Tabletop Warhammer?

Most of the stuff they use on their big tables they sell in the store, a lot of them are realms of battle boards, all the buildings are from stuff they sell, though since they have access to everything can make some really cool stuff, there is one building that is made out of about 10 bastions or something like that
Aye pretty much any of the scenery used in the GW boards is made from stuff they sell, or generic foam etc cut to shape.

The exception to a degree is some of the big boards they have in the main room at Warhammer World, and even there most of the boards are made using parts from their kits (it can be fun trying to work out what is from what kit - it can be really hard to recognise some of the parts when they're used for something different, whilst others like the "generators" are obviously from FW titan guns).
Didn't realise you could buy most of the stuff but then it has been awhile since I did all that.

This is the sort of thing I meant...
Test miniture finished for space marine comp. Now I just need to build and paint the official one.

Also been doing tests for minotaurs and think I've got a scheme I'm now happy with :)
Decided to drop the centurions and ironclad for tonights game. Means ive managed to stick an aegis in my list so I have anti air just incase.
On a some-what related note to WH, can anyone recomend a good place to buy cheap modeling tools & paints.

Opened my old box of modelling gear and found most of the paint moldy (its been that long)

Also what are everyone's thoughts on using an airbrush that works of a compressed air can? Would it be a better investment to get a proper compressor?
I recently decided to try airbrush and compressor can, I have an airbrush with a bottle on it which seems to just drop pressure after an initial burst of paint then nothing so I would say look at getting a gravity fed one (this is my next experiment too), I think everyone in this thread who uses an airbrush will say the compressor is worth the investment, I would agree with them to be honest. Cans are problematic and if they get cold lose pressure and you either need two cans and switch out between them or wait for it to warm up again.
On a some-what related note to WH, can anyone recomend a good place to buy cheap modeling tools & paints.

Opened my old box of modelling gear and found most of the paint moldy (its been that long)

Also what are everyone's thoughts on using an airbrush that works of a compressed air can? Would it be a better investment to get a proper compressor?

Cheap moddeling tools hit up ebay, get a set of files, i have a nice Draper set a bit like this

Also might as well pick up some dentist tools these are good for doing things with green stuff etc, get your self a decent exacto knife I think they are called, also a pin vice.

That should get you started on the tools, can get it all on eBay for not much.

Paints wise depends on what you want to do, most will recommend Vallejo paints, some will recommend GW etc, price wise much the muchness some sites will give you discount some won't so its a question of having a shop around.

Do not bother with cans of air for an airbrush, you can get a nice airbrush set for about £70, something like this is a brilliant starter set, I have that one but without the tank on it.

For airbrushing you want to get yourself a set of the Vallejo primers, as they go straight in the airbrush and work well, to clean it you will need things like cotton buds, paper towel, airbrush cleaner again vallejo do a pot but I am sure there are others, look on YouTube for cleaning guides, but it only takes about 5 - 10 mins to clean it properly after painting with it.

Hope that helps

With that box art appearing early, is it possible that this will be a two wave release starting with December then January?

I only suggest that as the SM box art only appeared I seem to remember 2-3 weeks before the release?

Also would suggest finecast is being done away with as Hive Guard are currently in FC models

Boxes are probably printed at least 3 months in advance to ensure they have stock for boxing etc. Making the plates and doing the runs can be a long process.

Could be December but could still be Jan. Nids probably don't need 2 waves to make them more viable. You will probably find they have gone to plastic to promote more sales as the FC ones didn't sell well rather than as a replacement as the metal molds for plastics are very expensive compared to silicone ones used for FC.
well the rumour was that smaug from the hobbit wasnt good enough and that coupled with hobbit not selling means that they had to bump nids up to december. However I cant imagine hobbit releasing after the movies been in the cinemas will do it any favours.

Had a game against brazen claws (iron hands tactics last night) and man was my opponent rolling well. After any armour saves he failed he proceeded to make about 50% of his 6+ fnp rolls it was very frustrating. He also managed to it will not die plenty of his hull points back on his dreds. Other than that was a fun game. Had set up my Aegis in the corner only for my drop pod to scatter and totally block its line of site (it got me first blood with a rhino but thats all it for most of the game). Had a really strong turn 1 taking out 2 rhinos a vindicator some dread damage and about 10 marines overall and I ended up losing due to lack of scoring bodies. I really need to sort out a 3rd tac squad as 2 just doesnt cut it. Combat squadding didnt help either never been a fan but thought id try it. Almost salvaged the game on the last turn though he had 5 marines on the 4 point objective (we were playing the scouring) 2 of my drop pods killed 4 of his marines but the last 1 stood his ground.

So far the problem is I can do quite well early on but I tend to really struggle as the game goes on so I either need to hit harder on turn 1 or be able to endure more.
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Nids would need a two wave release, as there is at least 10 models to be released if the rumour around all units in the codex that do not have a model getting one, as GW have never released that many models in one go.

I am thinking its going to be a Dec/Jan release in which case Christmas going to be expensive :(

I have mixed feelings on the nid release. On one hand it'll be good to hopefully be able to buy the models which are actually in the codex. On the other, just have to hope that the codex isn't terrible, especially as 6th is generally accepted as not great for CC.

Maybe Lictors could actually surprise people? That'd be nice.
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