Tabletop Warhammer?


Think I might need to give this a go
.....That moment where you realise a list you have been working on (well more accuratly the deployment method) isnt legal. Have 2 HQ's in my drop pod list but since they dont have dedicated transports im going to have to deply one. Damn may need to rethink this

EDIT: No im an idiot and forgot about the units that i am starting on the board.
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Yeah but I had forgotten about my thunderfires and then thought I would have to deply a character since i have 4 models that can deply I need to deploy 2 so my thunderfires cover it. Just total brain melt moment.
Just had our 2nd game, not played since 3rd edition.

Think we was using 'nades wrong. I know only 1 model per squad and use them. Is it scatter - BS skill? or just BS skill and place blast where you want?
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