Hello everyone,
It’s day three of the Black Library Advent Calendar, and today we have Torias Telion: The Eye of Vengeance, a new story from the Master of the Ultramarines himself… no, not Marneus Calgar (though keep an eye out for more about him later in the month), but Graham McNeill, author of the long-running Ultramarines series.
As the name suggests, Graham has returned to expert marksman Torias Telion, to tell a tale that follows on from the events of the novel The Chapter’s Due and the audio drama Eye of Vengeance.
It won’t have escaped your attention that both this and yesterday’s Ahriman: Hand of Dust are badged as part of the Lords of the Space Marines series. The more astute amongst you may have figured out that this is the theme of this year’s Advent Calendar – the mighty heroes of the Adeptus Astartes, and their treacherous Chaos Space Marine foes.
Last year’s Advent Calendar was great, a fantastic mix of Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and The Horus Heresy, but when we sat down to plan this year’s stories, we decided that we wanted a theme. We considered stories about an ogre Santa sneaking down Old World chimneys and eating children, or tales of the presents that dark eldar find in their stockings (I still have nightmares about that), but then we realised that what we all wanted was to explore a few of the named Space Marine characters from the background. Many of them have appeared in novels, novellas and short stories past, but some we are seeing for the first time.
Who are you hoping will get a tale over the course of the month? Let us know on our Facebook page and join us tomorrow for more.
– Graeme, King of Advent (I wish)