I hope Shami doesn't mind but thought I would create another post for the competition here. I'll start a list and if everyone who wants to enter can let me know and I will add their name to it then it will be a bit easier to track. The new date for submission is, as Shami has said, the 1st December.
Tactical or Assault marine (or equivalent for Wolves) only.
No Sternguard/Vanguard/Forge World/special characters etc
No large bases, must be on supplied base but base can be decorated
Figure can be converted but don't go overboard.
Paint scheme must be original (no using current ones), come up with a name and little fluff piece to go with it.
Three awards available, will be based on:
1. Painting (Painting ability)
2. Modelling (conversion, pose, base etc)
3. Scheme (Paint scheme ignoring ability, fluff)
Awards are:
Njal Stormcaller (old version, white metal, OOP, unpainted) donated by Shamikebab
Black Library books tbc donated by Aceytrixx
Space Marine Dreadnaught (new in box) donated by Spuj
It should be something new that you've painted since the competition started. This can't be checked so please be honest
Entries to Original Marine Painting Comp
1. Shamikebab
2. Spuj
I take it you guys are still ok with the prizes??