Tabletop Warhammer?

Let's live on the edge and go for 2k :) I have an experimental (for me) list in mind so hopefully give you a good game and not a complete flop of my forces. I am not free this side of Christmas but should have plenty of free time come the new year. Maybe a night or two between Christmas and new year.

Hey you still wanting to do this?
christ had forgotten about that, yeah can do. will let you know which evenings I am free as soon as i know (need to check girlfriends work shifts)
Think tomorrow im going to order the badab war 1+2 and imperial armour Vol 2 space marines bundle on forge world. £100 for all 3 is a decent deal especially with the free shipping voucher I have because shipping is £12 for the bundle.
Lots of firewarriors, a missile equipped broadside, riptide with ion, 2 fliers (1 of each), metal pathfinders with rail rifles, stealth suits, sniper drone team, aun'va, couple of hammerheads/skyrays and a devilfish. Also got a couple of Forgeworld Tetra's and plenty of drones. There is also the forgeworld 2nd edition book covering everything. I don't use much so have little need. Got it in an army swap.

most is unpainted or at most has primer as being white I only ever had to primer anyway. one of the fliers has had a bit of grey added but nothing much. I am keeping everything that is fully painted or well on its way. it is all just spare stuff I have when trying to thin down.

I may even have one of the new R'Varna riptides as 2 might be excessive but tempted to keep it lol
played a 500pt game in a store campaign today. my 15 chaos models vs 60 orks. Took a good number out but in the end they just overwhelmed me.

In hindsight I should have taken more bikes with MoN (would have won combat easily then) and taken 10 culists and a small squad of CSM's as I managed to lock the 2 large squads of ork in combat for a fair while and while that was happening I should have been moving troops around to get objectives but I didnt really think about objectives at the time :P oh well silly me. still nice to play with models again :D
Played a game at work today with my ogre kingdoms army. Took me 4 turns to wipe out a high elf army, pretty brutal battle for the elves
How has anyone got on with removing a moulded on finecast space marine shoulder pad? Im wanting to take off my techmarine pad to give them the Salamander pads I have
Yeah im debating between jumping right in with a Stanley knife or maybe try and do something with a file given how soft the material is
I've done it with clippers then a file to neaten up, it's pretty easy. No hope of saving the pad though (which sounds like it isn't a problem in this case)
Hi guys,

I have a mate who has absolutely loads of models for sale. Where is the best place to sell these besides ebay?
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chip away at it using clippers and a file? be careful and should be able to get it to a point you can get the new one on w greenstuff.

I've done it with clippers then a file to neaten up, it's pretty easy. No hope of saving the pad though (which sounds like it isn't a problem in this case)

Clippers was the way to go. Got both pads off now just gotta get the FW pads all cleaned up
just 5 - 3 (lost) against 500pt space marines (5 scouts, 5 marines, 5 terminators + SM Champion/lord/chapter master), did quite well really regret putting my hellbrute in my list instead of the cultists. My hellbrute did keep the terminators busy for 3 turns, but by the time he entered combat he was down to 1 HP and only lasted 1 turn in combat. If he had got in with all 3 HP would have had a good chance of winning the combat or at least taking a few more of the termies out.

Was a fun game though :D

Just got home and these are sitting waiting for me. Excellent. The leopard print is not the sofa it's a cover for our new puppy before you think it's a really weird sofa.
Or you are a pimp? Bet you have a purple suit somewhere :p

What is the book on the far right? Something to do with the inquisition I am guessing.
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