my current planned drop pod list looks like this as you have seen before
Vulkan 190 in assault squad
Lvk 1 Librarian 65 in assault squad pyromancy primaris
Command Squad, Apothecary, 4 Meltagun, Drop Pod 190
Command Squad, Apothecary, 4 Meltagun, Drop Pod 190
10 Man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Combi Flamer, Drop Pod 190
10 Man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Combi Flamer, Drop Pod 190
5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95
5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95
5 man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, Drop Pod 95
Thunderfire Cannon 100
Thunderfire Cannon 100
Now a couple questions
The command squads, would they be best left as they are or swap out the Apothecary in each squad for a 5th meltagun?
Are 2 command squads a decent idea or should I swap 1 and the librarian for Sternguard?
I also thought about swapping 2 assault squads for a heavy Flamer Sternguard unit although that puts me down to 6 pods but it does mean that with Vulkan that unit has 3 heavy flamers.
Or I could drop the thunderfires to go all pod but that means dropping the Libby and 1 command squad.