Tabletop Warhammer?

Thats the idea. Ive yet to try it but those going after a couple hard targets along with 2 dual flamer assault squads going after troops or smaller units are my plan.

Ive been using a 3 combi melta 5 man sternguard and a 5 man 2 heavy flamer and combi flamer at the moment. Im just trying to scale that up really.
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Cool. Let me know how you get on. I'm just starting to build a Minotaur army so just getting to grips with space marines. I never played with them way back when so a complete noob...
Well last game my 3 Combi meltas took out a vindicator and my Flamer squad roasted 7 long fangs including a terminator armoured wolf guard. I really wish I could take heavy Flamer devs.
Contents page for the new 40K Escalation book


Stats are the same as the apoc book, you will need apoc templates for the normal 40k game

Lord of War is another option in the FOC like fortifications, but he must come from your primary detachment.

Wonder if this will allow FW with escalation or if its just that list. Not really bothered about a thunderhawk but I do fancy a Fellblade or something. Mind you im still not sure how much use this book will have compared to apoc. Be intetesting to see how it develops.
I received these little beauties through yesterday :)


Not a great pic I'm afraid.

I'd gone for the basius kickstarter, I can see the homestead being great for my Skaven (that and ruined forest annd no mans land), whilst I have plans for the bioship and sulleco aftermath one that involve nids, and the bakerstreet 1825 for tau and Fantasy empire...(with the ruined sanctuary for marines and possibly sisters).
Started an eldar army not quite finished this one but thought I would share with you all the progress up to now.


Sorry I dont know the command to show the image in my post :(
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take the actual image path and put it in
, but from what I can se in the pic it looks good, would like to see a squad :)

Werewolf those bases look cool :) hard to see them in the pic would love to see them painted ... with some miniatures on them :P

Convinced the gf to spend one of our days of in the new years at Warhammer World :D never been before so looking forward to it!

Also, hopefully have a half squad of Chaos Marines to post soon, been painting them for a 2 weeks ... well I have been painting them for 2 weeks while I wait for certain games to load or debug stuff :P
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The bases aren't actually what you use ;)
They're the negatives, the idea is you use them as molds for greenstuff, thus making bases for your models :)

I'm looking forward to playing around with them, but the list of things I need to do first is quite large :( (starting with getting the rest of the christmas decorations up, and filling in some paperwork that needs doing in the next couple of days).
Ah i remember seeing those now, well look forward to seeing your results :)

... putting up christmas decorations, I just let my girlfriend do ours much easier :P
New Iron Hands squad, pretty nice:

Also you may have seen the teaser bit they posted for an upcoming character model, someone has workled out a composite for the final image. I'm guessing it's Typhon.

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