Tabletop Warhammer?

Just bought myself some more bits for the dark Eldar, 10 more wyches, 5 more helions and 3 reavers to add to the collection, I also picked up two f those new technical paints, blood for the blood god and nurgles wotsidodah
I want to try out the lava effect for the bases but have ice blue (energy) for my necrons but they dont have the paint in stock at my local shop which isnt very local lol :( Ive did a necron last night but my phone doesnt give it justice and i am affraid that it will make it look rubbish lol

Still need to practice my edge highlighting (never done this before) and I used a wet blend for the rod. any advice would be great going to try another one tonight but with a black undercoat rather than white.

I want some FX Paint!
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New space marine imperial armour book contents were put on twitter. Looks really good, has a load of the heresy stuff in it including the Sicarian which looks awesome.
my current planned drop pod list looks like this as you have seen before

Vulkan 190 in assault squad

Lvk 1 Librarian 65 in assault squad pyromancy primaris

Command Squad, Apothecary, 4 Meltagun, Drop Pod 190

Command Squad, Apothecary, 4 Meltagun, Drop Pod 190

10 Man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Combi Flamer, Drop Pod 190

10 Man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Combi Flamer, Drop Pod 190

5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95

5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95

5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95

Thunderfire Cannon 100

Thunderfire Cannon 100


Now a couple questions

The command squads, would they be best left as they are or swap out the Apothecary in each squad for a 5th meltagun?

Are 2 command squads a decent idea or should I swap 1 and the librarian for Sternguard?

I also thought about swapping 2 assault squads for a heavy Flamer Sternguard unit although that puts me down to 6 pods but it does mean that with Vulkan that unit has 3 heavy flamers.

Or I could drop the thunderfires to go all pod but that means dropping the Libby and 1 command squad.
Swap one of the command squads for another tactical squads, you'll struggle to win objective based games with only two scoring units.

Sorry I can't help with the other questions, it's been a long time since I played against marines!
Yeah it has been a problem. I just never find Tacs do all that much damage and the comand squads are one of the main threats in this list. 2 Assault squads would be a better switch out possibly. switches to a drop 3 turn 1 then keep 3 tacs in reserve. I just feel losing a command squad will hurt this as 2 full melta command squads and vulkan with an assault squad is a decent threat in the enemies face although all are small squads. With 7 pods id also probably drop the libby with his assault squad turn 1. I also think I'll try pyschic shriek on the Libby.
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Have you seen the price of the new siege warfare 40k book?!

£20 for 48 pages.... That kind of thing used to be in a white dwarf magazine

Yeah its a bit mad, will wait for that to turn up on the usual sources, but have ordered the Escalation book though
Hey guys, so I'm just getting back into Warhammer 40K, I'm almost 25 and stopped playing with I was around 14-15 so over 10 years. I used to collect Choas - Thousand Sons / Tzeentch but I'm now going to collect Space Wolves (because they're very Skyrim-esk).

Anyway, moving on, I'm very aware Forge World is the official Games Workshop used for customising the default models but I recently found this un-official polish company that specialises in unique parts for conversions. Has anybody here used Kromlech and are they any good?

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