Tabletop Warhammer?

Haha, if it looks good then it's worth it.

I've now assembled:

Space Wolves
Blood Angels
Crimson Fists
Blood Ravens
Flesh Tearers
Storm Wardens
Howling Griffons
Sons of Orar
Silver Skulls
Mantis Warriors

Everything else is waiting for parts! Finally managed to find one of the Dark Angels veterans robed bodies today so that should be the last part to order.
Got my havocs through yesterday, torn if I should return them or not as one of the figures heads look like its quite badly miscast. Also really wish havocs where a proper plastic kit with multiple weapon options instead of 5 precast figures :(
I would. Having to re-sculpt the detail is a pain. :/

Mind you, I'd probably also just convert my own Havocs from plastics, as the fixed poses you get with the official ones are very limiting.
I would. Having to re-sculpt the detail is a pain. :/

Mind you, I'd probably also just convert my own Havocs from plastics, as the fixed poses you get with the official ones are very limiting.

Yeah It is quite disappointing really, Was dissapointed by the bikers box too but luckily I got a CSM squad which gave plenty of spares to make decent bikers, but find it strange you dont even get melta's or plasma guns in the bikers box :(

I'd just give GW a call, they might send you a whole new box.

I was just going to fire of an email but will give them a call tomorrow and see what they suggest. If it was just some bubbles on the edging I would liquid green stuff it no problem, but the head is semi destroyed from what I saw last night.

Its a shame finecast is having these teething problems still because the detail is so much better than the old metal miniatures. But things do seem to be getting better.
Heres a rough blu taced together sternguard with the cloak. Now obviously theres still mould lines to be removed and a lot of work on the cloak/backpack area but I want to be sure I want to keep the cloaks on them before I start that.

Feedback would be appreciated on the general pose/idea.
Yep that's pretty similar to what I was going to do :p Might use the Flamer now!

I'm not a fan of that helmet personally, looks a bit....poncy. Might be better on an Ultramarine :p
I like the pose and general feel of it, I think you need to work away a bit of the cloak that sits between the model and the backpack, the backpack jutting so far out looks a little odd to me.
Gave GW a call about my havocs, very helpful tbh either freepost it back to them and get a new box or take it into store and get a new box.

However when I got of the phone I had a good look at it was just excessive resin from the moulding process, so have now managed to save the face :) was a little scared about scraping it away as i don't want to cause any damage to the model itself but luckily with care it came away easily enough :)
Yep that's pretty similar to what I was going to do :p Might use the Flamer now!

I'm not a fan of that helmet personally, looks a bit....poncy. Might be better on an Ultramarine :p

Yeah if your doing a 1 off Salamander I think he needs to have a flamer or heavy flamer.

That helmet is actually one of my favorites from the kit! Im just trying not use all my favorite parts on 1 model like I normally do some im spreading them around the squad.

I like the pose and general feel of it, I think you need to work away a bit of the cloak that sits between the model and the backpack, the backpack jutting so far out looks a little odd to me.

Yeah one of the reasons im sticking them together like this is to see how I feel about the cloaks before I start cutting away chunks of the marines back. Ive done my 3 tac sargeants like this and its kind of a one way trip since you would end up with the backpack far too close if a cut away and decided against the cloaks.

I will end up doing the squad this way with all the cloaks and gold helmets they are really going to stand out untill they all get shot to hell!
Wow, why have I never looked at Grey Knights before, they have some amazing designs!

Went and accidentally bought the DreadKnight.... Anyone see a theme with my models? :p

Also ordered a shed load of paints and rattle cans :)
So just got the details for the tournament im hoping to get to in october so its 1999 as I thought however they are allowing a free fortification from the aegis, bastion, firestorm, vengence and aquilla pieces. Not sure im a big fan of that but ill have to work around it. Also means I have 100pts free for something else since I was thinking about taking an aegis.
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