Tabletop Warhammer?

Hi I am looking at filling up my third shelf with a 1500pt army for the necrons, I have included my list below and I am trying somthing different with it. I was wondering if you can give me your thoughts/changes to the roster. I already have shooty army (Tau) and all rounder CSM's

The armies I will be up against are the following.

Dark Eldar

Necrons 6th Ed (2011) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (345pts)

* Nemesor Zahndrekh (185pts)
(Adaptive Tactics, Counter Tactics, Ever-Living, Independent Character, Phased Reinforcements, Reanimation Protocols)
Phase Shifter (*), Resurrection Orb (*), Sempiternal Weave (*), Staff of Light

* Vargard Obyron (160pts)
(Cleaving Counterblow, Ever-Living, Ghostwalk Mantle, Independent Character, Reanimation Protocols, The Vargard's Duty)
Sempiternal Weave (*), Warscythe

+ Elites + (450pts)

* Lychguards (225pts)
* 5x Lychguard (225pts)
5x Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield (25pts) (Dispersion Shield)

* Lychguards (225pts)
* 5x Lychguard (225pts)
5x Hyperphase Sword & Dispersion Shield (25pts) (Dispersion Shield)

+ Troops + (345pts)

* Necron Immortals (85pts)
* 5x Necron Immortal (85pts)
(Reanimation Protocols)
5x Gauss Blaster (Gauss Weapon)

* Necron Warriors (130pts)
* 10x Necron Warrior (130pts)
(Reanimation Protocols)
10x Gauss Flayer (Gauss Weapon)

* Necron Warriors (130pts)
* 10x Necron Warrior (130pts)
(Reanimation Protocols)
10x Gauss Flayer (Gauss Weapon)

+ Fast Attack + (180pts)

* Canoptek Scarabs (75pts)
5x Canoptek Scarab Base (75pts) (Entropic Strike, Fearless, Swarms)

* Canoptek Wraiths (105pts)
Canoptek Wraith (35pts) (Fearless, Phase Attacks, Phase Shifter, Wraithflight), Canoptek Wraith (35pts) (Fearless, Phase Attacks, Phase Shifter, Wraithflight), Canoptek Wraith (35pts) (Fearless, Phase Attacks, Phase Shifter, Wraithflight)

+ Heavy Support + (175pts)

* Doomsday Ark (175pts)
(Living Metal, Quantum Shielding)
Doomsday Cannon, 2x Gauss Flayer Array (Gauss Weapon)

Also where can I get blue rods from I tried E-Bay last night and couldn't find anything
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Looking into how to expand my list into my planned 7 drop pod list and obviously how best to do it without buying loads of new stuff. So after sorting out the problem of marines down from buying 2 more assault squads and a tac squad to just a tac squad I then realised I was very short of meltaguns. However the Centurian meltaguns are perfect for the job and they will be great for the extra flamers I need aswell. Just need to repurpose some older arms as all the newer ones have no hands and im golden. Need to order a couple sets of Apothecary bits and some bolt pistols/chainswords but thats saved me a serious amount of cash.
HQ1: Vulkan

HQ2: Librarian (pyromancy primaris)

2x Command Squads with 4 meltaguns+Apothecary in drop pods.


10 man Tactical squad with flamer and combi flamer in Drop Pods


5 man Assault Squad with 2 flamers in drop pods (Vulkan with 1 and Librarian with another)


Thunderfire Cannon

comes out to 1500 dead. 7 Pods.

Turn 1 drop both command squads and the assault squads with the characters in.

Going to struggle with flyers but I really dont face them very often at all.

What you guys think?
Your list is a little confusing as to how you've set it out with how many of each squad you have but I'm assuming it is:
2 Command squads - 2 pods
2 Tactical squads - 2 pods
2 5 man assault squads - 2 pods
1 Thunderfire Cannon - 1 pod

If you do ever decide fliers are a problem, you could always bring one of your own - perhaps a stormtalon in place of your thunderfire cannon?
sorry I just did it quickly on my phone its

2 command squads in pods

2 tacs in pods

3 assault in pods

2 thunderfires non pod.

i have a painted raven I could use in place of thunderfires if I needed to

on a side note fell off a ladder today and broke and dislocated my wrist so no painting for awhile
sorry I just did it quickly on my phone its

2 command squads in pods

2 tacs in pods

3 assault in pods

2 thunderfires non pod.

i have a painted raven I could use in place of thunderfires if I needed to

on a side note fell off a ladder today and broke and dislocated my wrist so no painting for awhile

Ah ok, so the thunderfires are the only thing deployed on the table? Won't they get the brunt of it if your opponent goes first?

Sorry to hear about your wrist mate. Pesky ladders!
Ah ok, so the thunderfires are the only thing deployed on the table? Won't they get the brunt of it if your opponent goes first?

Sorry to hear about your wrist mate. Pesky ladders!

Cheers. Least ive got some time off work i suppose.

They will take the brunt however between nighting and bolster defences they should be ok. Or i can always deploy out of sight and just fire indirectly and hope for good rolling. They are T7 so they cant be instakilled and hopefully once 2 melta command squads and 2 character led assault squads drop they will have plenty other targets.

In theory anyway. No idea if it will work at all since im using lots of 5 man squads that ive not had much success with in the past but it seems like it could be fun. The most drop pods ive seen run is 3 and thats by me so jumping to 7 should create some new challenges for people.
Sure, they're pretty tough, depends what army you're facing I guess. I had assumed you were going for null deployment with the pods but the points limit will stop you.

Certainly sounds like a fun army to play with, dropping a bunch of meltas and flamers with special rules within firing range of the enemy. How reliable are the pods for getting you within half range for the melta rule?
So far using my 5 man sternguard with 3 combi melta they have proved pretty reliable. Obviously vulkan will help them hit and hopefully not get a repeat of 3 meltas failing to do anything to a landraider...

I wouldnt pod in thunderfires since then they cant fire after arriving. Theres no way to have 2 more pods at 1500 so I think thunderfires are the way to go.
I wouldnt pod in thunderfires since then they cant fire after arriving. Theres no way to have 2 more pods at 1500 so I think thunderfires are the way to go.

Ah, didn't know that. Makes it kind of useless putting one in a pod!

If you were bothered about the null deployment thing, I think either a flier or legion of the damned would be the only other options.

Other than that you could swap out 1 or both thunderfires for the new AA tanks if AA was a problem. I've not used them, are thunderfires that great? I'm guessing you use airburst mostly?
only used them once in vassal and for 100pts they are pretty good. running a pair could be devestating against the right army. 4 small blasts per gun will wreck havoc on light infantry and will just force marines to make lots of saves.

had legion in the list originally as my melta option but they cant turn up turn 1 and generally if i want to melta summin i want it dead asap and they might not turn up till late game
Helloooo, my brother (drumunsta) who paints the orks on bike a while back has started his DE army. See below!!



To help people spend their money my local shop has got extra discount on till the 30th. Works out at about 25% and has free postage.


Use promo code: milestone1

I'm just deciding what space marines to order
Holy crap! Nice work. I should really do that with mine :)

Cheers mate :) I must admit that I nearly flapped mid week and gave up - looking at all the unpainted models wasn't a good idea! The new rule is to only have the ones i'm working on out at a time, which is working for now.

Some fatties, runners and new walkers to add to the horde!



If anyone's interested - I needed to strip one I ballsed up earlier. It was base coated, painted, varnished, dull coated, painted over again due to a mistake, varnished and dull coated for a second time! Needless too much details was lost. After 30 mins in Fairy Power spray the paint was starting to come off. After 2 hours and some gentle scrubbing in warm water it's down to bare plastic again :)
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