Tabletop Warhammer?

Looks very clean to be stickers... You should see some of the work Lester burnsley has done with stencils on some Edlar vehicles and his Khorne Reaver... I wish I could paint that well. Cant find the pics of his wave serpents but this is the Reaver he painted

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Had a game against Orks last night. Ended in a 6-7 defeat but what a game it was. Still need to tweak my 1500 list as im 60pts under right now (I gave my libby armour indomitus to make up the points). Centurions did as well as could be expected they did have a good target with the meganobs he was running but they had 5+inv and FNP thanks to Mad Dok Grotsnik which kept them alive long enough to get into combat. Sternguard got me first blood on the meganobs battlewagon and almost took out a whole squad of boys thanks to heavy flamers/flamers with the re roll. Still need to play about with them and get the best out of them. Think im possibly being too aggressive with them. Ironclad had the best performance from him yet he heavy flamerd some of the big gunz and then he climbed up the skyshield flamed all the lootas there than next turn jumped down rolled a 12 for his charge which he needed and made into combat with the meganobs where they took off his last hullpoint and killed him. Still an epic charge though. Had it not been for Grotsnik I think I would have taken the game as I would probably have taken out the meganobs+his warboss giving me the extra KP I would have needed.

I'm running

Lvl 2 Librarian

10 Sternguard, 3 Combi Melta, Combi Flamer, 2 Heavy Flamer (combat squadded), Drop Pod

Ironclad, 2 Heavy Flamers, Drop Pod

10 Tactical Marines, Combi Flamer, Flamer, Multi Melta, Pod

10 Tactical Marines, Flamer, Multi Melta

3 Centurions , Missiles and Grav Cannons, Land Raider

which leaves me about 60points to play with. Possibly a speeder? Not sure 1 Speeder is worth it but im not sure how else to spend the remaining points

All in all though the switch in playstyle from my Chaos is giving me a lot more fun with my lists. It took a while to switch from a more gunline approach to drop pods in the face but all my games have been a lot better and the losses have been a lot closer (apart from my game with the 2 wraithknights and wraith guard with death flamers)
Orks using a Skyshield? That sounds fluffy :p

I wouldn't say 1 speeder is worth it really. Plus not very Salamanders if you care about fluff. Maybe a Razorback/Rhino for the second tactical squad? Give you more mobility after the pods have come down.
It was all orkified up but damn those things are huge!

Yeah the fluff is an issue but they do still use speeders (they have one in the 3rd tomb of fire book) and it would be some combination of heavy flamer and melta. However I do agree that 1 is probably a waste really. Just fits nicely into the spare points I have.

Razorback is an idea though. Swap out the squads multi melta for a lascannon and have them sit back and take the razorback combat squad up front. May test that out using one of my predators next week actually.
I don't like skyfields really because the rules surrounding them are spotty at best (Particularly with regards to how you get up to them and how you deal with close combat)
I dont like how its an invun save and not a cover save. I always thought that would be faq'd. Unless I missed it.

Just rechecked my list and it wasnt 60pts down its 1500 dead. At least i forgot to use his armour so it didnt really matter.

I had taken out some sternguard from the list yesterday to shift things up and forgot to add them back in. In my defence I had a 2k game planned that fell through so it was a last minute sort out.
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Here's just one the the threads on Dakka discussing the problems with it

I'd ban the thing from any tournaments I organised, it's a rules mess.

There were at least 2 at the tournament on saturday bit reading that I can see why you would want to ban it.

What we did was we measured from thr base to his first base including height and just went for that. Think it ended up being 8 or 9 I needed. The model could also fit thanks to killing some in the shooting phase earlier. It was a friendly game and I deferred to him to decide for assaulting it as I had never been against one before. It actually looked quite kool as I had my dread up top fighting his lootas what was left of a tac squad beating down and burning his grots and big guns underneath. Clearly heroic work for the tacticals. Suffer not a Grot to live!
Do we all get to vote on who's is best or only those involved? Quite looking forward to this and wish id been able to take Part. May still have a Marine lying around somewhere I can paint up.
If people still want to take part I have some older marines around (friend found some of his old stuff) that I might be able to post out. Could extend the deadline for a couple of weeks if we go with this?

I was going to say anyone can vote for their top 3 of each category.
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