelling and painting up a marine from as many chapters as I can....I really should paint more stuff I have first though.

I thought someone on here had good experience with them so ill stick my order in tonight I reckon.

Im looking at 2X Sternguard, Centurions and a new tac squad. Might get the libby instead of the tac squad though as that model has really grown on me.
Picked up a paint brush today for the first time in months! Painting Space Wolves is making me want to buy the new Sternguard...

I might even buy a limited codex, with only 500 of each I can imagine they might become collectable? Checking ebay shows...really varied prices. The Iyanden ones for example go for a hell of a lot.
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was hoping to preorder some new spacemarines with the codex today. but the GW website is getting hammered :(

You're probably better off using one of the discounted sites (such as Element Games, as mentioned above) anyways. :)

Shami, I dunno. I've seen some of the older limited editions go for not much more than they were sold for in the first place, but others almost twice the price. I suppose it depends on whether or not you want to shell out that much and take the risk. Just be sure to pick one of the more popular chapters, or you could end up with an overpriced stack of paper with a not-so-special cover. :p

I'm probably just going to order the Codex and maybe one of the new characters. Need to save money for moving at the moment, though. :(
I think im going to hold off till after I read the codex. Centurians with grav cannons seem to need a land raider or they will just get targeted early as its no secret how much hurt they can put out at 24" and im still holding out hope for heavy flamers in tactical and devastator squads which seems to have rumours in both directions. Since the cost of a tac box + 2 heavy flamer sets from FW probably comes to about the same as centurions I might just hold off to see what to get along with my sternguard since theres no point sticking in 2 orders and paying shipping twice instead of it being free.
I'm pretty sure you can get Heavy Flamers in tactical squads (though hopefully not in devastators) They show a tactical squad with a heavy flamer in the latest WD (quite a good issue)

Can you imagine a 5 man devastator squad with 4 heavy flamers in a drop pod? OP as ****.
Can you imagine a 5 man devastator squad with 4 heavy flamers in a drop pod? OP as ****.

Yeah thats exactly what im imagining. Burn filthy xenos with my re rolls to wound!

Of course less good against anything with a 3+ save or better.

Im also coming around to the hunter tank. Wasnt fussed on either originally but I do like the fact that missiles follow the flyer.
Tht is looking good tht like much better than mine lol any tips u can give me lol

What did you want tips with?

Its a fairly simple scheme. Airbrushed a dark mix of black and white primer to base it. Washed with nuln oil. Picked out some highlights by adding a little white to the base mix.

For the carapace I went with a mix of Fluro Green and the base color to add a tint. Then I did lots of small lines in fluro green to add the effect on the panels. To brighten it up I then did some more lines with pure white and then fluro green on top.

The eye was picked out in red on a white base.

The fleshy bits were first picked out in white then fluro green before having a nuln oil wash.

Claws done in Buff and a Agrax wash.
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